Tuesday, 16 July 2024, 1:45 PM
Site: OpenMoodle
Course: Angličtina pro pokročilé (APP)
Glossary: WORK & LEISURE

dead-end job

neperspektívne zamestnanie

1. But men who'd probably been men since the age of 14, when they decided that school was a wank and that, rather than hanging around waiting for a dead-end job, they'd go out and find their own way to make a living. BNC

2. I wasn't a particularly happy person at the time; lonely, in a rather dead-end job and with few personal relationships. BNC

3. Are you one of those in a completely dead-end job? BNC


konečný termín

The deadline for applications has been extended until the 25 May.

deal with a problem

zabývat se s problémem
Such a figure would not suggest that a serious attempt was being made by underwriters to deal with a problem that could undermine the stability of the world 's pre-eminent insurance market . Lloyd 's has put forward a constructive plan


general decline in prices


pověřit, zplnomocnit

Managers need to delegate more routine tasks to junior members of staff.


If you look at this line graph, you can see the development of demand in the last month.


vklad, záloha, zástava

Most private landlords ask for a deposit before you move in



If you buy more than 100 pieces, you get a 10% discount.

distribution channels

distribuční kanály


diverzifikovat, rozšířit výrobu (do více oblastí)

If we diversify, we can make more money, but sales of our main product may go down.


For the first three years we did not receive any dividends - they reinvested everything.

do one`s level best

snažiť sa zo všetkých síl

1. And I think, after all the hours I have put in for nothing teaching you to ride, that you owe it to me to do your level best to win this competition. BNC

2. Tickets are quite hard to come by but I`ll do my lvel best to get you one. CIDoI

3. A pupil must do his level best to please his master (and the clerk) if he hopes to be invited to remain. BNC

do the job

poslúžiť, splniť účel

1. The two scientists demonstrated that some RNA molecules could do the job directly. BNC

2. These whole-house systems are comparatively expensive to install, but will do the job when all else has failed. BNC

3. Hand-washing practices, she goes on, are often based on tradition and ritual, but adequate facilities should be available to do the job effectively. BNC

dominate a market

ovládnout trh

Since Ford would dominate the UK car market, it was hoped that the company would have a major interest in ensuring that this market was successful.

donkey work

ťažká a zdĺhavá práca

1. Cheap and accessible computer packages have unburdened the splitters of much donkey work; the computer can take over the job of interpretation too. BNC

2. Not being paid wasn't a problem; what was however was that I was being used for the donkey work without any consultation on the artistic side of it. BNC

3.  Some analysts express concern that the new systems will be less secure and incapable of doing donkey work like batch processing. BNC