terça-feira, 16 de julho de 2024 às 13:21
Site: OpenMoodle
Disciplina: Angličtina pro pokročilé (APP)

oak pews

dubové lavice

1. At the beginning of the 1930's, new oak pews were placed in the nave of Eggbuckland Church, paid for by public subscription. WebC

2. The dark oak pews now a century old, replaced the first walnut pews in the fall of 1900. WebC

3. There were twenty rows of oak pews, with an aisle on each side, and a larger aisle running through the middle. WebC 

obscure origins

nejasný původ

1. Since then research has produced new data on its obscure origins and popular appeal, which will intrigue scholars and general readers alike. WebC

2. As we trace the obscure origins of Simhat Torah we note that there has not always been clear agreement about when it should be observed. WebC

3. The Fulani, a people of obscure origins, expanded eastward from Futa Toro in Lower Senegal in the 14th century. WebC

off the beaten track

mimo hlavní turistické trasy

1. Some of my most treasured moments in China were off the beaten track. WebC

2. Small ships are perfect for intimate exploration of off-the-beaten track waterways,
narrow channels and tiny ports that passengers on large ships will never see. WebC

3. Let this tour take you off the beaten track to experience just a taste of all that is so essentially Italian in the famous regions of Tuscany and Umbria. WebC

office block

výšková budova s kancelářemi

1. This 4-story office block in the Queen Anne style stood across the street from the Stadium Theatre. WebC

2. This is an office block, where many people work at desks, using telephones and computers all day and often meeting people who come to the office on business. WebC

3. When the taxi from the airport drops you outside the office block, you're told there are exits in all directions. WebC

old-fashioned charm

kouzlo starobylosti

1. Illustrations from the original editions are used throughout, as is a red-and-white checkerboard motif, adding a note of old-fashioned charm. WebC

2. Take back special memories of the old-fashioned charm of this village by the sea. WebC

3. It has a lot of old fashioned charm and atmosphere with a lovely enclosed cottage garden and large grounds. WebC

on a guided coach tour

na autokarovém zájezdu s průvodecem

1. After lunch at a typical Heidelberg restaurant we take a look at the past, present and future of the city of poets and philosophers on a guided coach tour. WebC

2. On a guided coach tour we show you the sights of the city. WebC

3. You will then go on a guided coach tour of la Plaza Espana, Plaza America and the city centre and then enjoy the end of the tour on foot. WebC

on foot


1. As we now had a good reserve of meat I set off for a prominent hill to the south, on foot. WebC

2. Exploring on foot is the ideal way to see a city. WebC

3. Really, if you're not in any particular hurry, the best way to get around Rome (from a sight-seeing point of view) is on foot. WebC

on our way to...

na naší cestě do...

1. As soon as the train was through with the work at Cherry Creek, we started on our
way to the next station, which was one mile from Cherry Creek. WebC

2. Today we were on our way to the ancient Bristlecone Pines in the White Mountains. WebC

3. We were unable to attend any of the performances as we had to catch a night train for Munich on our way to Innsbruck. WebC

on the periphery

na okraji, na periférii

1. Street children do not wish to remain on the periphery of society; they constantly rebel against their marginalized image in the eyes of other Kenyans. WebC

2. The Gurkhas and the Japanese moved out further detachments occupying strategic points on the periphery of Saigon. WebC

3. Everywhere on the periphery of Indian Country you see it, but here it seems especially pronounced. WebC

open-air museum

muzeum v přírodě, skanzen

1. The conception of the folk art center in conjunction with the open-air museum was born in Scandinavia. WebC

2. This museum is an open-air museum with about 20 well-preserved timber buildings with beautiful interiors. WebC

3. Representative architectural items as well as ancient monuments of traditional folk technique are being restored and set up in this very open-air museum. WebC

original building

původní budova

1. The original building is a one story building constructed in 1970. WebC

2. The original building was expanded in the 1920s, again in the 1950s and again in the 1970s. WebC

3. The rehabilitation of some historic buildings involves new construction creating an addition to the original building. WebC

ornamental gardens

okrasné zahrady

1. Before applying these chemicals in ornamental gardens, remove any existing weeds. WebC

2. Further, there are superb public and private ornamental gardens that display oceans of colour and lots of design and are often poorly labeled if at all. WebC

3. It, also, is a very unique and useful book, one of very few written in English about the plants found in the ornamental gardens of China. WebC

Orthodox Church

pravoslavná církev

1. Predictably, the Russian Orthodox Church has been the subject of more study than any other religious establishment in Russia. WebC

2. The British Orthodox Church has been a part of the Coptic Orthodox Patriarchate since 1994. WebC

3. The Orthodox Church in China has an almost three-century history. WebC

other attractions

další zajímavosti

1. The Dubbo Military Museum is located in the Dubbo City Tourist Park which has a wide range of other attractions that are of great interest to both young and old . WebC

2. In addition to its other attractions, Guernsey boasts several public parks that are used by islanders participating in sporting activities. WebC 

3. Newport also serves up a long list of other attractions: Yaquina Bay State Park, site of the Old Yaquina Bay Lighthouse, a museum that some say is haunted. WebC

outer walls

vnější zdi

1. The space between the inner and the outer walls is filled with fibers. WebC

2. Low outer walls served as barriers against siege towers and battering rams. WebC

3. The outer walls are made up of red bricks. WebC