tirsdag, 16. juli 2024, 16:56
Portal: OpenMoodle
Kurs: Angličtina pro pokročilé (APP)

off the cuff

spatra, bez přípravy

He made several off-the-cuff remarks which he later denied. CIDI

She wasn't expecting to give a speech and just said a few things off the cuff. CIDI

He made a very interesting off-the-cuff speech at the party last night. IC

off-the-peg suit

hotové šaty, konfekce

Most plans are like off-the-peg suits, they fit everyone more or less and no one perfectly. BNCB

The new Conservatives not only wear off-the-peg suits, they adopt off-the-peg philosophies: they have something their predecessors would have sneered at. BNCB

Most plans are like off-the-peg suits, they fit everyone more or less and no one perfectly. BNCB

old bag

rašple, rachejtle

When the photographer had done with us Helene said that she was an ugly old bag and she hated having her picture taken. IE

His name was Oedipus, he was Greek I think. Well, the old bag turned out to be his mother. IE

Mrs Letouzel, you cantankerous od bag, what do you mean, by complaining about your money!

old hat

stará vesta =  dávno známá a nudná věc, osoba

A 24-hour banking service may seem old hat in the United States, but it's still innovative in Europe. CIDI

Much of what the latter says about information theory, feedback and signal detection is old hat, but he generously leaves us one or two bones to pick. BNC-B

Meanwhile, fashion pundits were speculating last night that although Anne is likely to splash out on a new outfit, she will be wearing an old hat when she walks up the aisle. BNC-B

old school tie

The old school tie still has enormous power in many City companies. CIDI

As a result, it is hardly surprising that everything from Patches to the Daily Telegraph employs at least one rock correspondent, from a teenage school-leaver in doorstep Nikes and a back-to-front baseball cap to some affable dilettante with a plum in his mouth and old school tie. BNCB

Such a system, based on social class and the old school tie, had never become quite so entrenched across the Atlantic in the first place, and had largely broken down by the end of the 1950s. BNCB



She led him straight into an old-fashioned kitchen where a coal range gave out a dull red glow. BNCB

I was not from a religious background, and I had previously thought that anyone who went to the mikva had to wear ghastly old-fashioned dresses with thick tights and live in a Yiddish-speaking ghetto! BNCB

It's a telling detail, this appreciation of cafes, and one which (with his turn-of-the-century clothes and his clipped Viennese psychiatrist accent) hints that Daniel Barenboim is a thoroughly modern maestro with a thoroughly old-fashioned sensibility. BNCB

on a shoestring

se silně omezeným rozpočtem, za pár korun (něco podnikat)

The restaurant is run on a shoestring, so we can't afford to take on any more staff. CIDI

We went to China and Japan on a shoestring and enjoyed it very much. IC

Feeling uneasy, we turned to our Africa on a Shoestring handbook, learning that the Kalahari consists of some of the most arid and remote land in the world. BNC-B

one´s Sunday best

My clothes were my Sunday best. IE

In addition, as part of their public strategy, the demonstrators invariably wear their Sunday best and carry their most impressive school-books. IE

And there were the clothing workers themselves, dignified but a little prim in their Sunday best. IE