úterý, 16. července 2024, 14.42
Stránky: OpenMoodle
Kurz: Angličtina pro pokročilé (APP)
Slovník: FAMILY

abandon a child

odložit dítě

As a parent myself, however, I can’t imagine that anyone could abandon a child without extreme grief and reluctance. WebC

In China, it's illegal to abandon a child, and anyone admitting to it would face huge fines and possibly imprisonment. WebC

Natural parents would normally have to abandon a child or be guilty of serious misconduct for them to be denied custody in favour of a grandparent or relative. WebC

adoptive child

osvojenec, adoptované dítě

Prospective parents may also have fears that an adoptive child may not measure up to family standards. WebC

If adoptive child has resided with adoptive step-parent and birth parent less than one year, a petition for certification must be filed. WebC

If any monies are received from the Commissioner of Social Services on behalf of the adoptive child that amount must be included. WebC

All is fair in love and war.

V lásce a válce je vše povoleno.

All is fair in love and war is not a statement about love, war, or justice. it is a simple statement about the human heart. WebC

An old saying goes: "All is fair in love and war". Indeed love sometimes seems like a battle. WebC

If all is fair in love and war, then according to a recent nationwide poll, when it comes to romance, men are leading the charge. WebC

an inconstant husband

nevěrný manžel, přelétavý ptáček

He was an inconstant husband and had as many love affairs as Zeus. WebC

But the tone of the two stories are markedly different: the former depicts the entanglement between an inconstant husband and his virtuous wife; while the latter tells a poetic story between an infatuated rich man in love with a beautiful actress. WebC

Engaging in such Church work, dealing with an inconstant husband, and raising two young children were challenging experiences for the young wife and mother. WebC

as one of the boys

jako správný muž/chlap

He has mates and likes to act as one of the boys, likes his gadgets, doesn't read much apart from things like FHM. WebC

I have grown past the attraction and can see them as one of the boys. WebC

And he was immediately cast as "one of the boys in the shower." WebC

ask for sb's hand

požádat o ruku

But the second he declared his love and asked for her hand, thousands of goblins appeared to grasp him and push him over the rocks. WebC

But I thought what the heck and I asked for her hand for a kiss from Cupid. WebC

Psyche set out each day committed to be grateful that her family was no longer embarrassed that no man had asked for her hand in marriage. WebC

at one's mother's knee

už jako malé dítě

I learned to sew at my mother's knee. CIDI

He learned drinking at his mother's knee. BNC

George began singing and learning music at his mother's knee. BNC

awkward age

klackovská léta

'I think,' Rory said, `it's called being at an awkward age.' BNC

We meet the heroine of Burger's Daughter, arguably her best novel, at the awkward age of 14: the first stirrings of womanhood, the growing pains and the explorations. BNC

He is in the middle of what they call the "awkward age" for boys. WebC