úterý, 16. července 2024, 19.40
Stránky: OpenMoodle
Kurz: Angličtina pro pokročilé (APP)
Slovník: HEALTH

a hospital attendant


I'm supposed to find a guy in a white coat who could pass for a hospital attendant. (BNC)

If Vecchi was the imitation hospital attendant, then he was booked for some free electricity at the State's expense. (BNC)

I've tried to explain that anybody in a white coat looks like a hospital attendant, but they keep demanding results.(BNC)

a job for life

zaměstnání na celý život, doživotní zaměstnání

You were demonstrating in support of the other lecturers' right to a job for life?(BNC)

During the past decade, it has become increasingly clear that few people can count on having a job for life. (BNC)

Just as you think you have a job for life, the magazine folds. (BNC)

a kiss of death (for st)

osudová rána, zkáza

Asking Jenny to cook is the kiss of death for any dinner party.(CIDI)

Rain is the kiss of death for a barbecue.(CALD)

His failure to raise enough money for the political campaign was the kiss of death.(CDAE)

a living death

smrt za živa (beznadějný a neradostný život)

She can't walk, she can't feed herself and she can scarcely speak. It's a living death.(CIDI)

For me, marriage to someone like that would be a living death.(CIDI)

Life without hope is a living death. (BNC)

a maternity benefit

mateřská (peníze), příspěvek v mateřství

When both husband and wife are insured, they are to be entitled, in case of wife`s confinement, to both sickness and maternity benefit. (OED)

The benefits of The National Health Insurance Scheme include maternity benefit. (OED)

There are two maternity benefits - maternity grant and maternity allowance. Both benefits may be paid for a confinement provided the conditions are satisfied. (OED)

a maternity ward

porodní oddělení (gynekologicko-porodnické)

Increasing grants have been made by some governments for the contruction of free maternity homes or maternity ward in general hospitals. (OED)

She would insist on leaving the Maternity Ward today. (BNC)

Even if you have never given a bottle feed yourself it is possible that the baby received one from a nurse while in the maternity ward. (BNC)

a matter of life and/ or death

otázka života a smrti

The results of the peace negotiations could be a matter of life or death for people in the war zone.(CIDI)

Don't worry about missing your bus - it's not a matter of life and death.(CDAE)

And if you miss the bus, well, it's not a matter of life and death.(CALD)

a mouth ulcer/


Sharp teeth can cause terrible ulcers and anyone who has had a mouth ulcer himself will know what agony they can be. (BNC)

Have you ever had a mouth ulcer? It is a terrible pain! (BNC)

She was a bit nervous, she had a mouth ulcer giving her a sharp pain. (BNC)

a mouth-to-mouth (resuscitation)

umělé dýchání, dýchání z úst do úst

I jumped out of my seat, my headphones flew off and I started giving her mouth-to-mouth. (BNC)

But she immediately snatched Victoria, who had been born only 32 hours before, and started giving her mouth-to-mouth resuscitation. (BNC)

The club doctor was a constant fixture on the pitch, applying oxygen and mouth-to-mouth resuscitation. (BNC)

a psychosomatic illness/disease...

hypochondrická/smyšlená nemoc, (být hypochondr)...

The doctor thinks Leo's symptoms are psychosomatic.(CAED)

The best type of treatment for both psychosomatic complaints and hypochondria is some form of psychotherapy or hypnotherapy. (BNC)

They see innumerable patients who have been told that their symptoms are psychosomatic or `;all in the mind'; by one doctor or another. (BNC) 

a scarlet fever


An outbreak of scarlet fever had taken the nine-year-old twins in little more than a week. (BNC)

 In scarlet fever this state may come up when dusky, mottled and covered in red spots but the eruption does not come out. (BNC)

Born with normal hearing, he became deaf from scarlet fever when 12 years old. (BNC) 

a sick pay

nemocenská, nemocenská dávka

I cannot get sick pay. (BNC)

If you already have your own company sick pay scheme, it must pay the employee at least what he or she would have been entitled to on SSP. (BNC)

The rate of maternity pay will be no lower than the Statutory Sick Pay rate. (BNC)

a sick story, joke, etc.

černý, morbidní vtip atd.

Did you see that film "Brain Dead"? Sick, isn`t it? (LDCE)

Has he told you his sick joke about the undertaker? (LDCE)

I thought it was a sick joke, but it wasn't. (BNC)

a sickbay/sickroom

ošetřovna, marodka

The door of the sickroom opened, and the doctor came out. (BNC)

My wife is travelling without a maid or nurse and I am of little use in a sickroom.(BNC)

It has often been noted that the disease is rarely contracted by medical, clerical or other visitors who don't eat and drink in the sickroom. (BNC)

a side effect

vedlejší účinek

Stomach ache is an additional side effect. (BNC)

The only instant adverse side effect is a desperate thirst, stiff aching muscles and a loss of appetite. (BNC)

An important side effect of longterm octreotide treatment with intermittent injections is a high incidence, up to 50%, of gall stone formation during one year of treatment. (BNC)