Tuesday, 16 July 2024, 5:01 PM
Site: OpenMoodle
Course: Angličtina pro pokročilé (APP)
Glossary: FOOD


karbanátek se sýrem v housce

A proper discussion of a football match cannot occur if one of the participants is quite ignorant of the rules of the game; and the kind of assessment of a restaurant meal that would involve the possible insertion of the establishment into a good food guide (or perhaps its deletion from it) will not get very far if one of the diners does not care for the meal because his idea of a gastronomic treat is a cheeseburger and french fries (though within the order of the burger discriminations are possible). BNC

It's 4.30 on a Friday afternoon and she's ordering a cheeseburger with mayo, ketchup and fries and a cup of tea. BNC

You know, for instance, that ordering deep-fried breaded mozzarella bites in an Italian restaurant will mean plenty of cholesterol, saturated fat and calories, and that a hefty cheeseburger on a sesame bun is rich in animal fat, protein and refined carbohydrates. BNC

cheesed (off)

otrávený, nakrknutý

In 1988, customers, so cheesed off with the Line's service, staged the famous so-called "battle of Finchley Central," occupying a train after an all-too-common announcement that it was to be diverted to Mill Hill East instead of `;speeding'; to its original destination of High Barnet. BNC

On the other hand, imagine the embarrassment of calling a full-scale search out for somebody who is not only not in peril, but is mightily cheesed off to be awoken from a deep sleep by an RAF Sea-King helicopter blowing the filling out of their sleeping-bag? BNC

Maybe he was cheesed off meeting people so far along the ridge without explanation as to their start point. BNC

chew the fat

propírat cizí záležitosti, drbat

Most of the older women meet to chew the fat with their neighbours every morning. Longman

And during his flying visit to Belfast, Mr Grade took time out to chew the fat about the old days. BNC

Sure like to chew the fat with you, fella, but I got a busy day on. BNC

chicken feed

malá hodnota, za babku, pakatel

Your rent is chicken feed in comparison with mine. (Longman)

The boys' antics are mere chicken feed to the Dynasty company, whose security chief Keith Heading (a glowering John Diehl) has a far bigger fraud on the boil involving stolen cards, dead colleagues and warehouses full of gleaming Porsches. BNC

And the hours I spent with the airbrush… ah, five hundred roubles was chicken feed for the work I put in. BNC

chicken-and-egg situation

komplikovaná situace, kdy není jasné, co je příčina a co důsledek

Is she unhappy because she gets into debt, or does she get into dept because she's unhappy? I suppose it's chicken-and-egg situation. (Oxford Idioms)

chickens come home to roost

nic nezůstane bez trestu, špatné skutky se jednou vymstí

For years he avoided paying tax. But now his chickens have come home to roost and he's got a tax bill of 25 000 pounds. (Oxford Idioms)

chocolate cream

čokoládový bonbón s krémovou náplní, pralinka

chocolate soldier

čokoládový vojáček, kterému se nechce bojovat

A young man in an Acker Bilk ensemble lurked in the doorway and a girl in a red satin skirt and a chocolate soldier cap twirled a baton and stamped her feet. BNC

The diminutive midfield player Archie Gemmill once called him "the chocolate soldier," adding with barbed wit, "if Souness was chocolate he'd eat himself." BNC



Has the chocolate-box portrait of Raine, Countess Spencer, resplendent with lacquered back-combed hair and bare shoulders -- the picture that rubbed shoulders so anachronistically with Van Dycks and Gainsboroughs -- been removed from the staircase? BNC 

 Lucinda was pretty, Vi acknowledged -- chocolate-box pretty. BNC

From chocolate-box pretty Windermere to the decidedly spooky atmosphere at Wastwater there is water, water everywhere. BNC

choosy/picky eater

mlsná huba, mlsná koza

He was a bit bird-like, a picky eater (especially when he was paying), fast in his movements and very thin in the sort of way that brings out the motherly best in women. BNC

However, if your baby is a picky eater and you're worried about her getting enough iron, there's still no need to change to follow-on milk. BNC


mušle, lastura, jedlý mlž

clear soup/broth


Choose simple starters such as chilled fruit juice, melon, clear soup, salads with a little olive oil dressing, or seafood dishes without sauces. BNC

Thus to make a wonderful stock base for poaching or a clear soup, water would be highly flavoured with lemon or lime juice, plus lemon grass and kaffir lime leaf. BNC

The inevitable clear soup followed (pot au feu this time); the sole was served in a delicate sauce almost imperceptibly flavoured with cheese, and the dean's daughter appreciated it so much that the Colonel's initial peevishness began to wear off. BNC

club soda

soda, sodovka, neochutená minerálka

cocoa butter

kakaové máslo

She watched Polynesians scoop up untreated cocoa butter and apply it directly to their skins and felt the smooth texture the skin consequently acquired. BNC

Cocoa butter is now an important ingredient in her skin-care products, for example. BNC

Cocoa butter, the rich fatty substance in the beans, is extracted from the ground nibs and this is the basis of the chocolate industry. BNC

come home with milk

přijít domů za kuropění