tisdag, 16 juli 2024, 15:37
Startsida: OpenMoodle
Kurs: Angličtina pro pokročilé (APP)
Ordlista: FOOD

cook sb's goose

zničit nečí šance, zmařit něčí plány

He thought that the police would never find him but when he saw the officer coming towards him he realized that his goose was finally cooked. (Oxford Idioms)

cook the books

falšovat např. podklady, účetnictví, manipulovat s daty

The two directors of the company had been cooking the books, a local court herd yeasterday. (Oxford Idioms)

cookin with gas

vést si znamenitě, senzačně

Business may have been a little slow at first, but now we're cooking with gas! (Oxford Idioms) 

cool as a cucumber

studený jako psí čumák, studený jako ryba, naprosto klidný, klidný jako Angličan

Everyone was rushing round trying to get things ready, and he just sat there, cool as a cucumber. (Oxford Idioms)

couch potato

povaleč, lenoch

He claims he had to develop such a style for his latest role, as the couch potato host of TV Hell , last month's one-night-stand featuring some of the classically bad moments of popular television. BNC

The last thing I want to do is to share a place with a couch potato. BNC

It is no good you being a couch potato and having a Dobermann, only to wonder why it seems so frustrated with its existence. BNC

cream of the crop

smetánka, to nejlepší

Only the cream of the crop of the year's movies are nominated for an award. (Oxford Idioms) 

cream soda

slazený perlivý nápoj s příchutí vanilky


střída, -ka (chleba); drobek

cut the mustard

překonat se

I didn't cut the mustard as a hockey player. (Oxford Idioms)

cut up fat

umřít jako boháč, nechat po sobě majlant