terça-feira, 16 de julho de 2024 às 16:47
Site: OpenMoodle
Disciplina: Angličtina pro pokročilé (APP)
Glossário: FAMILY

Necessity is the mother of invention.

Nouze naučila Dalibora housti.

If necessity is the mother of invention, originality is its father. A great invention will do something that could be not be achieved without it. WebC

Necessity is the Mother of Invention. Advances in technology and clever inventions have changed the face of office work. WebC

Necessity is the mother of Invention, and, as everybody knows, a skinny woman named Poverty is the mother of Necessity. WebC

new kid on the block

nováček (nově příchozí), bažant

Realizing I was the new kid on the block in this job, I was determined to prove myself. CIDI

Foo was perceived as the new kid on the block, the angry young gunslinger who had ridden into town to test his draw against the ageing marshal. BNC

With the Santa Cruz Operation's new president Lars Turndal being the new kid on the block and a stranger to most of the people who'll have to deal with him, we thought we'd give a little of his background. BNC

New Man

muž zastávající názor feministek, že muž se má starat o domácnost a dítě stejně jako žena 

I bet you Chris does at least half of the cooking and the housework. He's very much a New Man. CIDI

He is also the epitome of the New Man, and has been known to leave his office to arrive home in time to bath his daughter, Mary-Claire, and read her a story before bed. BNC

To feminists he is a New Man, pro-choice on the abortion issue and married to a strong, career-minded woman whom he freely acknowledges as the driving force behind his win. BNC



Freda, the newly-wed, was pregnant, and this was messing up all our duty rosters. BNC

One morning a husband said to his newly-wed wife, "Goodbye, darling". BNC

A newly-wed husband legally acquired all his wife's real and personal property, and he could dispose of it exactly as he thought fit. BNC

next of kin

nejbližší příbuzní

You can have my mother's address for next of kin. BNC

If your brother becomes poor, and sells part of his property, then his next of kin shall come and redeem what his brother has sold. BNC

She said that was no excuse for not informing the next of kin of the three crew members of the Delos who had died. BNC

not to be on speaking terms with sb

nemluvit s kým

I am currently not on speaking terms with my mother, but I do not wish to physically harm her.WebC

If you're not on speaking terms with certain family members, this is a good time to smooth any differences between you. WebC

The story goes that in the end nobody knew the reason why they were not on speaking terms with each other. WebC

nursing mother

kojící matka

A nursing mother sees her reflection in the eyes of the infant in her arms. BNC

And then there are special times; when planning a family: as an expectant or nursing mother; when it's that time of the month; or simply when you run out of time to eat properly. BNC

Disabled persons and nursing mothers are provided with special facilities, including a lift, and there are pay phones, public toilets and a baggage handling hall. . WebC