úterý, 16. července 2024, 15.01
Stránky: OpenMoodle
Kurz: Angličtina pro pokročilé (APP)
Slovník: HOME

on the carpet

mít problémy; dostat se do potíží

He´s going to be on the carpet for his rudeness.

And then eight or nine weeks after my happy entry into College I was on the carpet. (BNC)

Well, all this business putting me on the carpet… implying that I might leave you short. (BNC)

on the cutting room floor

nezahrnutý, nepoužitý

Some real ballplayers were used in the movie´s baseball scenes, but they ended up on the cutting room floor. (Google)

In the rush to finish this session, legislatores left some very important bills on the cutting room floor. (Google)

And some violent scenes - accepted for US TV - were also left on the cutting room floor. (BNC)

on the house

na účet podniku

Here," said the waiter, "have a cup of coffee on the house." (Google)

I went to a restaurant last night. I was the ten thousandth customer, so my dinner was on the house. (Google)

First drink is on the house. (BNC)

on the house - na účet podniku (fyzické osoby, ...) => free

1. A new soul food restaurant opens downtown today, and it wants its debut to be a sweet experience for its customers. Dessert on the House. (Google)

2. Once, the owner of a restaurant gave us a dinner on the house. We did not have to pay for our meals. (Google)

3. A generous helping of frosting can also be used to create the effect of snow on the house! (Google)

oven mitt - chňapka (v kuchyni - na uchopení horkých věcí)

1. Silicone oven mitt is more than just a fancy kitchen tool. (Google)

2. I thought I'd ease the journey this year with the undeniable pleasure of a handknit oven mitt. (Google)

3. This is no ordinary oven mitt—it fits like a glove, and its sleek design and colorful patterns would certainly be at home on the Milan runways. (Google)