вторник, 16 июля 2024, 16:05
Сайт: OpenMoodle
Курс: Angličtina pro pokročilé (APP)
Глоссарий: HEALTH

call in sick

telefonicky se omluvit kvůli nemoci

You have to call in sick before 9:30. (LDCE)

Samantha called in sick.(CDAE)

Rachaela had called in sick and sat at her window and watched it, her back packed with cushions and pillows. (BNC)

catch sb`s death (of cold)

chytit příšernou rýmu

Don`t go out without a coat! You`ll catch your death of cold! (LDCE)

You can't go out dressed like that in this weather - you'll catch your death of cold!(CIDI)

You'll be catching your death of cold out here in the hall wearing nothing but that little scrapof lace. (BNC)

catch your breath

chytit/popadnout dech, zalapat po dechu

I had to sit down and catch my breath.(CALD)

Squatting behind an embankment, I paused to catch my breath and let my pounding heart settle down. (BNC)

I slowed down to catch my breath, and stepped into the blackness. (BNC)

catch/contract/get a disease/cold...

onemocnět čím, dostat jakou nemoc

I caught a cold while we were in Vancouver. (W.Magnuson,Eng.Idioms)

He caught malaria when he was in the tropics. (English Idioms, Oxford)

He caught a cold on his way to Tangiers which affected his left lung, but this was merely the prelude to what became an unfortunate trip. (BNC)

come to a dead halt

zkolabovat, úplně skončit, zastavit se

You will probably not succeed in being word-perfect, and there is danger in reciting a memorised speech either of appearing unnatural or of forgetting a complete section or even coming to a dead halt. (BNC)

The lorry came to a dead halt in front of the fallen child. (English Idioms, Oxford)

come to life

oživnout, ožít, probudit se k životu

After the first goal the match finally came to life. (Lingea)

Etna came to life again. (Lingea)

Everything came to life in the summer with the warm weather and long days. (BNC)

cough st up

vykašlávat něco; vydat něco nedobrovolně (peníze, informaci)

Doctors were worried when she started to cough up blood.(CALD)

I've just had to cough up £10 for a parking fine.(BNC)

But all hosepipe users will now have to cough up £33 a year. (BNC)

cut back on

snížit dávku

I'm trying to cut down on caffeine.(CALD)

She just needs to cut back on her chocolate. (BNC)

You may think you can cut back on your amount of drugs easily, but it is not that easy. (BNC)

cut oneself shaving

říznout se při holení

Half an hour ago he had cut himself shaving; now, it seemed, his very life was in jeopardy. (BNC)

Then came Brian, who had cut himself shaving, and was dabbing the blood on his chin. (BNC)

Hurrying to make up time, Manville had cut himself shaving, and the cluttered bathroom medicine cabinet had stubbornly refused to yield up the secret whereabouts of the styptic pencil. (BNC)

cut sb dead

ignorovat, zasklít, přehlížet, předstírat,že nevidíte

What`s wrong with Linda? She cut me dead in the bank this morning. (English Idioms, Oxford)

I asked her about it in the meeting and she just cut me dead.(CIDI)

I said "Good Morning" but he just cut me dead.(CALD)