utorok, 16 júla 2024, 16:36
Portál: OpenMoodle
Kurz: Angličtina pro pokročilé (APP)

call at a shop

zastavit se v obchodě     wink

We would call at a shop for an hovis brown loaf. WebC

And there's recognition too that people still like to call at a shop and eye garments on a rack.  WebC

We drove back to Hill 60 where there is, incidentally a cafe with a home-made museum well worth visiting, to call at a shop there to buy a small supply of Duvel for friends at home. WebC

cash a cheque

proplatit šek    tongueout

You can cash a cheque at any UK Post Office for up to £100 per day. WebC

Please remember you must have identification when you want to cash a cheque. WebC

A teller is a bank clerk - a person who helps a customer make a deposit, cash a cheque, etc. WebC

cash and carry

obchod, kde se platí hotově a neposkytuje odvoz    thoughtful

Next year, the first cash and carry market will open in Japan. WebC

They in turn have sold the product onto a number of cash and carry outlets in Lancashire as well as selling it direct themselves.  WebC

The current popularity of cash-and-carry centers in Ukraine is making operators re-orient to western-style enterprises. WebC

cash cow

výnosný zdroj peněz   wink

Public housing security grant is a cash cow for cops. WebC

Oil for food has become a cash cow for the UN and a lucrative source of contracts for Russian and French companies. WebC

Wireless Internet services have become a cash cow for mobile phone operators. WebC

cash desk

pokladna    smile

Try not to position your counter or cash desk directly on the left hand side as you enter the store. WebC

If there is no queue the customer is served at the 1 st cash-desk. WebC

The show catalogue is available at the cash desk. WebC

cash in

vyměnit něco za peníze   cool

Chinese farmers cash in on demand for organic food.  WebC

Companies cash in with war-inspired toys By Dar Haddix UPI Correspondent. WebC

We decided to cash in the coupons because we needed some money. WebC

cash receipt

pokladní stvrzenka   wink

The original copy of the sub-department cash receipt should be given to the customer while the second and third copies remain in the receipt book. WebC

If a cash register is not being used, a handwritten cash receipt shall be issued to the payor of money... WebC

If a cash register or validating machine is unavailable, a pre-numbered cash receipt is used. WebC

cash register

pokladna (přístroj)   kiss

This amazing cash register absolutely fascinates kids who learn about money, counting and numbers as they play.  WebC

James Jacob Ritty, inventor of the first working version of a mechanical cash register, was born in Dayton, Ohio in 1837.  WebC

Easy operation cash register with fast thermal printer.  WebC

cash short

manko   dead

If the amount is a negative number, you are cash short ... WebC

If there is variance, ie, cash short or over, please fill in, at the Comment section above, the reason for the variance if it is known.  WebC

Cash Profit (Loss) for each game equals total adjusted gross proceeds plus cash long or minus cash short. WebC


pokladní/k    B-)

Our cash keeper includes money saving facts on subjects such as: Credit cards, Banking, and Insurance. WebC

It may be true that a treasurer or cash-keeper may be trusted with more money than
he is worth, and many times it is so... WebC

However, until the arrival of my proxy, it is understood that Laura, who is my cash keeper, will remit you a hundred and fifty francs a month. WebC

ceiling price

maximální, nejvyšší cena    blush

At the ceiling price, buyers want to buy more than sellers will make available. WebC

 If steel makers continue to sell below the ceiling price, they will suffer losses of 35 to 40 per cent. WebC

Are we allowed to raise the 340B price back up to the ceiling price even after we have lowered it? WebC

chain stores

obchodní řetězce (např.TESCO)    cool

The 1920s saw a proliferation of chain stores for consumers at all levels of income. WebC

Last week I visited two large chain stores. WebC

In the 1920s, chain stores were considered a rather new phenomena in the history of American retailing. WebC

change hands

změnit majitele   big grin

Please note that some of the pubs below have changed hands and sometimes beer quality may have deteriorated since these awards were made. WebC

In recent years, the building has changed hands many times. WebC

The property hasn't changed hands since the appraisal district was created.  WebC

changing rooms

zkušební kabinky   blush

No more sweaty efforts in changing rooms! WebC

My wife was in the changing room, when this really hot girl came out in just a bra.

Thai police have sent female officers to hunt for hidden cameras in ladies changing rooms in Bangkok department stores.WebC

charity shop

obchod nějaké dobročinné organizace   approve

Become a member, volunteer your time, participate in fundraising, give a financial donation, support our charity shop. WebC

The British Heart Foundation opened its doors last month, despite claims that another charity shop in the area was inappropriate. WebC

Find out what it's like to volunteer your time in a local charity shop. WebC

chase around the shops

rychle nakoupit    mixed

I had been chasing around the shops all day. BNC

Whether you’re still chasing around the shops for those last-minute gifts, or whether the presents are already wrapped and under the tree... WebC

To save you the trouble of chasing round the shops we supply an appropriate hanger free with every wall portrait. WebC

cheap and nasty

levné a nekvalitní   thoughtful

The thing looks cheap and nasty and it's certainly cheap enough at £7. WebC

For example, the dashboard looks cheap and nasty and doesn’t feel good to the touch. WebC

The only thing I dislike about it is the new Fender badge - it looks cheap and nasty to my tastes - might have to replace that with an older one.  WebC

chicken feed

malá částka peněz    surprise

What he sold his car for was chicken feed compared to the amount of money that he has in the bank.  WebC

He sold it for chicken feed in Arkansas--he won't say to whom---at a price 7 cents less than what he would have received from ADM. WebC

That was chicken feed compared with the two European fellows next to me who were betting $10 chips, spreading $100 or more on the layout with each spin. WebC

chip in

podílet se společně na zaplacení    smile

Everyone chipped in twenty bucks for the beer, steaks, and chips. WebC

Everyone chipped in and we bought our manager a birthday gift. WebC

We had no money - when bills came in we all chipped in. WebC

chip shop/(fish and chip shop)/chippy

prodejna smažených ryb s hranolkami    tongueout

Small family run fish and chip shop on the quayside at Wells-next-the-Sea.  WebC

A West Midlands boy had to be taken to hospital after a fish and chip shop owner played a joke on him with a bottle of vinegar. WebC

The first fish and chip shop in the North of England is thought to have opened in Mossely, near Oldham, Lancashire, around 1863.  WebC

clearance sale

výprodej   wink

Actual products on display during the clearance sale may vary. WebC

Casual fashion is available at clearance sale prices.  WebC

We’re having a massive clearance sale in our Music and Video department - over a thousand titles, all at discounted prices! WebC

close down

zrušit obchod   surprise

The shop closed down unexpectedly one day, just closed shop with no warning, and I couldn't find the thing anywhere.  WebC

The shop closed down eventually, but kids still came up to buy cards. WebC

When the shop closed down last September she had a lot of clients who used to ask her clothing queries. WebC

close out

rozprodat za účelem uzavření    mixed

Hurry, though, because Peter Fox is closing out these boots, and they are reduced from $475 to $195! WebC

Crazy Red is closing out these Miata Trunk Saddlebags From Saratoga Technologies for just $79! That's $10 off! WebC

The Donic Clothing Close out sale is still on.  WebC

close up shop

zrušit, zavřít obchod; všeho nechat, skončit s něčím (prací)   sad

How to manage your retirement plan when you close up shop.  WebC

They were given just minutes to close up shop and grab their belongings. WebC

In the planting and harvesting seasons we close up shop. WebC

closing-down sale

výprodej, když se ruší obchod   surprise 

I know of a lighting/chandelier shop that's been having a non-stop closing down sale for at least six years. WebC

You may have noticed a closing down sale sign on their window, but don't fret, they are not going far.  WebC

Race into our Cherrybrook store's red-hot closing down sale and grab yourself a bargain before everything is sold out! WebC

coat hanger

ramínko na šaty    wink

Todays wire coat hanger was inspired by a clothes hook patented in 1869 by OA North of New Britain Connecticut. WebC

The hanger shall be constructed of steel and shall be designed for standard (light duty) use as a coat hanger. WebC

Amazingly realistic hand carving highlights this charming elephant coat hanger. WebC

cofee shop

kavárna   wink

Milan is full of excellent  coffee shops and it is better for the visitor to choose what appears to be best for him. BNC

The boss of the cofee shop gives them a discount of 5 dollars.  WebC

We met up at a cofee shop in the Santa Monica Promenade to talk shop and see what the beautiful IREV model is up to. WebC

cold-calling salesman

obchodník vnucující své produkty po telefonu nebo u dveří zákazníků   black eye

I used to earn my living as a cold calling salesman. WebC

A cold-calling salesman contacted me by phone  with a telemarketing pitch twenty years ago and  sold me a $20,000 mini-computer system. WebC

A householder in Arbroath answered the door to a cold calling salesman who asked if he wanted his cladding replaced. WebC

come by

sehnat (co), získat   wink

I just want you to tell me how you came by that car.  WebC

They were very interested to know how I came by this fan.  WebC

I came by this information strictly through reasearch and I am totally self-taught. WebC

come into fashion

přijít do módy   wide eyes

Then in the 1970's the bell-foot pants came into fashion for the teenagers. WebC

This woman's gold lame jacket was popular in the 80's as shiny colored material like acrylic and lycra came into fashion.  WebC

During Queen Elizabeth’s reign the skirts got wider, then the French farthingale came into fashion, and the bodice came down to a very low point. WebC

come onto the market

přijít do prodeje   kiss

These Italian-made guitars have recently come onto the market. WebC

The US market has a high level of growth that should continue as newer products come onto the market. WebC

We are keeping this model under wraps but it will come onto the market soon. WebC

come to the wrong shop

být na špatné adrese 

If you're looking for a book to pet you and sooth you and reassure you that everything you already think is exactly right, you've come to the wrong shop. WebC

Well, you've come to the wrong shop for it: you'll get no justice here... WebC

But if it's lean, mean spa cuisine you're after, you've come to the wrong shop. WebC

corner shop

obchod s potravinami (často na rohu)    clown

This is your corner shop. If you are in a hurry, just pop in, take what you need (It is free here!) and leave. WebC

With no food left in her rooming-houe attic, she sets out to buy provisions from the corner shop. WebC

The corner shop I use is not very clean or tidy - can the Council send someone round to inspect it? WebC

cost a (small) fortune

stát celé jmění   surprise 

The large dogs can cost a small fortune to feed so this is another point you should consider. WebC

Toys are big business and can cost a small fortune.  WebC

Decorative vinegar bottles like these, filled with peppers and lemon wedges, can cost a small fortune in gourmet shops. WebC

cost a bomb

stát balík   surprise

You can't do much about your age, and changing your sex will cost a bomb. WebC 

Flowers do not cost a bomb but they mean a lot. WebC

Despite these features, the houses are not expected to cost a bomb. WebC

cost a packet

stát balík peněz    surprise

Babies may be priceless but they sure do cost a packet. WebC

We are constantly searching for new gifts that won't cost a packet in postage, make a thoughtful gift or even a treat for yourself!  WebC

Do you have any suggestions for getting fit that don't cost a packet? WebC

cost dear

přijít draho   mixed

New metro trains may cost dear.  BNC

Low-cost sensors cost dear in the long run. WebC

In a tournament of this calibre small mistakes can cost dear, which South Africa discovered to their detriment.  WebC

cost the earth

stát fůru peněz   surprise

Holidays abroad needn't cost the Earth.  WebC

Running a business shouldn't cost the earth. WebC

Does your shopping cost the earth?  BNC

cost what it may

ať to stojí, co to stojí    blush

I must have, cost what it may, an Indian cane. BNC

I have a right to get pleasure out of life: and I will get it, cost what it may. WebC

Cost what it may, I must succeed! WebC

cough up money

vyklopit peníze   big grin

He finally coughed up enough money to pay for the accident. WebC

The Nigerians can then threaten to turn you into the authorities until you cough up money. WebC

How far will the BBC go to ensure that everyone will cough up money for the television licence tax? WebC

crate of drinks

basa s nápoji    wink

Apparently you could get a discount on your next crate of drinks if you returned the empty bottles with the stoppers as well. WebC

All we had to do was carry a crate of drinks (I preusme beer) up to this room upstairs. WebC

We may only be going out for a day, but with a crate of drinks and a box of lunch for each boat. WebC

cut prices

snížit ceny   wink

France asks retailers to cut prices.  WebC

Hewlett-Packard has cut prices for its midrange Unix servers by about 20 percent... WebC

Some big retailers cut prices in face of tax rule change. WebC

cut-throat price

lichvářská cena    thoughtful

Why bother to buy brand new hangers for your new biz at a cut throat price? WebC

Just got word from the distributor that the Blizzard S370 is now available at a cut-throat price of US$58.00. WebC

I wish I'd bought the Korean phrasebook I saw in the KL International Airport, nevermind that it cost a cut-throat price of $47!!! WebC