Dienstag, 16. Juli 2024, 16:01
Website: OpenMoodle
Kurs: Angličtina pro pokročilé (APP)
Glossar: FOOD

a fat lot of good/help/use

k ničemu, houby to pomůže

A fat lot of use that would be! What a stupid idea. Oxford Idioms

The only thing he could think of was he was a good swimmer--and a fat lot of good that was to him. BNC

Frederick Bissett was a member of the Institute of Professional Scientists, and a fat lot of good that did him. BNC

above/below the salt

na horním/dolním konci stolu, na čestnějším/méně čestném konci stolu

But the reader is mistaken if he assumes that the humble eat below the salt in that great hall, or that the poor come to the buttery-hatch for alms. BNC

After the war I vowed I would never wear a white tie again, and never have, I dislike it so much; so, having been informed that most of those below the salt would be wearing black ties anyway, I put on my Kennedy tartan smoking jacket with green velvet facings which I had recently had made and of which I was sure that Sir Walter, who often wore a plaid, would have approved. BNC

Although it is doubtful that throughout the middle ages masters and servants ate at the same table, above and below the salt, as the Victorians supposed, the Gothic hall, entered directly from the outside world and accommodating every social rank, symbolized their ideal of social integration. BNC

acquired taste

chuť, na kterou si člověk musí zvyknout

Beer is an acquired taste. Longman Dictionary of English Idioms 

It is an acquired taste for sensitive palates but a lot of hungry people are only too happy to tuck in. BNC

Discovering grappa Italy's fiery brandy is an acquired taste By Geoff Last Grappa is the sort of drink that people generally love or hate. WebCorp


hospoda, hostinec, pivnice

As such, they had a duty to enter each ale-house on a Saturday night as well as to ensure that Sunday was treated by townsfolk with due sobriety. BNC

Also that year trouble came to Mr Nicholas Foote for being "… a common ale-house haunter". BNC 

He saw de Craon sitting in that dirty, miserable ale-house. BNC

all-purpose flour

polohrubá mouka


nové koření

any amount/number of sth

množství něčeho, počet něčeho

There was any amount of food and drink at the party. Oxford Idioms

 A computer can store a vast amount of information. Macmillan Dictionary

This brings the total number of children to 12. Macmillan Dictionary

apple of one's eye

něčí drahoušek, zlatíčko

He was the apple of her eye, the salt of her earth, the source of her strength--her everything. BNC

Peter is the apple of his mother's eye. Longman Dictionary of English Idioms

But anyway, saying to Father that you, who are the apple of his eye, and in whom he considers he's bred a lady, telling him that you hope to marry one of the Feltons, the quay Feltons. BNC

apple-pie order

dokonalý, vzorný pořádek; jako v klícce

Becky turned out to be as good as her word, keeping the accounts in what she described as `;apple-pie order'; and even opening a set of books for Trumper's barrow. BNC

Arkansas wedding cake

kukuřičný chléb

Arkansas wedding cake n: cornbread WebCorp

as cold as a cucumber

studený jako psí čumák

Works was informed by NATO/US sources that no signs of heat were detected by the satellites. Works was told that Trepcha was as "cold as a cucumber". NATO never released this information to the public. WebCorp

as fat as butter

mastný jako máslo

They need grooming, I know, but they're fat as butter. BNC

as round as an apple

kulatý jako svět

ask sbdy to dinner

pozvat někoho na večeři

It was during the second week that Carol asked him to dinner at her parents' place. BNC

at full lick

velmi rychle, velikou rychlostí

He came round the corner on his bicycle at full lick and knocked the old woman over. Longman Dictionary of English Idioms

A relatively short day today thanks to making sudden contact with a flat section of ice at full lick and subsequently feeling as if I had just spent 2 hours on a roller coaster. WebCorp

Breaking free, the dog charged around him at full lick, yapping in an unnaturally high pitched yelp. WebCorp