mardi 16 juillet 2024, 16:34
Site: OpenMoodle
Cours: Angličtina pro pokročilé (APP)
Glossaire: HEALTH

do or die

buď a nebo, hop nebo trop

Colin`s taking a university entrance exam tomorrow. He knows it`s do or die, so he has been working very hard. (English Idioms, Oxford)

It's now or never - do or die - risk everything or regret it for the rest of your life. (CIDI)

On Tuesday, it's do or die in the match against Brazil. (CALD)

Don`t hold your breath!

Tomu moc nevěř!, Radši na to nespoléhej!, S tím moc nepočítej!

She said she'd phone but don't hold your breath.(CIDI)

She said she might have finished by this afternoon but don't hold your breath.(CALD)

The City will repair the street but don't hold your breath. (W.Magnuson, Eng.Idioms)

draw breath

oddechnout, vydechnout, nabrat dech

 I shan't draw breath or stop fidgeting until we're on that train to Glenfarg… (BNC)

By 1550, the Scots could stop to draw breath. (BNC)

Once he got started, the Brigadier didn't draw breath for more than half an hour. (BNC)