úterý, 16. července 2024, 19.10
Stránky: OpenMoodle
Kurz: Angličtina pro pokročilé (APP)

a quantum jump

významný pokrok

1. The British system of government was already highly centralised in 1979, and subsequent legislation has produced a quantum jump towards a more powerful and centralised state. BNC

2. The election of a female president is a quantum jump from the meals served at most Caribbean resorts. CIDoI

3. The energy of a beta-ray (electron) is sufficient to excite an atom or molecule and cause a quantum jump, with the input energy being totally absorbed. BNC

a rat race

súperenie, nevraživosť v práci

1. At least we would be out of the rat race until I had worked up some seniority in my job. BNC

2. I`d love to get out of the rat race and buy a house in some remote part of the countryside. CIDoI

3. After three years working as a photographer's assistant, Jason decided to get out of the rat race and joined ecologically-minded art group Reactivart. BNC

a social climber

človek, ktorý sa snaží postúpiť vyššie v spoločenskom rebríčku

1. Russell was what you might call a social climber, in as much as he specialized in fitting out rock shelters for himself at various altitudes and if possible receiving his friends in them. BNC

2. He was a dedicated social climber and was at all the best parties. CIDoI

3. Colonel Gouraud was a social climber, who found the phonograph a perfect excuse to fraternize with high society in England. BNC

a track record

zoznam dosiahnutých úspechov (neúspechov)

1. Yet advertising their track record in detail worked for Spencer Stuart, especially in one particularly significant shoot-out in which they beat four other firms competing to win the assignment to find a chief executive for the American Council of Life Insurance. BNC

2.His brilliant track record at school is a testimony not only to his academic prowess, but also to his application and determination to succeed. BNC

3. We like to recruit managers with a strong track record. CIDoI

a walk of life

spoločenská vrstva

1. So it's about culture, training, opportunities and to make sure that people from whatever walk of life, and whatever gender or race or ability to have, or disability, do not under achieve.BNC

2. The first principle of success in any walk of life is to know when to cut your losses.BNC

3. Volunteers who work at the animal hospital come from all walks of life. CIDoI

a yes man

zamestnanec, ktorý nadriadenému na všetko prikyvuje

1. A yes man always says what you want to hear. Google

2. He denies that he`s simply a yes man, and insists he`ll be making major changes to the way the club is run. CIDoI

3. There's a kind of yes man, that's the way the carpet industry works in general. BNC

account for sth

zdůvodnit, vysvětlit co
  • I cannot account for the drop in sales this year. - Neumím si vysvětlit letošní pokles prodeje.

accounts payable

věřitelské účty

all hands on deck

každá pomoc je vítaná, dobrá

1. It was all hands on deck as they worked flat out over a weekend in March. BNC

2. It'll be all hands on deck from now on,'; Moran told the girls as they sat over a late breakfast. BNC

3. Now, with half an hour's grace to freshen up, it's all hands on deck at the hotel, in Mephistco's corporate hospitality suite. BNC

all hands to the pumps

každá pomoc dobrá

1. The party is for the day after tomorrow, that's why it's all hands to the pumps. BNC

2. If it hadn't been for the war, they'd have retired him, but it was like everything else these days, all hands to the pumps. BNC

3. It was all hands to the pumps to achieve it. Google

all systems go

všetko je pripravené (na začatie práce)

1. It's all systems go for the Northern Woodworking and DIY Exhibition which is being supported by Traditional Woodworking magazine. BNC

2. The following day saw a remarkable change in the weather, the wind had dropped considerably, blue skies, and sunshine reigned supreme and it was all systems go for a cracking airshow. BNC

3. We`ve just got to get the software put in place and then it`s all systems go. CIDoI

All work and no play (makes Jack a dull boy).

človek, ktorý veľa pracuje, začne byť nudný

1. You need to get out more in the evenings. You know what they say about all work and no play...CIDoI

2.  Life was not all work and no play for women any more than for men; even if they had chores to do at home, the women compositors; who almost by definition young and/or unmarried; had the chance to escape duty for pleasure from time to time. BNC

3. Try to make time to put your feet up and switch off but don't be grouchy if you find it's all work and no play! BNC

amount to sth

rovnat se, odpovídat čemu, znamenat co
  • If we consider all the complaints made by our customers - poor quality, late delivery, slow after-sales service - we must admit that these amount to a very serious criticism of our company. - (...) musíme připustit, že to znamená velice vážnou kritiku naší firmy.
  • Your qualifications do not amount to the needs of our company. - Vaše kvalifikace neodpovídají potřebám naší firmy.

an estimate, to estimate

an estimate [estimit] - odhad, posouzení, posudek

to estimate [estimeit]- odhadnout, posoudit

an inside job

zločin, prehrešok voči vlastnej firme

1. The police suspected that it was an inside job and promptly arrested the dismissed worker, for no reason other than that she might have borne a grudge against her erstwhile employer. BNC

2. Watson wonders, and the reader, if bright enough, works out that if a dog does nor bark when an intruder comes to commit a crime, then the crime is an inside job. BNC

3. Obviously it was an inside job, because nobody else knew the presents were there. BNC