úterý, 16. července 2024, 18.25
Stránky: OpenMoodle
Kurz: Angličtina pro pokročilé (APP)

computer technology

počítačová technologie

Now France says it wants to concentrate its effort to help less developed countries to make the best use of computer technology through its World Centre for Informatics, in Paris. (BNCI)

It is highly technical not just in the sense that it involves computer technology but also because it is totally based in the area of printing. (BNCI)

Advances in computer technology are now so fast only computers themselves can keep pace with the data. (BNCI)

consumption tax

spotřební daň

The introduction on Oct. 22 of a 10 per cent general consumption tax (GCT) provoked widespread criticism from the political opposition and scepticism from the business community. (BNCI)

The loss of the party's majority in the upper house in the elections of July 1989, against a background of scandals and the introduction of the unpopular consumption tax, had led to speculation that the party's 35-year period of unbroken rule was approaching its end. (BNCI)

Pay increases for civil servants were allowed for, 6,000 new government jobs would be created, and capital expenditure would rise while government expenditure was to be boosted by a new consumption tax. (BNCI)

contender for the nomination

uchazeč o nominaci

In 1852, he was once again a contender for the nomination, lost again, and this time the winner he supported - Franklin Pierce - was elected.(Google)

Of all these contenders, Dukakis said Kerry, his former lieutenant governor, is one of the favorites for the democratic nomination.(Google)

John Edwards, a senator from South Carolina, is yet another contender for the nomination.(Google)

Cost and Freight (CFR)

výlohy a dopravné v ceně

1. Under CFR, the seller does not have to procure marine insurance against the risk of loss or damage to the goods during transit. (Google)

2. C & F - (Cost and Freight.) Seller owns goods until they are loaded on vessel; selling price includes all costs so far plus cost of ocean freight. (Google)

3. Cost and Freight (CFR) The seller (exporter) is responsible for clearing the goods for export, delivering the goods past the ships rail at the port of shipment and paying international freight charges. (Google)

Cost, Insurance and Freight

výlohy, pojištění a dopravné  ceně

1. Cost, Insurance and Freight (CIF) The seller (exporter) is responsible for delivering the goods onto the vessel of transport and clearing Customs in the country of export. He is also responsible for purchasing insurance, with the buyer (importer) named as the beneficiary. (Google)

2. Cost, insurance and freight, almost always abbreviated to c.i.f, is a term used in  international trade.The c.i.f. price of a traded good is the price including the costs of getting it to its destination. (Google)

3.  C.I.F. - (Cost, insurance and freight.) Seller owns goods until they are loaded on vessel; selling price includes all costs so far plus cost of ocean marine insurance. (Google) 

criminal record

záznam v trestním rejstříku; trestní rejstřík

Compared to whites, blacks are less likely to acquire educational qualifications, their marriages are more likely to end in separation or divorce and they are more likely to have a criminal record. (BNCI)

Because the there's only one way of obtaining somebody's criminal record and that's getting a police officer to do it.(BNCI)

With my criminal record that could be the finish of my career! (BNCI)

cross-party coalition

koalice napříč stranami

His interest in the issue goes back to the early 90s, but he really got mobilised when Labour came to power in 1999, and since his Prostitution Reform Bill (PRB) was plucked out of the ballot for private members' bills three years ago, he has devoted countless hours to building a cross-party coalition of support for what will be, if it passes, a historic piece of legislation.(WebCorp)

This suggests that there now exists an opportunity to build a cross-party coalition for change strong enough to defeat the failed prohibitionism hitherto supported by most ordinary Britons. (WebCorp)

McCain told The Associated Press that GOP leaders backing Bush will peel away when they start realize his cross-party coalition would beat Vice President Al Gore. (WebCorp)

cultural diversity

kulturní rozmanitost, rozdílnost

Interdependence within a global/local environment will replace independence as a goal, and cultural diversity within and without open borders will become a cause of celebration not a threat. (BNCI)

Multiculturalists (for whom the important task is to encourage harmonious and tolerant cultural diversity) adjust their view according to what the leaders tell them. (BNCI)

From a Christian perspective cultural diversity is not simply the result of the interplay of sociological and environmental factors, it is a demonstration of the creative ingenuity of God. (BNCI)

current account

běžný účet

1. Probably the first contact between you and a bank is when you open a current account. That is only the beginning . Your bank is able to offer a comprehensive range of products and services to meet all your finance related needs .(WASPS)

2. The easy way to pay your premiums is monthly by direct debit through your Bank current account or some types of Building Society account. (BNCI)

3. There is a current account aimed at businesses with regular international transactions that offers normal current account facilities including overdrafts, regular statements and chequebooks.(BNCI)

curtain call

vyvolávání účinkujících potleskem

Judging by the rapturous applause that follows their triumphant curtain call, it sounds like everyone in this full house agrees. (INTERNET-EN)

The full house responded with a standing ovation and five curtain calls, and the press was equally enthusiastic. (INTERNET-EN)

The usher waves me back in at the end , so we get to see the curtain calls and hear the applause, which is very enthusiastic. (INTERNET-EN)

customs duty

celní poplatek

1. Central was the requirement that internal tariff (customs duty), quota and non-tariff barriers to trade in goods should be abolished so as to create an enlarged European economic space. (BNCI)

2. We will insure you against any Customs Duty you have to pay after temporarily importing your car into any of the above countries as long as the liability arises as a direct result of a claim covered under the policy. (BNCI)

3. Imports from non- EEC countries carry a tax or customs duty.The EEc itself levies a tax on imported food which will vary according to its price.(Bonito)