úterý, 16. července 2024, 13.41
Stránky: OpenMoodle
Kurz: Angličtina pro pokročilé (APP)
Slovník: TRAVEL

access road

příjezdová/přístupová cesta

As a result of closing Baberton Mains Terrace the low level option would require a new access road to serve the Baberton Housing Estate. BNC

The project, to build 12 industrial units and an access road at Gautby Road/ Valley Road, north Birkenhead, was greeted angrily by residents at Wirral borough council's planning committee. BNC

The flat I share looks in the opposite direction to theirs, across the access road and the lawns to the old estate wall and the tall old trees rising on the ridge beyond. BNC

adjust the brakes

seřídit brzdy

He adjusted the brakes in my presence after I found them inefficient. BNC

It clearly says that you must adjust the brakes and the gears prior to riding. WebC

You just can't go down there and change the spark plugs, put some air in the tires, put a new air filter in and adjust the brakes and everything is going to go fine. WebC

air conditioning


I wish my car had air conditioning. CALD

For the overnight journeys from the channel port, transcontinental type coaches, fitted with toilet, bar for soft drinks, tea or coffee, compressed air or air conditioning systems are used and most seats are reclining. BNC

An excellent air conditioning system, independently variable between the driver's and passenger's sides and fitted as standard, improves on an already good ventilation system, although its controls and high-tech graphic display are not easy to understand at a glance. BNC

air hostess


Beryl was an air hostess belonging to a rival airline he had met at the John F. Kennedy Airport. WASPS

 The last thing I expected was to be woken from unconsciousness by an air hostess with the face of an angel, gently patting on my shoulder and telling me that the plane had just landed in Miami. BNC

The young air hostess was still standing at the front of the plane with her machine gun. BNC

air travel

cestování letadlem, letecká doprava

 Air travel was growing rapidly, while the role of mass transit on the ground was shrinking almost everywhere. BNC

The company 's employees have embarked on a strike that could seriously disrupt international air travel if it lasts for more than a few weeks. WASPS

For long distance travel in Britain,  air travel is worth considering.  WebC

apply for a passport

žádat o pas

If you need to apply for a passport, do so at least 12 weeks before departure. BNC

Please note that only current Irish citizens may apply for a passport. WebC

Citizens of the United States are required to apply for a passport through the U.S. Department of State.  WebC

around/round-the-world cruise

plavba kolem světa

The international situation required a compelling exhibition of the strength of the United States, this round-the-world cruise was to provide one of the most remarkable illustrations of the ability of seapower to keep peace without warlike action. WebC

Three double cabins, each with WC and shower, crew forward, together with spaciousness and room for ancillary cruising equipment and ample stowage space, make her ideal for around the world cruise or Caribbean/Mediterranean chartering.  BNC

The Virginias, along with most predreadnoughts completed by 1906, participated in the round-the-world cruise of the Great White Fleet. WebC

at full speed

plnou rychlostí

He was driving at full speed down the motorway when it happened. CALD

He paused a moment, and when he found that the horse was no longer rebellious, and only impatient to gallop, he let him go at full speed. BNC

 The inter-city train from Liverpool ground to a halt near Berkhampstead, Herts, after hitting several obstacles at full speed. BNC

automatic transmission

automatická převodovka

It will sell for £26,800 including VAT and car tax, with a four-speed automatic transmission, air conditioning, anti-lock brakes and a limited slip differential as standard. BNC

Mercedes-Benz were the diesel car pioneers in the 30s and I grew quite attached to their big 300 diesel estate car, also with automatic transmission. BNC

The test car was fitted with the optional automatic transmission (£800) which makes the car even easier to drive. BNC