úterý, 16. července 2024, 13.21
Stránky: OpenMoodle
Kurz: Angličtina pro pokročilé (APP)

economically and socially deprived area

ekonomicky a sociálně zanedbaná oblast

1. In Blaenau Gwent, for example, the job losses following the CORUS cutbacks have proved a severe blow to an already economically and socially deprived area. WebC

2. My business proposal will employ people from an economically and socially deprived area. WebC

3. Our Network consists of seven schools in a mini Educational Action Zone, in an economically and socially deprived area in the west of the city of Leicester. WebC

elaborate costumes

bohatě zdobené kroje

1. The performers were dressed in very elaborate costumes and I asked a student type man if they did it all for charity. Times

2. Brad Pitt looks soulful as the young widower lured into an eternal life of blood - sucking lust, but we stay outside the character's minds, with only gouged necks and elaborate costumes for company. Times

3. The House of Eliot enticed viewers into a world of elaborate costumes and high drama. BNCB

emergency dressing

nouzové ošetření rány, rychloobvaz

1. The thin plastic films used to wrap food can sometimes make an effective emergency dressing. WebC

2. If a wound is bleeding profusely, hold it firmly with your hand until you can secure an emergency dressing. WebC

3. They will be given emergency dressing materials to reinforce (not change) the dressing and the beeper number for the investigator or research nurse. WebC

emergency services

pohotovostní služby

1. The Town of Ajax has its own full Fire and Emergency Services, providing fire prevention, education, and firefighting services. WebC

2. In every community there are various groups who perform vital emergency services dedicated to protecting health, safety and wee being of the people. WebC

3. Other emergency services such as Ambulance and Hospital Services are provided for by the Provincial Government through the Vancouver Richmond Health Board. WebC

emergency utility services

veřejné pohotovostní služby

1. I understand that if I provide false information, I could be denied medical emergency utility services. WebC

2. Work has not yet begun on a project to provide emergency utility services to Mercy Hospital in Devils Lake. WebC

3. Emergency utility services must be designed to permit testing of the functional operability and capacity. WebC

environmentally friendly

šetrné k životnímu prostředí

1. Environmentally friendly propane is the fuel of choice for many business and municipal fleets. WebC

2. I have been searching for an environmentally friendly way to repel moles from my home without killing or harming them. WebC

3. For most urbanites, an environmentally friendly house brings to mind solar panels and composting toilets. WebC

exhaust fumes

výfukové plyny

1. Up to a sixth of cot deaths may be directly attributable to pollutants from vehicle exhaust fumes, it was revealed yesterday. WebC

2. Animal facility must be sufficiently ventilated to minimize exhaust fumes. WebC

3. Recent studies have shown that children in school buses or in areas where buses are queuing and idling are often exposed to high levels of diesel exhaust fumes. WebC