úterý, 16. července 2024, 14.27
Stránky: OpenMoodle
Kurz: Angličtina pro pokročilé (APP)

under oath

pod přísahou

Graham Watson confirmed this statement to the police and confirmed it again under oath at the trial. (BNCI)

When questioned under oath he told the truth without shame or political motivation. (BNCI)

Mr Brain, for the prosecution, brought forward several witnesses who stated under oath that they had heard Slatter encourage James to stab PC Hewett with a sheath knife. (BNCI)

unemployment benefit

podpora v nezaměstnanosti

1. It consists of the following three components: (1) Benefits which have to be paid to the unemployed: these include unemployment benefit, supplementary benefit, housing benefit, government contributions to redundancy payments and payments to those men aged between sixty and sixty-five who no longer register as unemployed. (BNCI)

2.If you do any part-time work while on unemployment benefit and your earnings do not affect your benefit entitlement, you will still have to meet the rest of the conditions for this benefit on the remaining days. (BNCI)

3. To ask the Secretary of State for Employment what is his estimate of the number of people in the United Kingdom who are economically active, unemployed and not receiving unemployment benefit. (BNCI)

universal franchise

všeobecné volební právo

1. Even now, of course, the governor is far from offering a universal franchise: that degree of democracy is some way off.(WebCorp)

2. The universal franchise and freedom for all political parties saw the development of mass support for socialist and communist parties that had previously been suppressed.(WebCorp)

3. The ANC argued that the decision should be left to the constituent assembly itself, which is expected to be elected by the middle of next year by universal franchise. (BNCI)

upsurge in crime

nárust zločinnosti

Mr.Currie asked the Minister for Justice whether his attention has been drawn to an upsurge in crime involving car burning, thefts from cars and damage to cars.(WebCorp)

With the coming of the reform era and China's opening up policy, Chinese society found itself in a period of swift change. This resulted in the loss of the former stable social balance and led to a sudden upsurge in crime.(WebCorp)

 While admitting that the upsurge in crime could be a product of more truthful statistics, Putin believes that it is not only a matter of statistics but also the fact that citizens still cannot rely on the power of law. (WebCorp)

upsurge in violence

náhlý vzrůst násilí

1. An upsurge of/in violence in the district has been linked to increased unemployment.(Cambridge Advanced Dictionary)

2. The recent upsurge in violence was also due for discussion at the Dublin meeting, which involved Fine Gael leader John Bruton and Progressive Democrat leader Des O'Malley. (BNCI)

3. The upsurge in violence in Liberia has forced thousands of people to move into camps, especially in the suburbs of Monrovia, or to cross the borders into Sierra Leone or Guinea.(WebCorp)