úterý, 16. července 2024, 15.05
Stránky: OpenMoodle
Kurz: Angličtina pro pokročilé (APP)
Slovník: TRAVEL

deparure lounge

odletová hala letiště

 Tony and I sit in the departure lounge of Heathrow wondering, yet again, how to fill the time between now and take-off. BNC

In the departure lounge there was a crowd of passengers waiting to get on other planes, and also a lot of doctors, police, and newspaper journalists. BNC

You will simply move in a straight line from the front of the building through check-in, security and passport control to the departure lounge at the back. BNC

dining car

jídelní vůz (ve vlaku)

Every seat in the dining car filled up and still people were coming. BNC

The train was full of children, travelling alone and in groups, who managed to finish off the entire food stocks of the dining car. BNC

On many trains, tray service is provided, from the dining car direct to the passengers' seats. WebC

dirt road

neštěrkovaná, polní cesta

We turned north, away from the mountain, then off the highway on to a dirt road that soon became sand. BNC

You are best advised to turn left down the dirt road which provides a short cut (known only to the Kettering family) to Mondano-in-Chianti. BNC

On the dirt road from the castle, headlights blinded them, great tyres crunched to a standstill and Hugh backed on to the bramble bushes. BNC

domestic flight

vnitrostátní let

Two dissident Myanma students hijacked a Myanma aircraft on a domestic flight and forced it to land at U-tapao military air base in Thailand on Oct. 6, 1989. BNC

You can smoke only on flights of more than two hours , and soon smoking will be banned on all domestic flights. WASPS

There are 30 aircraft-stands servicing domestic flights and scheduled journeys to Amsterdam , Milan and Stuttgart as other international flights, including New York from June. WASPS

domestic travel

domácí cestovní ruch

Their concerns are not centred on stadiums but focused rather on the off-field, non-political areas such as hotels, communications and domestic travel. BNC

We organise travel worldwide, a lot of domestic travel, Europe and long-haul trips to the States and the Far East. BNC

double room

dvoulůžkový pokoj

She informed me that a double room at the front was available, though I was welcome to it for the price of a single. BNC

A double room including breakfast costs from £125, a suite from £180 per night. BNC

Each person will be allocated a double room with a private balcony in the chalet-style hotel. BNC

down the road

v budoucnu, výhledově, časem

Two years down the road, you might feel very differently. MED

It’s a decision that may well have an impact further down the road. MED

We have an idea to develop a talking book, but a marketable product is a long way down the road. CALD

dream holiday

dovolená snů

You are invited to come and visit Dyana Villas, the right place for your dream holiday. WebC

She persuades her less impulsive neighbour Rose Arbuthnot (Miranda Richardson) to share her dream holiday. BNC 

Sky-high costs in places like the US can turn a dream holiday into an costly nightmare that lasts for months after. BNC

drink driving offence

řízení pod vlivem alkoholu

Mr Macdonald had also been charged with a drink driving offence the previous evening. BNC

Any member of staff (or student) who is charged and ultimately found guilty of a drink driving offence will be banned from using University vehicles. WebC

The man was being held after being charged with a drink driving offence at Darlington Magistrates Court. BNC

drive a bus/car

řídit autobus/auto

She drives a bus for a living. MED

She drives a red sports car. CALD

People have said, I'm taking driving lessons, but I never ever want to drive a car again in my life, afterwards. BNC

drive away

odjet, odvézt

Mr Bean started up his lorry, his mate got in, they waved and drove away. BNC

She smiled at all her friends and drove away in her car. BNC

And yet, as I drove away after the visit I didn't feel good about it. BNC

drive sb. mad

přivádět někoho k šílenství

He drives me mad with his constant criticizing. MED

He leaves dirty clothes all over the floor and it's driving me mad. CALD

I've been on at my husband to get a fitted carpet in this room because this lino drives me mad. BNC

drive stg. home

zdůraznit něco

His warning drove home the dangers the bloodletting posed to the plan he drafted with U.S. statesman Cyrus Vance to divide Bosnia into ten ethnically based provinces under a weak central government. BNC

She really drove home the message that we need to economize. CALD

This drives home the dangers of BR 's programme of de-staffing stations which is gathering pace. WASPS

drive through the red light

jet na červenou

 Installing cameras at dangerous road junctions to film those who drive through red traffic lights. BNC

The police fined her for driving through a red light. CALD

Polovinuk then proceeded to drive through the red light and turned north onto Cayuga where officers stopped the vehicle and  detected an odor of alcohol. WebC

driving licence

řidičský průkaz

 In that case, the usual procedure is to ask for two items of identification, such as a driving licence, when accepting an order, and then allow people to pay by cheque. BNC

In the inside pocket was a thin leather wallet containing six pound notes, his driving licence, a book of stamps, and two credit cards. BNC

Unfortunately my driving licence has an old address on so I am sending you a copy of my vehicle registration form which does include my present address. BNC