martedì, 16 luglio 2024, 14:44
Sito: OpenMoodle
Corso: Angličtina pro pokročilé (APP)
Glossario: HOME

until the cows come home

velice dlouhou dobu

You can hammer around the statistics until the cows come home to argue that flying is less dangerous than any other form of transport. (BNC)

However, this approach may not always be the most successful one because it is so familiar to most of us, and in a competitive situation people are able to go on reasoning until the cows come home. (BNC)

We could talk about this problem until the cows come home, but it wouldn´t solve anything. (Google)

utility room

místnost určená k čištění, praní, žehlení, ...

Bathrooms, a kitchen and a utility room, needing only small windows, were located behind this elevation. (BNC)

She added a utility room and boot room and was particularly pleased with her idea of a television room off the kitchen; that was brilliant. (BNC)

Does your flat, conservatory, or utility room have a skylight to the roof? (BNC)

utility room - úklidová místnost / kumbál

1. A utility room is a room in a house, which is the descendant of the scullery. (Google)

2. The utility room typically contains washing machine, tumble dryer, and other appliances which, in houses without such a room, would be in the kitchen or laundry. (Google)

3. Concrete flooring or stone tiles are definitely the way to go if you are thinking of adding a storage or utility room to your home. (Google)