úterý, 16. července 2024, 13.16
Stránky: OpenMoodle
Kurz: Angličtina pro pokročilé (APP)

a backroom boy

niekto dôležitý, kto stojí v pozadí

1. Reg was already a well respected backroom boy and came to the club from highflying Walborough Solid Fuel Albion. BNC

2. In chapter 5 below, David Howell, his leading backroom boy, describes the work of the Public Sector Research Unit, how it scoured North America for business methods adaptable to Whitehall's needs and searched for think-tanks to visit. BNC

3. Poor eyesight had prevented Thomas from qualifying as a pilot; but he was not content to be a backroom boy. BNC

a belly laugh

smiech od srdca

1. A deep belly laugh is good exercise! WASPS

2. Fun - the smile , the chuckle and the hearty belly laugh are recognized as valid teaching aids. WASPS

3. Comedians Griff Rhys Jones and Mel Smith went for huge belly laughs as they poked fun at - a small group of people for whom this has been a terrible year - the British tabloid journalists. WASPS

a big cheese

"pán dôležitý"

1. He's quite old now, of course, but Sir David Wyndham used to be a really big cheese in the business world… definitely a grand fromage ! BNC

2. And they thought they were the big cheese you see,  those who worked there . BNC

3. Apparently her father is a big cheese in one of the major banks. CIDoI

a big fish

"veľká ryba", dôležitá osoba

1. Clive Swift, in his admirable and essential book The Job of Acting says that when you were at drama school, you were a big fish, now you're a tiddler. BNC

2. I know you see which side my fence is buttered, and if I can bring to football the organisational skills that have made me such a big fish in retailing, then Athletico Whaddon need have no fear of ending up on the slab. BNC

3. Mr Coughlin is one of the directors - a big fish. CIDoI

a bit on the side

mať vedľajšiu známosť

1. After a moment he added, "Anyway, if you knew Elsie as well as I do you wouldn't blame Sidney for getting a bit on the side." BNC

2. Sometimes, when one or the other partner grows obscenely fat, goes mad, is obsessed by TV or joins a monastery, the temptation to find "a bit on the side," can be very compelling. BNC

3. My mind went back a couple of months to when Charlie'd asked me if I'd like to make a bit on the side. BNC

a black day

čierny deň, nešťastný deň

1. It was a black day for Chancellor Kohl whose personal popularity has been steadily eroded over the past two years and whose ability to provide the CDU with effective leadership will be questioned more seriously than before. BNC

2. I am often asked why Christians name that black day of Jesus' death "Good" Friday. BNC

3. "I still think it was a black day for British boxing when you left the ring," said Huw. BNC

a black mark


1. The tenth case got off with a very stern reprimand from Matron and a very black mark against her name for the rest of her career.  BNC

2. Incidentally, Willoughby, you've earned yourself a black mark for that little trouble. BNC

3. Unfortunately, the season had not passed without a black mark against Huddersfield's reputation. BNC

a bodice-ripper

sladký román

1. The author of the best-selling Wideacre , The Favoured Child and now Meridon (Viking, hbk 13.99) is a past master of sentimental education, and Meridon is no exception: a hybrid of a novel, rank nonsense with literary pretension, a bodice ripper with a socialist message, as right-on as it's decidedly right-off. BNC

2. That book, a "bodice ripper," will soon be followed by a thriller, inevitably titled Campaign. BNC

3. She`s written a serious novel, not some sort of bodice-ripper. CIDoI

a brain box

hlavička, múdry človek

1. It doesn't take a brain box to weigh that up, it actually means that 47 people lost their jobs. BNC

2. Come on brain box, what´s the answer? CIDoI

3. I didn`t know he was such a brain box. Google

a brain drain

únik mozgov

1. He also maintains that if the brain drain is to be halted there needs to be an upward hike in salaries in Britain. BNC

2. What impact the British offer would have on the brain drain, which is expected to push over 10 per cent of the population out of the colony before China's 1997 takeover, was not clear. BNC

3. We will establish a proper career structure for research fellows and set up a Pay Review Body for academic and non-academic staff to halt the brain drain. BNC

a busy bee/ as busy as a bee

usilovná včelička

1. In fact I was quite a busy little bee last night. WASPS

2. They 're busy little bees in here.  The restaurant 's nice. WASPS

3. She`s as busy as a bee, always going to meetings and oraagnizing parties. CIDoI

a cash cow

výnosný obchod, zlatá baňa

1. It becomes a cash cow business in that you generate a lot of money from existing assets, with minimum investment. BNC

2.  This would be quite consistent with seeing the product as a high-yielding cash cow, in the mature stage of its life-cycle. BNC

3. A chocolate and wafer combination, it strikes directly at arch-rival Rowntree's £130m cash cow Kit Kat. BNC

a closing down sale


výprodej před zrušením obchodu, likvidace (zboží)

They're going out of business and are having a closing down sale.

a competitive salary

primeraný plat

1. A competitive salary with fringe benefits will be offered. BNC

2. In return for your commitment, we can offer a competitive salary benefits package. BNC

3. We offer a competitive salary, together with excellent terms and conditions of employment. BNC

a go-getter

niekto, kto sa  chce presadiť, uspieť

1. "To choose time is to save time," Francis Bacon said, a go-getter if ever there was one. BNC

2. The hot, hot multimedia system out there right now was developed by Robert Abel, the noted Hollywood middleman and go-getter extraordinaire. BNC

3. I remember him as a real go-getter - someone who you knew would reach the top of whatever profession he chose. CIDoI