pátek, 7. června 2024, 06.46
Stránky: OpenMoodle
Kurz: Angličtina pro pokročilé (APP)

of note

notable, well-known, highly regarded

One other feature is worthy of note in an attempt to bring together these views of professionals and those outlined above on managerialism.  BNCI

 His pattern was a lady of note, 19-year-old Charlotte Cecilia Leitch (known as Cecil), from Silloth in Cumbria, who played off scratch.  BNCI

Significantly, the producer is John Surman, English jazz composer of note.  bNCI

of the old school

ze staré školy

Reddlemen of the old shool are now but seldom seen. (Longman Dict. of English Id.)

Wilhelm described him as an eminent scholar of the old school, one of the last of his kind, and referred to him as his honored teacher. (WebC)

On page one of the story the speaker describes the spirit of the old school he has come to love.

on paper

as described, when judged entirely on written record or statements

On paper, however, the vessels would be on the order of the United States, enabling Israel to receive American financing and circumventing West German export restrictions.  BNCI

Overnight the new Soviet government, with plans for social welfare that on paper went far beyond those of Scandinavia or Britain in 1945, had to take over.  BNCI

On paper, this is one of the most attractive features of converting a business into a company limited by shares or by guarantee.  BNCI

one lives and learns

one picks up many useful or surprising pieces of information in the course of one´s life

It turned out to be illegal, but one lives and learns. Google

Before I got on the internet and got ICQ, I thought it where hard to
finde nice down to earth girls, but one lives and learns, eh? Google

It’s rather a continuing creative process where one lives and learns. Google

one´s opposite number

a person occupying the same, or a very similar, position as oneself

But, in the marketplace, one's opposite number is a person, not a parrot.  Google

It was necessary to know and
understand one's opposite number. Google

One of the essential ingredients of a business is not to disclose all of
one's cards at the same time, particularly to one's opposite number. Google

open to question

qustionable, arguable, uncertain

In academia, anything
is properly open to question, including the questioner.  Google

 We have now started our own venture called 'Open to
Question' which is a shorter course but with similar aims. Google

Depth of reasoning is open to question. Google