mardi 16 juillet 2024, 15:49
Site: OpenMoodle
Cours: Angličtina pro pokročilé (APP)
Glossaire: FAMILY

umbillical cord

pupeční šňůra (také přeneseně)

My wife went in for her 20 wk sonogram and the doctor said that the umbillical cord only had one vein and one artery. WebC

It is to the mother that a developing unborn child is literally bonded or connected by an umbillical cord, creating a degree of intimacy. WebC

Something that really helped us was what I like to call the umbillical cord method. WebC

unborn child

nenarozené dítě, plod

German Measles can damage your unborn child. BNC

Every member of the family looks after her safety as she carries the much welcome unborn child. BNC

So, we could be sure the unborn child was given a full and more than adequate food and oxygen supply throughout. BNC

under one's thumb

být pod pantoflem

Auntie Julie was a bossy wee body with a pug nose and a big bust, and she had Uncle Geordie completely under her thumb. BNC

His wife, who isn't interested in history at all, is a real dragon, and he spends most of his life completely under her thumb. BNC

As I follow her into the front room someone whispers to Rufus: `She got him under her thumb, I think.' BNC

unrequited love

nešťastná/ neopětovanaá láska

Complaints following a loss, a grief, a rejection, unrequited love or a reprimand. BNC

First love, unrequited love, chivalrous daring-do and spine tingling escapes, wrapped up in one of the theatre's great set pieces, The Tower of London, and some of Sullivan's loveliest music... BNC

The fact that her stomach no longer turned over when he looked at her came as a surprise and disappointment --; even unrequited love was better than no love at all. BNC

upon death

v případě smrti

The tax consequences upon death can be very substantial if certain kinds of assets were held by the deceased at death. WebC

Each week 800 council employees voluntarily contributed 50p from their wages of which 31p was paid to an insurance company which paid out £2,750 upon death. BNC

Under this policy, claims are paid upon death or serious disability of the insured.WebC

uranium family

uranová řada

If the radioactive uranium family had not included a gas (radon), natural radioactivity would pose no health problem. WebC

Uranium 238 is the founder of the natural uranium family, while Uranium 235 is the founder of the Actinium-Uranium natural family. WebC

But there may be other isotopes that are naturally radioactive, especially in the uranium family. WebC