úterý, 16. července 2024, 17.37
Stránky: OpenMoodle
Kurz: Angličtina pro pokročilé (APP)
Slovník: HEALTH

a bad breath

zápach z úst, zkažený dech

Even if you are resorting to it out of nervousness or fear that you have bad breath it will create a very negative impression on the interviewer. (BNC)

Despite suggestions that he should bathe every day, he still suffers from smelly feet and bad breath. (BNC)

Bad breath is one of the biggest turn offs so most men are pretty keen to keep theirs smelling sweet. (BNC)

a bitter pill to swallow

tvrdý oříšek, přenést přes srdce

Losing my job was initially a bitter pill to swallow. (CUP, Eng.Idioms In Use)

Losing the championship to a younger player was a bitter pill to swallow.(CIDI)

Cuts in salaries are a dose of bitter medicine that may help the company to survive.(CIDI)

a blind alley

být slepá ulice, nemít budoucnost

Tom thinks the job of motor mechanic is a blind alley, as in ten years` time, all cars may be electronic and computer-driven! (English Idioms, Oxford)

The latest evolutionary theory may turn out to be a blind alley.(CIDI)

This sort of thinking just seems to be leading us up/down a blind alley.(CALD)

a breath of fresh air

oživení, nový duch, čerstvý vítr

Angela's like a breath of fresh air when she comes to stay.(CIDI)

After all the criticism, his positive comments came as a breath of fresh air.(CIDI)

Angela's so cheerful and lively - she's like a breath of fresh air when she visits.(CALD)

We`re throughly enjoying having Betsy staying with us. She`s so lively and interesting - a real breath of fresh air for my parents, who never go out or see a new face. (English Idioms, Oxford)

a breath of life

nezbytnost, nutnost, nezbytná potřeba

If you think about it, air is essentially the `;breath of life'. (BNC)

Religion is a vital and enduring part of man's life and experience in Egypt, the breath of life itself. (BNC)

His creator had fashioned him from clockwork and set him to go through the motions of living without giving him the actual breath of life. (BNC)

a breathing out


The evaporation cools down the mouth in readiness for a breathing out.(BNC)

By as little breathing out as possible, more oxygen is retained in the body. (BNC)

Concentrate on a breathing out. (BNC)

a cardiac arrest

srdeční zástava, (infarkt, Am.E.)

Patients who suffer a cardiac arrest are treated by skilled practitioners. (BNC)

I remember one case late at night when someone had a cardiac arrest. (BNC)

In some cases the effects of the blockage can be so severe that the heart stops beating altogether and this is called a cardiac arrest.(BNC)

a cold sore


 He's five feet nine inches tall, slim, with dirty blond hair in a centre parting, and he has a cold sore on his top lip. (BNC)

While I was shaving, peacefully surveying my baggy eyes, thick lips hinting at a recent cold sore, and ever-deepening wrinkles, I saw in the mirror something monstrous appear around the side of my grey hair. (BNC)

Researchers in China, where garlic is widely used in folk medicine, discovered that garlic compounds were effective against some viruses including the cold sore virus and a type of meningitis. (BNC)

a cotton wool


He soaked bits of cotton wool in essential oils and passed it under the noses of his patients. (BNC)

The traditional way to remove your make-up is with a make-up remover or lotion, followed by skin tonic or freshener on cotton wool. (BNC)

Her foremost fear was that she might lose her mind, for trying to think made her feel as if her head were filled with cotton wool. (BNC)

a cough sweet / drops (Am.E.) / lolly (Aus.E.)

sirup proti kašli

But whatever you do, don't give him so much as a cough sweet!(BNC)

Bunny's put a supply of cough drops in the prompt corner.(BNC)

If you have a cough, take a cogh lolly as soon as possible. (BNC)

a dead cert/certainty

být jistý, jasný, tutovka

Who do you think will win the Cup? Leeds United - it`s a dead certainity. (English Idioms, Oxford)

He's a dead cert for an Oscar nomination. (CIDI)

Extrapolate the trends of the last 40 years and such a depressing scenario looks like a dead cert. (BNC)

a dead end

slepá ulička

A dead end is also a road which is closed at one end and does not lead anywhere.(CIDI)

Negotiators have reached a dead end in their attempts to find a peaceful solution to the crisis.(CIDI)

Dr Tyrell stressed that the results do not mean that a similar vaccine can be made for HIV `but at least the road now does not look like a dead end'. (BNC)

a dead heat

remíza, nerozhodný výsledek (2 soupeři dosáhnou stejných výsledků)

The race ended in a dead heat.(CALD)

In the European Song Contest there was a dead heat for first place, so there were two winners this year.(English Idioms, Oxford)

The end result was so close a finish that, for the moment, the result is being declared a dead heat with birds recording a velocity of 1173. (BNC)

a dead loss

být neschopný/tupý na, nevyznat se v (př.matematice); propadák, zklamání, beznadějný případ

It`s no use asking Jack. He is a dead loss at maths. (English Idioms, Oxford)

I was a dead loss at languages at school.(CALD)

John was a dead loss - he just stood there and did nothing.(CALD)

a dead silence

hluboké, mrtvolné ticho

There was a dead silence in the room as the solicitor opened the envelope and prepared to read Uncle John`s last will and testament. (English Idioms, Oxford)

The CIA major who heard him was dumbfounded, as were the others; dead silence fell. (BNC)

I'd advise you to maintain a dead silence on the subject,'; he said in a voice that was full of warning. (BNC)

a dead wood

zaměstnanci (lidé), kteří jsou nepotřební a mají být vyhozeni, "na odpis"

There's a lot of dead wood in the team which needs to be cleared out.(CIDI)

It`s time we brought these files up to date. We`ll start by throwing out all the dead wood. (English Idioms, Oxford)

The incoming chairman of a public company can swiftly dispose of dead wood, to arrange a board in sympathy with new policies. (BNC)

a death certificate

úmrtní list

The first thing that has to be done is to obtain a death certificate from a medical practitioner. (BNC)

He said the only details available, apart from a death certificate, had come from Mr Garrod's family. (BNC)

Copies of the death certificate can be purchased. (BNC)

a death sentence

rozsudek smrti, odsouzení na smrt

Gilmore received a death sentence. (LDCE)

Will she insist on a guilty verdict and mandatory death sentence? (BNC)

In December it was announced that 11 prisoners had been given the death sentence, commuted to life imprisonment. (BNC)

a death toll

ztráty na životech (př. v bitvě)

More than 600 claimants die awaiting compensation Barlow Clowes' death toll rises. (BNC)

As the civil unrest continued, the death toll rose. (LDCE)

 Others set the death toll higher, at up to 1,000 fatalities. (BNC)

a death trap

životu nebezpečné místo, zařízení atd.

Some of those secondhand cars are real death traps. (LDCE)

The whole house was a death trap with faulty gas fires, broken stairs, and bad wiring.(CIDI)

The road becomes a death trap in icy weather.(CIDI)

a death wish

přání zemřít

He`s going out with Debbie - what does he have, a death wish? (LDCE)

He's a psychotic with some kind of death wish… spends his entire time screaming abuse. (BNC

Another way to have a death wish associated with the road; crossing it. (BNC)

a drug junkie / addict

závislák na drogách

The judge, who took just 45 minutes to decide on the sentences, said he accepted Fraser was a drug addict who had admitted what he had done. (BNC)

 What is the welfare of the drug junkie, under the influence of the drug? (BNC)

The experience was later dredged out of his subconscious when he played drug addict Lenny Bruce. (BNC)

a fatal injury

smrtelné zranění

He got up, lifted her and carried her back to the bedroom despite her threats to do him a fatal injury if he didn't stop carting her about like a sack of old cabbages. (BNC)

 Peter Vanezis, a pathologist, told the hearing that the fatal injury was brain haemorrhaging caused by a 15-centimetre skull fracture. (BNC)

The fatal injury was a blow to the head, not a very heavy blow but the deceased had taken a substantial amount of alcohol in the hours before he suffered the injury, and the effect of alcohol is to increase the flow of blood to the brain so that, et cetera, et cetera, et cetera. (BNC)

a fly in the ointment

zakopaný pes, žába na prameny

After the exams, we had a great celebration party. The only fly in the ointment was that Patrick hadn`t passed. (English Idioms, Oxford)

The only fly in the ointment was my mother, who insisted on whispering through the first half of the show.(CIDI)

The fly in the ointment is that a boy saw you kissing Lola. (W.Magnuson, Eng.Idioms)

a hacking cough

dráždivý, dávivý kašel

 A dry hacking cough and later a large quantity of thin watery or frothy mucus is expectorated. (BNC)

There was a noisy inhalation of smoke, followed by a hacking cough. (BNC)

An expedition to the bar of the Glue pot convinced him that, apart from a hacking cough and a tendency to tire easily, he was very much his old self. (BNC)

a hay fever

senná rýma

She gets really bad hay fever.(CALD)

Hay fever is really an allergy to pollen and the peak time is early June. (BNC)

Dr Cathy Read with the latest on the health front, from help for hay fever to odour-absorbent paint (BNC)

a hearing aid


I wear a hearing aid and only the other day I couldn't understand what my helper was saying. (BNC)

You will need to check that anyone wearing a hearing aid knows how to cope with it. (BNC)

I think he should get a hearing aid; it's easier than shouting all the time. (BNC)

a heart attack


John had a heart attack three years ago.(CALD)

I think he's had a heart attack. (CLD)

He'd survived two heart attacks and was very careful about what he ate.(CDAE)

a holding operation

prozatimní opatření (stav, vedení...)

The budget needs to be a holding operation, so that a recovery can become established before the real attack on the budget deficit is made in December.(BNC)

Is it a holding operation until a swathe of Managers and Assistant Managers, especially those who have served their purpose, are induced into early retirement? (BNC)This is just a holding operation until we get the new management structure sorted out.(CALD)

a holistic medicine

alternativní medicína, léčení

Paracelsus's influence on homoeopathy and holistic medicine is genuine, but the paracelsian legacy is much wider. (BNC)

In the centre, we record part of my daily routine for self-help holistic medicine which includes pectoral muscle exercises. (BNC)

The treatment was stopped and Mrs Hilton prescribed her own course of healthy eating and holistic medicine. (BNC)

a hospital attendant


I'm supposed to find a guy in a white coat who could pass for a hospital attendant. (BNC)

If Vecchi was the imitation hospital attendant, then he was booked for some free electricity at the State's expense. (BNC)

I've tried to explain that anybody in a white coat looks like a hospital attendant, but they keep demanding results.(BNC)

a job for life

zaměstnání na celý život, doživotní zaměstnání

You were demonstrating in support of the other lecturers' right to a job for life?(BNC)

During the past decade, it has become increasingly clear that few people can count on having a job for life. (BNC)

Just as you think you have a job for life, the magazine folds. (BNC)

a kiss of death (for st)

osudová rána, zkáza

Asking Jenny to cook is the kiss of death for any dinner party.(CIDI)

Rain is the kiss of death for a barbecue.(CALD)

His failure to raise enough money for the political campaign was the kiss of death.(CDAE)

a living death

smrt za živa (beznadějný a neradostný život)

She can't walk, she can't feed herself and she can scarcely speak. It's a living death.(CIDI)

For me, marriage to someone like that would be a living death.(CIDI)

Life without hope is a living death. (BNC)

a maternity benefit

mateřská (peníze), příspěvek v mateřství

When both husband and wife are insured, they are to be entitled, in case of wife`s confinement, to both sickness and maternity benefit. (OED)

The benefits of The National Health Insurance Scheme include maternity benefit. (OED)

There are two maternity benefits - maternity grant and maternity allowance. Both benefits may be paid for a confinement provided the conditions are satisfied. (OED)

a maternity ward

porodní oddělení (gynekologicko-porodnické)

Increasing grants have been made by some governments for the contruction of free maternity homes or maternity ward in general hospitals. (OED)

She would insist on leaving the Maternity Ward today. (BNC)

Even if you have never given a bottle feed yourself it is possible that the baby received one from a nurse while in the maternity ward. (BNC)

a matter of life and/ or death

otázka života a smrti

The results of the peace negotiations could be a matter of life or death for people in the war zone.(CIDI)

Don't worry about missing your bus - it's not a matter of life and death.(CDAE)

And if you miss the bus, well, it's not a matter of life and death.(CALD)

a mouth ulcer/


Sharp teeth can cause terrible ulcers and anyone who has had a mouth ulcer himself will know what agony they can be. (BNC)

Have you ever had a mouth ulcer? It is a terrible pain! (BNC)

She was a bit nervous, she had a mouth ulcer giving her a sharp pain. (BNC)

a mouth-to-mouth (resuscitation)

umělé dýchání, dýchání z úst do úst

I jumped out of my seat, my headphones flew off and I started giving her mouth-to-mouth. (BNC)

But she immediately snatched Victoria, who had been born only 32 hours before, and started giving her mouth-to-mouth resuscitation. (BNC)

The club doctor was a constant fixture on the pitch, applying oxygen and mouth-to-mouth resuscitation. (BNC)

a psychosomatic illness/disease...

hypochondrická/smyšlená nemoc, (být hypochondr)...

The doctor thinks Leo's symptoms are psychosomatic.(CAED)

The best type of treatment for both psychosomatic complaints and hypochondria is some form of psychotherapy or hypnotherapy. (BNC)

They see innumerable patients who have been told that their symptoms are psychosomatic or `;all in the mind'; by one doctor or another. (BNC) 

a scarlet fever


An outbreak of scarlet fever had taken the nine-year-old twins in little more than a week. (BNC)

 In scarlet fever this state may come up when dusky, mottled and covered in red spots but the eruption does not come out. (BNC)

Born with normal hearing, he became deaf from scarlet fever when 12 years old. (BNC) 

a sick pay

nemocenská, nemocenská dávka

I cannot get sick pay. (BNC)

If you already have your own company sick pay scheme, it must pay the employee at least what he or she would have been entitled to on SSP. (BNC)

The rate of maternity pay will be no lower than the Statutory Sick Pay rate. (BNC)

a sick story, joke, etc.

černý, morbidní vtip atd.

Did you see that film "Brain Dead"? Sick, isn`t it? (LDCE)

Has he told you his sick joke about the undertaker? (LDCE)

I thought it was a sick joke, but it wasn't. (BNC)

a sickbay/sickroom

ošetřovna, marodka

The door of the sickroom opened, and the doctor came out. (BNC)

My wife is travelling without a maid or nurse and I am of little use in a sickroom.(BNC)

It has often been noted that the disease is rarely contracted by medical, clerical or other visitors who don't eat and drink in the sickroom. (BNC)

a side effect

vedlejší účinek

Stomach ache is an additional side effect. (BNC)

The only instant adverse side effect is a desperate thirst, stiff aching muscles and a loss of appetite. (BNC)

An important side effect of longterm octreotide treatment with intermittent injections is a high incidence, up to 50%, of gall stone formation during one year of treatment. (BNC)

a sign language

znaková řeč

The subjects of this chapter are comparative and international aspects of sign language. (BNC)

As Mayberry points out, if sign language only has concrete concepts then the signs are iconic and universally understood. (BNC)

Sorensen and Hansen (1976) show that deaf children using Danish Sign Language for communication in pairs produce 70 per cent levels of comprehension. (BNC)

a white cane

slepecká hůl

Did he have a white cane? (BNC)

With my new label of `;blind'; came the object which was to stigmatize me more, a shiny new, long white cane. (BNC)

Rosa was sitting in a chair by the window, her white cane leaning against the wall. (BNC)

a whooping cough

černý kašel

You should get your child immunised as soon as possible against Diphtheria, Tetanus, Whooping Cough, Polio, Measles, Mumps and Rubella. (BNC)

But for millions of people in the world's poorest countries, who live in fear of diseases like measles and whooping cough it is quite literally true. (BNC)

They were the victims of whooping cough. (BNC)

a/sb`s blind spot (with sb)

"španělská vesnice", slabina, nerozumnět něčemu

I`m afraid poetry is a blind spot with me. I like people to say what they mean in plain words. (English Idioms, Oxford)

Brian has a blind spot as far as Sheila is concerned. She treats him abominably, but he escapes it all without question. (English Idioms, Oxford)

He had a complete blind spot where public relations were concerned, so his political career was doomed from the start.(CIDI)

aches and pains

drobná bolení, drobné potíže, bolístky

I met Hilary yesterday. She talked about her aches and pains all the time. (English Idioms, Oxford)

Women of your age imagine aches and pains --; are you sure you're not attention seeking?(BNC)

The afflicted person will complain of aches and pains, headache, sore throat, loss of appetite, and general malaise. (BNC)

add insult to injury

přilít oleje do ohně, udělat to ještě horší

First of all he arrived an hour late and then, to add insult to injury, he proceeded to complain about my choice of restaurant. (CIDI)

If you say his answer is wrong, and then say he can't understand, you've added insult to injury. (W.Magnuson, Eng.Idioms)

They told me I was too old for the job, and then to add insult to injury, they refused to pay my expenses!(CALD)

admit into a hospital / hospitalise

hospitalizovat, přijmout do nemocnice (AmE: hospitalize)

She was admitted to hospital with internal injuries. (Lingea)

An accident could hospitalise you tomorrow; and your life could be turned upside down for months. (BNC)

50,000 children are admitted into hospital each year because they have been drinking harmful products. (BNC)

an ante-natal clinic

předporodní poradna, poradna pro plánování rodičovství

The ante-natal clinic is a useful place for advice, and I also like to pass on tips to women planning a family. (BNC)

In Holloway they don't take you out to the ante-natal clinic or get you a scan or nothing. (BNC)

In the normal way, a pregnant woman would go for regular check-ups either with her doctor or with the ante-natal clinic, the first visit being around the eighth to twelfth week. (BNC)

An apple a day keeps doctor away.

Jablíčko denně, nemocí je méně.

Mom gave me an apple, saying, "An apple a day keeps doctor away." (W.Magnuson, Eng.Idioms)

The saying `;An apple a day keeps the doctor away'; contains some truth. (BNC)

U Ba Lwin, in a later speech, said: `;There is a saying that an apple a day keeps the doctor away, and Saya'gyi Appleton has returned to Burma with a ton of apples. (BNC)

an artificial respiration

umělé dýchání, dýchání z úst do úst

Rescuers pulled the child from the river, and she was given artificial respiration. (CALD)

My mother found me floating face downwards and I was saved by artificial respiration. (BNC)

Check your child's breathing, giving artificial respiration if needed, while waiting for medical aid.(BNC)

an eating disorder

poruchy přjmu potravy (př. bulimie, anorexie)

 It is also extremely difficult to find a book addressed to you if you are one of the younger girls suffering from an eating disorder. (BNC)

I was tall and slim but I had an eating disorder and my weight fluctuated wildly according to how I ate. (BNC)

It might have had something to do with her illness, the eating disorder bulimia. (BNC)

an emergency department

pohotovost (oddělení v nemocnici)

She had followed the stretcher into the emergency department there, to be asked particulars about the patient. (BNC)

She was admitted and treated like any other National Health Service patient to the accident and emergency department, and was then seen by a consultant. (BNC)

The patient seen outside the hospital is a different type to the one seen in an accident and emergency department or in a coronary care unit. (BNC)

an intake of breath

nadechnutí, nádech

I could hear his intake of breath. (BNC)

There was a muffled intake of breath and a thrill of mounting expectation. (BNC)

Marian heard a quick intake of breath from Allen, the sound a horse makes when it is about to bolt. (BNC)

an isolation hospital

infekční nemocnice (pro nakažlivé choroby)

I began to think that I was in an isolation hospital, until I realised that nothing at all happens after six o `clock until breakfast next morning ; not even a hot drink except in emergencies. (BNC)

Her lungs were racked with fever and the doctor took one look at her and sent her to the isolation hospital. (BNC)

Very few people ever left the isolation hospital and visitors had to sit behind a glass screen. (BNC)

an operating room

operační sál

The equipment for the operating room included three gowns, three pairs of oilskin sleeves, three deal-framed oval stools, and an operating table, plus three angle-tables. (BNC)

George Cowley arrived at the hospital just as Doyle's now unconscious body was being wheeled into the emergency operating room. (BNC)

When he came to the centre I was already inside the operating room. (BNC)

an operating theatre

operační sál s prosklenou stěnou k pozorování operace

By midnight I was in an operating theatre in Inverness having an ankle fixed. (BNC)

A surgeon who fails to take action to help the recovery of a patient prostrate in front of him in the operating theatre is hindering his recovery. (BNC)

For example, observation in a fracture clinic or operating theatre can be arranged. (BNC)

as fit as a fiddle

zdravý jako rybička/buk/řípa

Better keep fit as a fiddle and ready for anything.(BNC)

He was fit as a fiddle when he was a hundred, doing his own gardening. (BNC)

Mind you I saw her two day's ago and she looked absolutely fit as a fiddle so I said. (BNC)