úterý, 16. července 2024, 14.19
Stránky: OpenMoodle
Kurz: Angličtina pro pokročilé (APP)
Slovník: CLOTHES

deck out

vystrojit se, vyšňořit se

I saw her at the concert last night and she was all decked out in a beautiful silk dress. IC

Stanton was decked out in cowboy boots and a work shirt. CIDI

She had helped enthusiastically with the costumes, making for Mary a trailing blue robe of cornflower taffeta, her own Cambridge May Ball dress sheared apart at the seams, lending or donating bright belts and beads to deck out the three kings, one of whom wore a peacock-feathered turban made of the shot-silk stole she had worn with that dance dress. BNC-B

designer clothing

značkové oblečení

Since that date she has been the subject of TV documentaries, a feature film (Frida by Paul Leduc), a stage play, numerous publications and the inspiration for designer clothing. BNCB

In just one raid alone, trading standards officers siezed fifteen thousand pounds worth of fake designer clothing. BNCB

He ran a few yards to discover the raiders reversing a stolen grey Japanese jeep through the front of Pursuit, the men's designer clothing shop in Crown Street. BNCB

die with one´s boots on, die in one´s boots

zemřít ve stoje (hrdě, při práce)

I never want to retire - I'd rather die with my boots on. CIDI

I don´t want to think up things to do when I retire. I´d rather die in my boots. IE

God, he thought, don´t let me die with my boots on. IE

dig one´s heels in, dig in one´s heels

zapřít se, zašprajcovat se

We suggested it would be quicker to fly, but she dug her heels in and insisted on taking the train. CIDI

But if you continue to dig in your heels over this then one friendship or involvement may become a casualty now. BNCB

She digs her heels in whenever I suggest her a new solution to her problem. She thinks that only she is right. BNCB

diving suit

potápěčský oblek

Crabb was also going to wear a black rubber one-piece diving suit made by the Avon Rubber Company. BNCB

The Chibis suit (resembling the lower half of a diving suit) which the cosmonauts use to draw the blood into the lower pad of the body and legs has apparently been found unsuitable for women. BNCB

Dreams were of a notoriously low standard, blurry beyond the bedroom, giving the dreamer the feeling he was dybbukking a deep-sea diving suit rather than a human body. BNCB

double-breasted suit

dvouřadý oblek

Bobby would still whistle in his brown double-breasted suit. BNCB

With his conventional double-breasted suit, carefully cut to disguise a distinctly stocky figure, and his watchful courtesy he was in sharp contrast to Hutton's hard-edged efficiency. BNCB

William saw that he was well dressed with a dark, double-breasted suit and polished shoes. BNCB

down jacket

péřová bunda

Simon is wearing Scarpa Trionic Manta Attak boots, Rohan Bags, a Mountain Equipment fleece and RAB Carrington Andes down jacket, with Lowe thermals as the base layer. BNCB

Lynda is wearing Scarpa Trionic Lady boots, Rohan Hot Bags, a RAB Carrington Andes down jacket, with a Karrimor fleece and North Cape thermals underneath. BNCB

In winter my mother always wears a down jacket to prevent her from getting cold. Lingea

dress shirt

smokingová košile

Julia looked at the present Earl's neatly barbered head and immaculate dress shirt collar with interest. BNCB

Zach put it on and when the jacket was done up it looked as if he was wearing a proper dress shirt. BNCB

He was wearing a dinner suit tonight, the fine black cloth fitting snugly across his wide shoulders and muscular chest, the thin lawn of his dress shirt gleaming white against the tanned smoothness of his freshly shaved skin. BNCB

dress suit

večerní oblek, frak

And really, it is surprising that a company such as Gay Sweatshop still finds a need to have a dyke in a dress suit and a queen in a fluffy frock bitching over a Judy Garland album. BNCB

Once he dared to knock on Emmett's door late at night and asked to borrow his dress suit. BNCB

She halted, left a trifle breathless as usual by the sight of him in a dress suit. BNCB

dress up

vyšňořit se, nastrojit se, naparádit se, přizdobit, převléknout za koho

I decided to dress up to go to dinner on Saturday night. IC

Small children usually love dressing up in their mothers' clothes. CIDI

He dressed up as a cowboy for the party. CIDI

dress watch

hodinky pro sváteční příležitosti

Keep elegant time with our Lorus Quartz dress watch offer and sustain some passion with our Endless Kiss free gift lipstick.  BNCB

Souvenir hunters could bid for Maxwell's engraved 18ct gold Parker fountain pen, estimated at £220, or his gold dress watch and alarm calendar watch, a snip at £1,000. BNCB

Dunhill Wafer is the definitive dress watch. WebC

dress well

dobře se obléci

She was wearing blue tights and sandals and had hitched her dress well up in order to swing her legs. BNCB

Karen didn't dress well, trying unsuccessfully to disguise her wolfish sexuality with lambswool pullovers and flowery skirts. BNCB

But his social position had always required him to keep up appearances, and especially now that he was court kammermusicus he and his wife expected to dress well, entertain their friends, keep a carriage, and domestic help. BNCB

dressing gown


When the doctor had come and gone and the place was quiet again, Richard put on his dressing gown and tiptoed across. BNCB

Mrs Knelle soon appeared in a dressing gown, and we sat down to a soothing breakfast of toast. BNCB

I was barefoot and cold; all I had on were my underpants and my dressing gown which, by this time, was just ripped to shreds. BNCB

drip-dry clothes

nežehlené oblečení, není třeba žehlit

If I were you, I'd hang that sweater on the line and let it drip-dry. CIDI

A senior citizen is one who was here before the pill, before television, frozen food, credit card and ballpoint pens, for us timesharing meant togetherness, not computers and a chip meant a piece of wood, hardware meant hardware and software wasn't even a word, teenagers never wore slacks, we were before pantyhose, drip-dry clothes, dishwashers, clothes driers and electric blankets, we got married first and then lived together. BNCB

Drip-dry clothes is very useful for men. Lingea

drop earrings

visací náušnice

And she went out of her way to praise artist David Hankinson as she unveiled his painting of her in fairy-tale pink gown complete with tiara, pearl drop earrings and gold watch. BNCB

She sighed, and adjusted her pearl drop earrings and the pretty gold locket at her throat. BNCB

She rummaged in the open jewellery box on the bed, and took out a pair of large drop earrings which she had bought in Liberty's the week before. BNCB