utorok, 16 júla 2024, 16:07
Portál: OpenMoodle
Kurz: Angličtina pro pokročilé (APP)

a (real) eye-opener

ponaučení, náhlé zjištění něčeho nepředpokládaného

If you feel like it, buy one and have a browse. It can be a real eye-opener to find how many calories there are in the foods you normally eat.

We came together on one point, and that was our attitude towards the media. It had been an eye-opener to me in 1987 when I realized how naïve I had been about the press.

It had been my first alpine climb, and it had been an eye-opener. I had not expected the level of exposure, the narrowness of the arêtes, the commitment.          


a (real) pain in the neck

otrava, protiva

Many who professed to revere the principle found it hard to like the example they were faced with in Mr. Rushdie's case: the book unreadable and the writer a pain in the neck.

I've been married for 16 years to a man I really love. But lately he's been a real pain in the neck. He comes in from work and sits in his armchair all evening, hardly talking to me.

What will we be doing? Will there be much walking? Will it be up hills? You know and immediately can you see, you've asked him all these questions you can see what a pain in the neck you are to all the people you've asked these questions of.


a bone of contention

jablko sváru

France has a persistent trade deficit with Germany and this is sometimes a bone of contention between the two countries.

But Ilona's alter-ego remains a bone of contention between them. He accepts her porno past but demands from her a virtuous future.

If it failed to prove adequate to secure full employment, then changes in taxes to encourage private investment and consumption should be made, but the question of budget deficits remained a bone of contention.


a good nose

dobrý nos, dobrý čich

Once roasted, coffee will deteriorate quickly. Coffee contains volatile gases which must not be lost after roasting if the beans are to have a good nose. (BNC-B)

I was happy here once, he told her. There was nowhere to sit but on the narrow bed beside the fireplace. I can smell something, Stella said. I’ve a very good nose for smells. (BNC-B)

Ambrose shows off a good nose for re-invention. (WebCorp)

a gut feeling/ reaction

tušení, instinkt

Remember I thought of having him in Ireland - I wish I had. But I suppose I thought it was, like I was trying to tell him today, a gut feeling, being Irish. It's probably a phase he's going through.

Ferguson said: I think Howard is looking to strengthen other areas of his team. I had a gut feeling Eric was the right man for us and good value at the price. And it all went so sweetly.

Beverley, though, was convinced that something was seriously wrong with her son. I felt very tense about it - I had a gut feeling there was something awful around the corner, she says. Then Thomas developed a gurgling cough.


a heavy hand

tvrdá ruka

We have the power to act and we will do so if necessary, he said. I see it as my job to protect the council taxpayer. I don’t want to do this by having a heavy hand at the centre, I want local councils to be more responsible.

I could describe crowded bank holidays with troops of walkers on the high tops of Scotland and the ugliness of the skilifts. I could equally describe the dense wilderness that settles on you like a heavy hand, barely an hour’s walk from Yosemite’s granite architecture. But while Scotland ’s wilderness areas are still not as overcrowded and overdeveloped as Yosemite or even the Lakes, the damage is there.

The French have a heavy hand. They like to use an elephant gun to stun a flea. You’ll see that when we get ashore. I’m told they behave here as if they expect their empire to last forever.


a man/ woman after my own heart

člověk mé krevní skupiny

Iago looked up at him over the wine with a face suddenly bright, astonished and disarmed, and burst into a muted crow of laughter. By God, my lord, I think you are a man after my own heart!  (BNC-B)

On the contrary, it kept me so wide awake that when “lights out” sounded that night I was still reading, and next morning was first on deck in the history room. This Tom Jefferson was a man after my own heart ! His whole crowd belonged to my league. (WebCorp)

Ivor really is a man after my own heart, full organic status from the Soil Association. (BNC-B)

a nail in the coffin

hřebík do rakve

For Doctor Who this was a sad loss. Not only was it a loss to the series of Malcolm Hulke for a good many years, it was also a nail in the coffin of the show’s bid to be genuinely educative.

In it Tobin said he needed a bit of cash, a loan. He’d tried everywhere else in Swindon, and if he told the Inland Company, it would be a nail in the coffin.

Government funding for Mar Lodge’s future through Scottish Natural Heritage couldn’t be agreed to because it would be a nail in the coffin to admit that the present deer forest system is at the root of the most serious problems for the Cairngorms.


a rule of thumb

praktická zásada

As a rule of thumb, moving a nearly new greenhouse will only cost about the same as it would to have it erected in the first place.

If you need a rule of thumb, any item which is common or plentiful is 90% likely to be here.

As a rule of thumb, we found that girls are prepared to watch programmes aimed at boys.


an eye for an eye

oko za oko

There was the same mission to conquer land with gold replacing milk and honey, a wagon-train exodus, a plethora of heroes with a policy of taking an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth. Above all, God was on their side. This Old Testament of the West has been up-dated.

Richard took her to a friend’s party and afterwards, when they were driving home, he said, You know what’s happened, don’t you? It’s been killed by that old mad woman. An eye for an eye. A cat for a cat.

His determination and stubbornest to carry out the bond is also regarded as immoral. However, in the Old Testament, it states an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth.


ankle collar

výztuž kolem kotníku

The padded ankle collar and tongue provide an overall comfortable fit.

The boots are constructed using a solid one-piece leather upper with padding around the ankle collar and on the suede bellows tongue.

Padded ankle collar and rand to protect base of uppers. Lacing uses conventional D-rings and hooks.



po kotníky (hluboký)

The only team who disdained such artifices were Fiji , who are used to playing in ankle-deep water.

Allen, ankle-deep in water and with no hope of carrying the ball forward, chalked up his 14th of the season when he unleashed a crashing 25-yard volley.

A large, lumbering man, who fumbled through the ankle-deep water without grace.


arm in arm

zavěšeni do sebe

All around me there were young couples, arm in arm, doing the same.

The streets were crowded with evening strollers. Young couples, arm in arm.

Based on a painting by an early-80s Berlin Realist, it depicts enigmatically two adolescent girls standing arm in arm, geared out with shades and boogie box and dressed in clothes which accentuate their stockily sensual bodies.


as far as the eye could see

kam jen oko dohlédne

The house was at the bottom of a valley near the reservoir, surrounded by rolling hills. There were green fields as far as the eye could see.

My method was to look ahead as far as the eye could see, work out the route mentally, then, leaving the wheelbarrow, test the ground in small sections and mark the way with my feet.

The road - little more than a track with deep ditches on either side - was elevated above the surrounding countryside. No other vehicle was in sight as far as the eye could see.


at face value

bez rozmyšlení

One of these, often referred to by the police, is the unrealistic fear that many people, particularly the elderly, have of their society. They take at face value cases such as this one involving the policewomen, and they really believe that they live in a society that has lost all its civilized values.

In the absence of an experiment, a statistical effect of one variable on another cannot just be accepted as causal at face value.

To conclude our review of criminal statistics, it is clear that official statistics on crime, like most statistics, should not be taken at face value as facts to be accepted uncritically.