martes, 16 de julio de 2024, 17:23
Sitio: OpenMoodle
Curso: Angličtina pro pokročilé (APP)
Glosario: WORK & LEISURE

a golden handshake

vysoké odstupné (pri prepustení)

1. Usually , you will be more concerned with compensation for loss of office colloquially known as a golden handshake. WASPS

2. The Santa Cruz Operation Inc is now catching flak for paying co-founder Larry Michels a $354,000 golden handshake after he was forced to leave the company in December because of sexual harassment charges. WASPS

3. We were not terribly surprised when he was informed that he would only receive the basic amount, since he had been lucky enough to get a golden handshake. BNC

a goody-goody

dotieravý človek

1. Ethel Hallow was the form sneak and goody-goody, and it was hardly surprising that Mildred felt unfriendly towards her after all the mean tricks Ethel had played during their first two terms, including almost getting Mildred expelled on two occasions. BNC

2. I was such a goody-goody at school it was unbelievable that I was pregnant. BNC

3. Oh, Dana's goody-goody sister. Oops, shouldn't have said that. BNC

a Gordian knot

gordický uzol, ťažko riešiteľný problém

1. They had joined a Gordian knot of vans, taxis, and automobiles that was inching forward at a pace that had set that little muscle in his jaw to knotting and unknotting. BNC

2. If Gorbachev expects to untie the Gordian knot, he has over-estimated his powers. WASPS

3. Homelessness in the inner cities has become a real Gordian knot. CIDoI

a hard nut to crack

 ťažko riešiteľný problém, tvrdý oriešok

1. I find this a very hard nut to crack. BNC

2. In other words, though the UK may be a hard nut to crack, Christians are better positioned than any grouping other than Muslims to effect change here in an understanding of and commitment to strengthening the poor. BNC

3. A company whose product has sold well in the States may find the European market a hard nut to crack. CIDoI

a hatchet job

nespravodlivá kritika

1. Now, six months after an American biographer, Donald Spoto, did a hatchet job on Olivier, accusing him of having a homosexual affair with Danny Kaye, the key is to be removed from its resting place. BNC

2. Richie was afraid I was going to do a hatchet job on him. BNC

3. Lexington's hatchet job on Thomas Jefferson (April 17th) caused me to chuckle. BNC

a head honcho

najdoležitejší človek

1. Pehr Gyllenhammar, the Volvo group's head honcho, is a rare show visitor. BNC

2. Hot Press editor Niall Stokes and Dave Pennefeather, head honcho of MCA and Mother Records, pictured at the launch of the Levis Opportunity Rocks in Charlies last week. BNC

3. You`ll have to ask Alan, he`s the head honcho in our department. CIDoI

a heavy date

vážne rande

1. They mentioned that you and Anna walked a hundred miles and that you were following it up with a heavy date. BNC

2. I've got a heavy date tonight, and it's not one I intend to break. BNC

3. I think Carol has a heavy date - she`s been in the bathroom for over an hour. CIDoI

a hen party

babská jazda

1. Elsa organised a hen party; which included many of her colleagues and friends from Douglas Reyburn. BNC

2. The occasion is another dress fitting on Saturday followed by Heather's hen party, which is organized by a very efficient journalist friend of hers in London, with a little help from me. BNC

3. A policeman who walked into a hen party in a pub had to fight to keep his clothes on after being mistaken for a stripper. BNC

a high-flier

úspešný človek

1. They've made it fairly clear to me that I'll never be a high-flier, but every company needs some people who aren't high-fliers, and that's all right by me. BNC

2.  Even the most competent high-flier, it seems, feels totally inadequate when faced with a child who simply will not get down to work. BNC

3. In the same way, you need to know if he wants to be Prime Minister; would you be happy being a high-flier's wife, with all the pressures that can bring? BNC

a jack of all trades

niekto, kto má viacero zamestnaní

1. Are you a jack of all trades or do you prefer to specialize? BNC

2. In the early days, Stevenson described himself as having been a Jack of all trades. BNC

3. Bill can do plumbing, carpentry, or a bit of gardening - he`s a jack of all trades, really. CIDoI

a job lot

sada (niečoho, čo sa predáva spolu)

1. But Louisa remained forgotten until the discovery of that suitcase, perhaps sold at the original auction as part of a job lot. BNC

2. I've still got 300 sets left over from that job lot I got the other Christmas. BNC

3.  Even kitchen utensils are being sold along with a job lot of washing machines, dryers and ironing machines for £200. BNC

a know-all

pán vševediaci

1. The Know-all doesn't, at heart, see the need for any discussion at all. BNC

2. They know that you are not trying to portray yourself as a know-all, that you have accepted being only human.BNC

3. You're a bumptious little know-all at times, aren't you? BNC

a leading light

vedúca osobnosť

1. He was a leading light in the Cinematograph Exhibitors' Association and expanded his business by acquiring and developing a chain of cinemas, which he named Vogue, in places like Govan, Rutherglen and Shettleston. BNC

2. He had graduated through minor journalism to publishing, and was now (I learned by well-placed casual questions) a leading light in a go-ahead new publishing house specializing in novels by Angry Young Men. BNC

3. This can be seen, for example, by the fact that Graham Wallas, a prominent Fabian, and L. T. Hobhouse, a leading light in New Liberalism, occupied the first chairs of Political Science and Sociology respectively. BNC

a long haul

niečo, čo zaberá veľa času a je vyčerpávajúce

1. It was a long haul across the highland roads to the nearest airport and railhead at Inverness. BNC

2. Waterville Valley and the World Cup finals in late March was going to be a long haul. BNC

3. It`s been a long haul but we`ve finally got the house looking the way we want it. CIDoI

a man/woman of means


1. Edmund Hornby of Dalton Hall had bought the living for his second son, and George, being a man of means, decided to upgrade the mean existing rectory to suit his status. BNC

2. It is called the Red House because it is built of deep red brick, an unusual medium for a man of means, who was normally expected to build in something nobler. BNC

3. I could tell from her adress that she was a woman of means. CIDoI