martes, 16 de julio de 2024, 16:41
Sitio: OpenMoodle
Curso: Angličtina pro pokročilé (APP)
Glosario: HEALTH

a bad breath

zápach z úst, zkažený dech

Even if you are resorting to it out of nervousness or fear that you have bad breath it will create a very negative impression on the interviewer. (BNC)

Despite suggestions that he should bathe every day, he still suffers from smelly feet and bad breath. (BNC)

Bad breath is one of the biggest turn offs so most men are pretty keen to keep theirs smelling sweet. (BNC)

a bitter pill to swallow

tvrdý oříšek, přenést přes srdce

Losing my job was initially a bitter pill to swallow. (CUP, Eng.Idioms In Use)

Losing the championship to a younger player was a bitter pill to swallow.(CIDI)

Cuts in salaries are a dose of bitter medicine that may help the company to survive.(CIDI)

a blind alley

být slepá ulice, nemít budoucnost

Tom thinks the job of motor mechanic is a blind alley, as in ten years` time, all cars may be electronic and computer-driven! (English Idioms, Oxford)

The latest evolutionary theory may turn out to be a blind alley.(CIDI)

This sort of thinking just seems to be leading us up/down a blind alley.(CALD)

a breath of fresh air

oživení, nový duch, čerstvý vítr

Angela's like a breath of fresh air when she comes to stay.(CIDI)

After all the criticism, his positive comments came as a breath of fresh air.(CIDI)

Angela's so cheerful and lively - she's like a breath of fresh air when she visits.(CALD)

We`re throughly enjoying having Betsy staying with us. She`s so lively and interesting - a real breath of fresh air for my parents, who never go out or see a new face. (English Idioms, Oxford)

a breath of life

nezbytnost, nutnost, nezbytná potřeba

If you think about it, air is essentially the `;breath of life'. (BNC)

Religion is a vital and enduring part of man's life and experience in Egypt, the breath of life itself. (BNC)

His creator had fashioned him from clockwork and set him to go through the motions of living without giving him the actual breath of life. (BNC)

a breathing out


The evaporation cools down the mouth in readiness for a breathing out.(BNC)

By as little breathing out as possible, more oxygen is retained in the body. (BNC)

Concentrate on a breathing out. (BNC)

a cardiac arrest

srdeční zástava, (infarkt, Am.E.)

Patients who suffer a cardiac arrest are treated by skilled practitioners. (BNC)

I remember one case late at night when someone had a cardiac arrest. (BNC)

In some cases the effects of the blockage can be so severe that the heart stops beating altogether and this is called a cardiac arrest.(BNC)

a cold sore


 He's five feet nine inches tall, slim, with dirty blond hair in a centre parting, and he has a cold sore on his top lip. (BNC)

While I was shaving, peacefully surveying my baggy eyes, thick lips hinting at a recent cold sore, and ever-deepening wrinkles, I saw in the mirror something monstrous appear around the side of my grey hair. (BNC)

Researchers in China, where garlic is widely used in folk medicine, discovered that garlic compounds were effective against some viruses including the cold sore virus and a type of meningitis. (BNC)

a cotton wool


He soaked bits of cotton wool in essential oils and passed it under the noses of his patients. (BNC)

The traditional way to remove your make-up is with a make-up remover or lotion, followed by skin tonic or freshener on cotton wool. (BNC)

Her foremost fear was that she might lose her mind, for trying to think made her feel as if her head were filled with cotton wool. (BNC)

a cough sweet / drops (Am.E.) / lolly (Aus.E.)

sirup proti kašli

But whatever you do, don't give him so much as a cough sweet!(BNC)

Bunny's put a supply of cough drops in the prompt corner.(BNC)

If you have a cough, take a cogh lolly as soon as possible. (BNC)

a dead cert/certainty

být jistý, jasný, tutovka

Who do you think will win the Cup? Leeds United - it`s a dead certainity. (English Idioms, Oxford)

He's a dead cert for an Oscar nomination. (CIDI)

Extrapolate the trends of the last 40 years and such a depressing scenario looks like a dead cert. (BNC)

a dead end

slepá ulička

A dead end is also a road which is closed at one end and does not lead anywhere.(CIDI)

Negotiators have reached a dead end in their attempts to find a peaceful solution to the crisis.(CIDI)

Dr Tyrell stressed that the results do not mean that a similar vaccine can be made for HIV `but at least the road now does not look like a dead end'. (BNC)

a dead heat

remíza, nerozhodný výsledek (2 soupeři dosáhnou stejných výsledků)

The race ended in a dead heat.(CALD)

In the European Song Contest there was a dead heat for first place, so there were two winners this year.(English Idioms, Oxford)

The end result was so close a finish that, for the moment, the result is being declared a dead heat with birds recording a velocity of 1173. (BNC)

a dead loss

být neschopný/tupý na, nevyznat se v (př.matematice); propadák, zklamání, beznadějný případ

It`s no use asking Jack. He is a dead loss at maths. (English Idioms, Oxford)

I was a dead loss at languages at school.(CALD)

John was a dead loss - he just stood there and did nothing.(CALD)

a dead silence

hluboké, mrtvolné ticho

There was a dead silence in the room as the solicitor opened the envelope and prepared to read Uncle John`s last will and testament. (English Idioms, Oxford)

The CIA major who heard him was dumbfounded, as were the others; dead silence fell. (BNC)

I'd advise you to maintain a dead silence on the subject,'; he said in a voice that was full of warning. (BNC)