úterý, 16. července 2024, 13.26
Stránky: OpenMoodle
Kurz: Angličtina pro pokročilé (APP)
Slovník: MEDIA

on display on the stall/newsstand

- vystavený v novinovém stánku

1. As I leaned over the girl pretending to look at what was on display on the newsstand. WebC

2. A second or two later, Maybelle, her attention drawn from what was on display on the stall to what stood beside it, also recognised Miss Sally-Anne Tunstall. BNC

3. She first saw Dogs Today on display the newsstand, reads it from cover to cover and then keeps it. BNC

on long/medium/short wave

- na dlouhých/středních/krátkých vlnách

1. We've not been told yet; but we don't believe it will be possible to simulcast Radio 4 on long wave and FM beyond the mid-nineties. BNC

2. That's why you can no longer get Radio 2 or Radio 3 on medium wave. BNC

3. Broadcasting was on short wave only and at such low power that the reception area was limited, scattered and unpredictable. BNC

on the air

- ve vysílání, v přenosu

1. During the 1970s television was on the air between thirty-five and forty hours a week. BNC

2. While the programme was still on the air, one of the BBC staff, Rob Frost, was telephoning the army's Adventure Training Unit in London. BNC

3. On the hour the news and weather and we'd like to hear from you this afternoon Nottingham three four three four three four the number to ring if you'd like to have a chat on the air. BNC

on-the-spot report

- přímá reportáž

1. It 's well-written, informative, full of¨on-the-spot reports and case studies from all over the world. Wasps

2. On the 23rd, however, even after percolating the softening filters of G.Q.G. the reports sounded so bad that Joffre was persuaded to dispatch his Assistant Chief of Staff, Colonel Claudel, to Verdun to make an on-the-spot report. BNC

3. There had been no opportunity to get from him an on-the-spot report of what had happened. BNC

opinion survey

- průzkum mínění

1. The last Birmingham Magazine reported on the results of an opinion survey designed to assess the University's reputation with important groups including sixth-formers, managers in industry and the public. BNC

2. But despite those promises, and despite Portugal's generosity, a recent public opinion survey showed that about 50 per cent of Macao residents had no confidence in the future under Chinese rule. BNC

3. That this was essentially as liberal a vote as the wording permitted, for legal abortion at home, is borne out by a national opinion survey carried out before the election for the Irish Sunday Press. BNC

opt for st

- rozhodnout se pro něco

1. In view of this very heavy agenda for discussion, the Association has requested that the Bank defer the deadline of 14th May for those who wish to opt for the package. BNC

2. Only when it needs a custom development platform should an organisation opt for the really new stuff. BNC

3. Most people in this business opt for two-inch wide tape but I prefer three-inch black for securing every line of wire in the hall, plus some two-inch white or silver to mark the edge of steps and other things you need to make noticeable. BNC

oust sb from power

- zbavit někoho vlády, připravit o moc

1. In Sweden the Social Democrats were ousted from power in 1976 after forty-five years in office. Wasps

2. The ruling royal family have been embezzling oil revenues and have been ousted from power by the Safran Peoples' Liberation Party. Wasps

3. That may be so , but the prince was ousted from power by the Lon Nol coup back in 1970. Wasps

out of focus

- nezaostřený

1. Some rude shots Get the camera and the photos and I would and if and if there ain't any photos so I get it back into focus and he do it again and it bit out of focus. BNC

2. From the end of my nose, everything is out of focus. BNC

3. This was the case even with black and white (monochrome), though the shallow focal planes preferred in much 1930s cinematography, sharp only on the foreground or middle ground, tolerated slightly dim and fuzzy backgrounds which were seen out of focus in the final process shot. BNC


- zastaralý

1. You lose your confidence because you never know whether you've just asked that question or whether you are simply talking out-of-date rubbish. BNC

2. It needed too much spent on repairs, and the stock was old-fashioned and out-of-date. BNC

3. The Bill also empowers the Secretary of State to repeal an obsolete and out-of-date Act of Parliament from 1908 which threatens the industry's productivity and the earnings of its work force. BNC

over long periods of time

- po dlouhou dobu

1. Big business or some trade unions, for example, seem to have exercised power consistently over long periods of time. BNC

2. Comparisons of this kind are difficult to make with accuracy over long periods of time; but the direction and size of the change are beyond doubt. BNC

3. Government is becoming increasingly task or product orientated, rather than directed towards carrying out functions over long periods of time in line with established routines. BNC