úterý, 16. července 2024, 19.04
Stránky: OpenMoodle
Kurz: Angličtina pro pokročilé (APP)
Slovník: TRAVEL

cabin crew/staff

posádka letadla, která se stará o cestující

Strikes by pilots, cabin crew and ground staff, were compounded last winter by unusually persistent fog at under-equipped north Italian tourist airports. BNC

The airline will run 13 former Dan Air short-haul routes from Gatwick, using 450 of its existing flight and cabin crew. BNC

 As you board any European airline shuttle you may see cabin crew hurriedly moving the cabin dividers to make more seats available in business class, knowing that greater profits can be made from this sector. BNC

call room service

zavolat hotelovou/pokojovou službu

In this impressive Georgian house guests can use the original internal bell system, once used by the ruling classes, to call room service. BNC

All we had to do was call room service and they'd bring us milk for our cookies. WebC

You may call room service or there're many fine resturants across the hospital. WebC 

car ferry

trajekt pro přepravu osob a vozidel

 The Dover car ferry costs from £83 with an extra charge of £13 per adult. BNC

Designed for ocean conditions, the Cat glides smoothly over the water and cuts a six-hour journey on a traditional car ferry down to two hours and 45 minutes. WebC

A regular service for a long distance car ferry between Oarai Port and two ports in Tomakomai and Muroran in Hokkaido was put into operation on March 16, 1985.

car hire

půjčení auta

Car hire is also possible , and a tour round the deserted villages and dramatic marble mountains of the Mani peninsula never fails to impress . WASPS

The price includes flights and car hire. CALD

It’s cheaper to pay for your car hire before you go. MED

car jack


What form other help took will never be known but there was certainly no need for two-way radios or car jacks. (BNCB)

As he groped his way under his seat , seeking somewhere to stow the paper , his fingers met something cold and hard and sharp . The jack. (BNCB)

They do this by applying forces through hydraulic jacks on each floor , connected to a retaining wall. (BNCB)

car maker

výrobce automobilů

Part of the strategy of GM, the world's biggest car maker, will be to increase Jaguar's output of 50,000 cars a year by two or threefold and launch new models into the executive market. BNC

Chrysler, America's third largest car maker, and Mitsubishi of Japan are discussing plans to set up vehicle manufacturing plants in Europe. BNC

The Japanese car maker has cancelled Nissan UK's sole right to distribute Nissan vehicles in Britain. BNC

car park/parking lot


The Stern boasts a lively bar and disco in the cellar, plus a free car park for the convenience of its guests. BNC

We parked in the InterCity car park which had plenty of room. BNC

It was perhaps half an hour to an hour later that the Sheikh's Mercedes drew into the parking lot and a man got out. BNC

car theft

odcizení/krádež automobilu

In a recent international survey Northern Ireland had one of the worst crime rates for car theft in the whole of Europe. WASPS

 In the Thames Valley last year the detection rate for car theft was just thirteen per cent , down from 20 per cent two years ago. WASPS

Statistics from the Insurance Bureau of Canada show that the rate of car theft is 64 per cent higher than a decade ago, and it is costing Canadians billions of dollars annually.

car wash

mycí linka

 A £150,000 hi-tech car wash could open next to Scarborough's ambulance station later this year if plans are given the green light. BNC

There were a lot of clean cars in Margate on February 24 after an eight-hour car wash marathon in a car park next to the town's lifeboat station. BNC

To take a trivial example, it is a cost rather than a benefit for me to pay my children to clean my car rather than to take it to the automatic car wash, even if the car wash charges more than my children. BNC

cargo ship

nákladní loď

James turned up at the docks expecting a luxury liner, only to find a cargo ship and a deck-hand's job waiting for him. BNC

Nine people were reported killed and 27 injured when a tanker owned by British Petroleum collided with a cargo ship off the Belgian coast. BNC

A river passenger boat crashed into a cargo ship and sank on the Amazon on March 7 after leaving Iquitos. WASPS

catch the bus/train

stihnout (nezmeškat) autobus/vlak

She was worried that she'd arrive too late to catch the last bus home. CALD

 I got up about seven, had a little breakfast and went to catch the bus for Fulham. BNC

I could still catch the early train if I left immediately . WASPS

central locking

centrální zamykání

The central locking didn't secure or unlock the front passenger door and all the locks felt rather stiff and gritty. BNC

The old car was an L version and the new one has a lot more features - power windows, tinted glass, central locking and a sunroof. BNC

The model included standard goodies such as electric windows and mirrors all round, power steering, central locking and catalytic convertor. BNC

change down

zařadit nižší rychlostní stupeň

I braked too late at the second corner and changed down to third while turning the wheel, feeding it through my hands. BNC

 To the left, parallel to the automatic system, was a manual system; you changed down by simply pushing the lever forward. BNC

Gears must be used more frequently with the extra weight of the loaded trailer, and it is important to change down in plenty of time to prevent having to brake fiercely. BNC

change gear

řadit rychlostní stupeň

The driver of a Toyota LandCruiser changed gear and drove slowly across the bridge to halt at the roadblock. WASPS

He changed gear at precisely the wrong moment and the car bucked and complained. BNC

Fergus made a grunting noise, changed gear as they bumped down the track towards the main road. BNC

change money

vyměnit/směnit peníze

 Take English cash or travellers cheques for the balance of your needs, and change money on arrival in resort. BNC

If you need to change money after banking hours try one of the money exchange houses but be aware that their exchange rates may not be the best and varies significantly from one place to the next. WebC

 Having changed money in one office, I was directed to another office a few streets away to arrange accommodation. BNC

change trains

přestupovat při cestě vlakem

On the way to our initial meeting I had to change trains, and soon found that I was travelling in the wrong direction. BNC

At midnight, twenty-four hours after leaving Calais, she finally arrived in Milan where she had to change trains. BNC

I had to change trains twice to get there. CALD

change up

zařadit vyšší rychlostní stupeň

On the road, the biggest difference you notice with the diesel is the need to change up a gear slightly earlier than in a petrol car. BNC

She changed up and accelerated away. BNC

The example that I tried changed gear with a jerk and was too eager to change up as I slowed down. BNC

check in

odbavit(na letišti), ubytovat se v hotelu, přihlásit se při příchodu (v hotelu, na letišti)

I watched them go and then went to check in my suitcases. BNC

Now travelers have the ability to check in to their hotel while travelling between the Airport and their final destination. WebC

Outside Israel , passengers can check in for a rival 's flight later and without so much hassle . WASPS

check out

odhlásit se z hotelu, odejít a zaplatit

We checked out from our hotel at 5 a.m. to catch a 7 a.m. flight. CALD

She had packed and checked out of the hotel without seeing either of the two brothers or her cousin. WASPS

On the last day of your holiday it is standard practice to be asked to check out of your room in the morning. BNC

check-in desk

odbavovací přepážka

I'll meet you at the check-in desk. CALD

 The passenger must pass through a security gate before reaching the check-in desk. BNC

We emphasize that all passengers must appear at the check-in desk in sufficient time to check in and be in possession of a boarding card at least 30 minutes prior to the scheduled departure time. WebC

child seat

dětská sedačka

For children between 1 and 4 years old, an appropriate child seat, or a booster cushion with the adult seat belt, must be used. BNC

Every year over 100,000 children are involved in crashes where it is crucial how well the child seat is fitted. WebC

Volvo has won a safety award for its innovative integrated child seat fitted to all new 900-series saloons. BNC

claim one´s baggage

vyzvednout si zavazadla (na letišti)

When deplaning, claim your baggage immediately and leave the airport quickly. WebC

When you arrive at the continental airport you will be required to pass through passport control, claim your baggage and obtain customs clearance. BNC

Then proceed to the baggage carousel and claim your baggage. WebC 

clear the way

uvolnit cestu, ustoupit z cesty, nestát v cestě

We've got a loan from the bank which has cleared the way for us to buy a house. CALD

 Foreign Secretary Douglas Hurd will chair the meeting and hopes to clear the way for success at Friday's Edinburgh EC summit. BNC

 This would clear the way for the creation of a multiparty system in the Soviet Union.

come across

narazit na něco, setkat se s něčím

I came across it by chance a couple of months ago. BNC

He came across some of his old love letters in his wife's drawer. CALD

 It is always a pleasure to come across someone with passionately held views and who truly loved the hills. BNC

come in to the port

vplout do přístavu

Most work consisted of loading and unloading the ships that came in the port in Lomond. WebC

Boats as big as aircraft carriers came in to the port.  WebC

conducted tour

cesta/prohídka/zájezd s průvodcem

This is an hour-long conducted tour in an old tram car , nostalgia every inch of the way . WASPS

I'm going to give you a conducted tour down in the marina.  BNC

It's the first time I had a proper conducted tour of the House and I found it amazing. WebC

corner seat

sedadlo v rohu

As the train left the suburbs of Glasgow I settled into my very comfortable corner seat to enjoy the views as the hills and lochs passed slowly by, and the train chugged steadily along the West Highland Line. BNC

He got a corner seat in an empty carriage. BNC

In the film The Rebel (1960) Tony Hancock memorably demonstrated how to get the corner seat in a commuter train. BNC

crash helmet

ochranná přilba, helma

 A motorcyclist on a stolen bike was stopped by police for not wearing a crash helmet, Colwyn Bay magistrates heard yesterday. BNC

The rider and pilllon rider of a motor cycle must always wear a crash helmet when travelling on any road. WebC

The driver of a motor cycle shall not, while using it in a public place, permit a passenger to be carried on the motor cycle unless the passenger is wearing a crash helmet. WebC .

cruise liner/ship

výletní loď, zaoceánský parník

More than 500 passengers and crew were plucked from the sea after a luxury cruise liner sank yesterday. BNC

This tour offers you the opportunity to see Alaska in style, aboard the magnificent cruise ship MS Nieux Amsterdam, comfortable motor coach and luxury rail. WASPS

The next university cruise liner is scheduled to arrive in Havana on January 23, 2002, with other young people interested in opening their minds to the world, and of course, to Cuba. WebC

customs officer

celní úředník

He had long ago noticed that if you stared at a customs officer when going out through the green channel, the customs officer stopped you. BNC

A German Customs officer asked us about our trip and where we came from. BNC

It no longer contained her passport, which the Customs officer had immediately confiscated. BNC