Tuesday, 16 July 2024, 5:47 PM
Site: OpenMoodle
Course: Angličtina pro pokročilé (APP)
Glossary: CLIMATE

occluded front

okluzní fronta

An occluded front from the Low at 52°N 23°W running eastwards to Northern Ireland. WebCorp

This cold front joined to an occluded front which runs northwards to eastern Finland and then westwards across central Sweden and central Norway.WebCorp

In the case of an occluded front, the warm air mass will be forced aloft. WebCorp

on the weather side

na návětrné straně

Although Viking was lying quietly enough at the moment we could tell by the sudden gusts which hissed down from the high southern cliff that it was blowing quite hard on the weather side. BNC

In calm, clear weather these are all thrown open; but if it blows, those on the weather side are closed, whilst those away from the wind can remain open without any inconvenience. WebCorp

I, therefore, set to work at once to tranship them -- a most difficult operation, the ship being on the weather side of the island and the sand alongside very heavy. WebCorp

on thin ice

pohybovat se na tenkém ledě

It had been granted grudgingly and she knew she was on thin ice as far as her superiors were concerned. BNC

She felt as though she were treading on thin ice and any false move might plunge her once more into the dark depths of despair. BNC

Even for a lifelong friend this is skating on thin ice! BNC

open waters

otevřené moře 

But in open, or partially open waters, where a wind is capable of creating a choppy surface and influencing the below-surface conditions, it is wise to fish into the wind. BNC

Breeds on well vegetated fresh or brackish water or marshes; in winter on more open waters, even temporary pools in desert. BNC

Gairloch Bay comes into sight with the open waters of the North Minch beyond, as the road descends to the village beautifully situated along the shore. BNC

out of a clear (blue) sky

z čista jasna, z nenadále

Out of a clear sky, or so it seemed to them. BNC

Only a slight chill in the air gave any indication that it was autumn, and even that was beginning to fade away as the sun blazed down again out of a clear blue sky. BNC

Over the past year, many a fund manager has had his confidence shattered as supposedly reliable shares that were the solid core of his portfolio ; IBM, Merck, Kellogg, Philip Morris ; crashed out of a clear blue sky. BNC

out of thin air

z ničeho nic, z čista jasna

It must have seemed to Bragad's minions that we were falling on them out of thin air. BNC

They only saw him: it was very sudden, just as if he had materialized out of thin air. BNC

She seemed to appear out of thin air. CALD

outlook for

předpověd´na ...

Outlook for tomorrow and Sunday: Mainly dry and mild, with sunny intervals after clearance of any early mist or fog. BNC

Outlook for tomorrow and Thursday: Continuing unsettled with rain or showers in most areas. BNC

Tomorrow should brighten up with sunny intervals and the outlook for Friday is mainly dry with sunny spells. BNC

overcast sky

chmurné nebe

Laura sighed, leaning back on the hard bench and gazing up at the overcast sky. BNC

The air struck dank and chill, and the overcast sky pre-empted the onset of dusk. BNC

In fact the weather had not smiled on Miss Switham's wedding day, and the overcast sky did not invite a walk. BNC


přetečení, vylití

We put our litter back into our rucksacks as all the bins were full to overflowing, and Elinor and Otley set off in the direction of Fair Hill where all the caravans were resting. BNC

He tossed the empty packet onto the overflowing bin in the corner of the room and sat down at the table. BNC

Crushing the cigarette stub in an overflowing ashtray, the officer pushed his chair back and stood up. BNC

overwhelmed with st

něčím zaplaven, ohromen

Then they see the size of the crowd or the famous VIP arriving and they are overwhelmed with terror. BNC 

Before long if we are not careful we shall be overwhelmed with things that are tenth-rate. BNC

But as I listened to the stories of these prisoners it was difficult not to be overwhelmed with feelings of hate and revenge. BNC

ozone layer

ozonová vrstva

The ozone layer still prevents any lethal UVC radiation reaching the earth.

Without the Ozone Layer, life on Earth would be quite different. BNC

The ozone layer (spread out between 12 and 50km above the Earth), has always existed and, left to its own devices, will regenerate and interact with other airborne gases to create a perfect balance. BNC