mardi 16 juillet 2024, 16:09
Site: OpenMoodle
Cours: Angličtina pro pokročilé (APP)
Glossaire: NATURE


studenokrevný (živočich); chladnokrevný (kůň)

And if a cold-blooded animal is cold, then it metabolizes less rapidly than if it is warm. BNC

However they admit they are no nearer a motive for the cold-blooded killing of the forty year old property developer. BNC

Spinning with cold-blooded persistence, the spider lifted the snake higher &; higher.

come to fruition

uskutečnit se podle plánu

  1. And we'll see if those charges come to fruition or are dropped, correct? (COCA)
  2. We are especially pleased to finally see the thing come to fruition, as there were times when it all looked quite frustrating. (COCA)
  3. I am proud to see the Ga. 316 project come to fruition, and I look forward to tackling more issues. (COCA)

comfy beds

pohodlná lůžka

the Grand Californian, the handsomest of all Disney hotels: a huge lobby, comfy beds and, from most rooms, a great view of the new park. Times

No televisions or phones, but polished hardwood floors, lace curtains, comfy beds, and antique chairs. COCA

Three-course dinners and comfy beds stacked high with wool blankets. COCA

coon's age

uherský rok (dlouhá doba)

  1. This was a long time ago when Daryl Price was king, I mean, if you see the guy's big fat butt now, you know it was a serious coon 's age ago. (COCA)
  2. I didn't seen him in a coon's age. (Google)
  3. You know what i haven't done in a coon's age? I haven't posted anything here since those innocent, carefree, bygone days of 2007.(Google)

count sheep

počítat ovečky

  1. He doesn't have all day although his only plans are to count sheep and take a nap. (COCA)
  2. The age-old remedy for sleeplessness is to " count sheep. " (COCA)
  3. Rather than toss, turn, or count sheep, he resolved to put his wakefulness to good use. (COCA)

covered in hair

pokrytý srstí

By far the largest spider we've seen yet. Covered in hair. Massive eyes. Her two fangs are the size of machetes. COCA

Whatever was on my shoulder now it was covered in hair. BNC

Their heads and chests were covered in hair, and they had beards as well. BNC

covered in scales

pokrytý šupinami

There is an animal with the body and tail of a fish, covered in scales. BNC

Wiwaxia looks like a small Belgian chocolate covered in scales, with some bigger spikes pointing out here and there. BNC

Every night he came to her, his head crowned with horns, his skin covered in scales. COCA

creepy-crawly (infml.)

hmyz, brouk; nahánějící hrůzu

The 19-year-old beautician froze when the creepy-crawly suddenly appeared before her eyes. BNC

There were bats, rats, cockroaches, lizards and she did not like creepy-crawly things. COCA

There have always been creepy-crawly stories, which are part of learning that life is not all teddy bears and roses. BNC

crocodile tears

krokodýlí slzy

  1. He cried a lot. Real tears, not crocodile tears, not fake? If they were ever crocodile tears, I've never seen anyone do it better. (COCA)
  2. She would turn and look at us with pity dripping from her eyes, crocodile tears. (COCA)
  3. We gave him some sob story and the little guy just busted up into crocodile tears and handed over the key. (COCA

crop up

náhle se objevit

  1. Then there are the other vague symptoms that tend to crop up in older patients. (COCA)
  2. While existing computer models predict many things fairly accurately, surprises still crop up, and we probably can't eliminate them. (COCA)
  3. I've known for 19 years that it could crop up at any time. (COCA)