martedì, 16 luglio 2024, 15:48
Sito: OpenMoodle
Corso: Angličtina pro pokročilé (APP)
Glossario: Communication

C.O.D (cash on delivery)

na dobierku

Outward fee per parcel in addition to postage: £1.60 Inward delivery fee: £1.30 Cash on delivery (C.O.D.). (BNC)

The following optional extra services are available with International Standard and Economy services: Express delivery Franc de Droits (FDD) Cash on delivery (C.O.D.). (BNC)

With Parcel Post's safe, reliable C.O.D service you can opt to have our staff collect either postage and fees only, or full payment for the item delivered. (Google)

call in question


No member, no person from within the party, has the right to call in question the raison d'etre of the party. (Google)

All of the artists presented in this show advocate a critical stocktaking of art, and call in question any direct utility for society. (Google)

The vast majority of people, being utterly ignorant even of the elements of chemistry, labour under the impression that all that need be done in a matter of this kind is to tell the Public Analyst to “analyse,” and that full, exact, and absolutely definite information which nobody can call in question, will be forthcoming as a matter of course. (Google)

call on the carpet

zavolat si někoho na kobereček

Do we call on the carpet the doctors who prescribed this dangerous medication? (Google)

Let's call on the carpet those who do wrong--this is the power of our beneficial transparency. But let's encourage everyone too. (Google)

Further more, let's call on the carpet those who run a school system without being able to explain various learning theories or who have never taught a day in the classrrom in their entire life... (Google)

call sb names

nadávat někomu, někoho urážet

I work in a group home, and there is one 13-year-old boy who just calls everyone names, all the time, all the other youth and the staff. (Google)

When possible, I'd approach him in a positive way when he isn't calling somebody names. (Google)

Try to determine what function the name calling has for him. Was this something that was customary in his past or was necessary for him ? (Google)

call the roll

číst jmenný seznam osob

And so he volunteers to help call the roll at Riverside. He will not have an opportunity to read his own son's name, but at least he can ensure that the sons of others are not forgotten. (Google)

They are taken together — 148,000 names, representing the entire veteran population of Riverside National Cemetery, a roll call of the dead read aloud over 10 days by more than 300 volunteers. (Google)

"When they call the roll in the Senate, the Senators do not know whether to answer 'Present' or 'Not Guilty'." (Google, quote by Theodore Roosevelt)

change one's tune

obrátit, začít tvrdit něco jiného než původně

So I am a little curious as to what made him change his tune all of a sudden. (Google)

For indeed, her husband did change his tune after spending the evening alone with his two rambunctious young daughters: to one of respect. (Google)

Here is a more recent video on his views about marijuana. It appears the situation in Mexico has made him change his tune. (Google)

cold comfort

slabá útěcha

So when the IPCC predicts serious consequences from global warming unless emissions are rapidly curtailed, it's cold comfort indeed that a few newspapers in the 1970s speculated about possible global cooling. (Google)

(A headline) Prices cuts are cold comfort in deflation chill. (Times online)

Surely it was cold comfort to her that one of her father's friends had snatched from her secure life just to frighten her. (Google)

collect call

hovor na účet volaného

Consumers report that they have been deceived into accepting a collect call from a particular family member when, in fact, the call is from a stranger. (Google)

To make a collect call, enter the number you wish to call, area code first. (Google)

Are more collect phone calls made on Father's Day than on any other day of the year? (Google)

come/get to the point

prejsť/dostať sa k jadru veci/k podstate

Janet, let's get to the point. Do you want the afternoon off? (Google)

He has been talking a long time. I wish he would come to the point. (Google)

We are talking about money, Bob! Come on, get to the point. (Google)

common ground

spoločná pôda

The two poems could be thought to occupy a common ground which goes some way beyond topography, and includes a stretch of the common ground occupied by imitation. (BNC)

Mr Brooke said there appeared to be some common ground between Unionists and nationalists for talks to get underway. (BNC)

It seems increasingly unlikely that the two sides will find any common ground. (Google)

convey/carry a message

niesť správu, mať poslanie, odkazovať

The poem does convey a message, though the message can not be at every point decoded. (BNC)

This is particularly relevant to non-ELT materials since they were produced to convey a message to a particular audience. (BNC)

It was one of the worst years ever for the construction industry and many a card this Christmas carried a message that 1992 was a good year to see the back of and the hope that in 1993 things may start to look brighter. (BNC)

crack a joke

vyprávět vtip

Find interesting topics to talk about and crack a joke here and there. The more laid back you are, and just treating her as your good friend allows you to be comfortable to be yourself and talk about anything and everything that is not just about you. Crack a joke in between to let her know of your funny side as well. (Google)

If you crack a joke in the middle of a serious moment, from then on, you will be seen as a joker. (Google)

cry over spilled milk

plakat nad rozlitým mlékem

Should one cry over spilled milk? For whatever reason you need to cry, cry. (Google)

Sometimes I think it’s okay to cry over spilled milk. I mean, how many cups can you accidentally break before you finally have a breakdown yourself? I say… Go ahead. Cry. (Google)

Maybe it is ok to “cry over spilled milk.” After all, it is ruined. I feel like my emotional muscles are as weak as the muscles in my legs were when I first tried to run. (Google)