Tuesday, 16 July 2024, 2:46 PM
Site: OpenMoodle
Course: Angličtina pro pokročilé (APP)
Glossary: CLIMATE

ice cap

ledová čepička

Another idea was to allow the hot containers to melt gradually beneath the vast polar ice cap. BNC

Here in the lonely isolation of the Antarctic ice cap is Mt Early, the world's southern-most volcano. BNC

A huge hole has recently appeared in the layer above the Antarctic ice cap. BNC

icy conditions

velmi chladno, mrazivo

Additionally, cycles and motor cycles could pass either side of the table to avoid the potential skid risk in wet or icy conditions. BNC

Last night AA Roadwatch urged drivers to take care in the icy conditions and said it anticipated problems with heavy traffic during the holiday period. BNC

But the warning is that not every road is treated with salt; and even if it is, not every road is safe in icy conditions: and sometimes it's even hard going for the experts. BNC

if the weather holds out

když vydrží počasí

If the weather holds out, Rupert Bear and friends will take to the skies again tomorrow. BNC

 If the weather holds out, by Sunday the organizers hope the Show will have attracted a record sixty thousand visitors. BNC

If the weather holds out work could be completed in a short time. BNC

in a cold sweat

být politý studeným potem, velice vystrašený 

I dreamed I'd left the tickets at home and woke up in a cold sweat. CIDI

The thought of it brought him out in a cold sweat as he ran desperately on. BNC

This is 1990s Britain's worst nightmare, according to scientists who have launched a unique investigation of the terrors that wake us in a cold sweat. BNC

in a flash

bleskově, jako na koni

I'm not a great fan, but I enjoyed the first one, The Tempest , enormously and the evening went in a flash. BNC

The bruiser bawled at her, but she was out of the door in a flash. BNC

Sometimes knowledge comes in a flash, sometimes one does not have to see someone for weeks at a time. BNC

in broad daylight

za bílého dne

The man was shot at close range in broad daylight in front of his house. CIDI

Especially if you add that the incident in question took place in public, and in broad daylight. BNC

Astra estates have been disappearing from the car park outside the office in broad daylight. BNC

in cold blood


Four men were charged with the killing, in cold blood, of a French tourist last summer. CIDI

Who would kill four people in cold blood for a radio, a pair of binoculars, and $40 in cash? WebCorp

He was shot in cold blood because he knew too much and was about to blow the whistle. BNC

in deep water

v potížích, nepříjemnostech

If he'd been in deep water he wouldn't have been damaged so much and neither would he have surfaced yet, perhaps not for several more days. BCN

Because of the huge up-front investment in production platforms, modestly-sized hydrocarbon discoveries in deep water are not economic. BNC

The oil company is in deep water for not taking part in a half-price fare offer; because they say people in Northern Ireland aren't interested. BNC

in full flood

v plném proudu

He looked at the river which was now in full flood. BNC

Manningham was in full flood, downing his drink and pouring himself a fresh one. BNC

Sir Thomas was in full flood, though his performance seemed to lack its usual fortissimo, thought Oliver to himself. BNC

in full flow

v plném proudu

The royal wedding preparations were now in full flow. CIDI

 It was not at all the response she wanted, but Mrs Browning was again in full flow. BNC

She listened intently to Myeloski, who was in full flow, as Duncan approached them. BNC


in the cold light of the day

s chladnou hlavou

The next morning, in the cold light of day, Sarah realized what a complete idiot she had been.CIDI

The battle is waging, souls are being lost, and looking at the plain facts in the cold light of the day we, are loosing the battle. WebCorp

What if, in the cold light of the day, they discovered that they'd made a mistake, that what they'd thought was real was just a passing attraction, a little harmless fling of the moment? WebCorp

in the heat of the moment

v zápalu boje, v rozčilení

But where people act in the heat of the moment, the likelihood of their being deterred by the size of the penalty or even their chances of getting caught would seem to be small.WebCorp

It's a real shame that both me and him will miss the next game but you can't control those sort of things in hte heat of hte moment. WebCorp

Will it make people stop coming to the races because two people lost their heads in the heat of the moment? WebCorp

in the hot seat

v horkém křesle, mít zodpovědnost za důležitá rozhodnutí

He suddenly found himself in the hot seat, facing a hundred angry residents at a protest meeting. BNC

Among Mr Powell's successes in his five years in the hot seat were EastEnders and Birds Of A Feather. BNC

Always address the person in the hot seat by the name of the character you have chosen. BNC

in the lee

v závětří

The unclothed, except when swimming, stayed in the background, secluded in the lee of a dune.  BNC

there was no natural cover, camouflage nets were slung over the trucks, while the men tended to disperse themselves some distance away, preferably in the lee of a rock. BNC

The preferred spot is in the lee of a tall hedge; it does a marvellous job of breaking up gale force winds. BNC



One of the most important of the island's defences is against erosion or inundation by the sea. BNC

However, the tilting process and inundation that accompanied it were so gradual that most existing forms of wildlife had ample time to escape from or adapt to the changes. BNC

Extensive areas of prime agricultural land, supporting tens of millions of people, will be lost through inundation and saltwater contamination of the soils. BNC