úterý, 16. července 2024, 17.03
Stránky: OpenMoodle
Kurz: Angličtina pro pokročilé (APP)
Slovník: FOOD

dinner party

večírek s večeří

Predictably, it shot to the top of the dinner party list of mandatory topics and was talked relentlessly into the ground on every conceivable broadcasting medium. BNC

About six months after the dinner party she realised that, for the first time in her life, she had turned down a decent journalistic commission in order to start work for a crazy old lady off Ladbroke Grove, whose garden specialised in old roses, and who was insistent about sterilising soil before new plantings. BNC

Haslam recalls a time when Sir Peter Allen, then the ICI main board director responsible for plastics, predicted at a small dinner party at the ICI guest house at Welwyn Garden City that the market price for polythene would drop from the current 4s a pound to 1s 6d a pound within six months. BNC


obvyklý čas večeře nebo oběda

As dinnertime approaches, we cheer up. BNC

The school day always began with prayers at nine o'clock, followed by a scripture lesson, and there was invariably arithmetic in some form or another until dinnertime. BNC

And I've packed you a currant teacake for a "biting on," though you should be at Dudley afore dinnertime." BNC



do one's nut(s)

dřít jako vůl, snažit se jako blbec, hrozně se rozčilovat

When your father sees your damage you’ve done to his car, he’ll do his nut . (Longman Dictionary)

If I’m late home my Mum will do her nut! Macmillan Dictionary

do one's porridge

bručet, sedět

dog eat dog

tvrdý boj

What makes the man turn animal on a Rugby field when off it he’s…gentle and softly spoken. Clark explains: Rugby league is a game of survival. It’s dog eat dog … (Longman)

A negative view of marketing is the "dog eat dog" view where the school can only gain by putting another school at a disadvantage or loss. BNC

For 20 years after World War Two it seemed possible that the dog eat dog "survival of the fittest" brand of free market capitalism had been supplanted by a social contract between employers and workers, with only occasional mediation by the state. BNC

dog's breakfast/dinner


Don't ask Julie to help you with the decorating--she made a complete dog's brekfast of painting the kitchen! (Oxford Idioms)

dressed up like a dog's dinner

vyšňořený, vyparádění

drink a t. dry

vypít do dna, vyčerpat

Fill swimming pool with Newcastle Brown Ale and drink dry through straws. BNC

drink and meat to sb

úplná rozkoš pro někoho

drink deep

napít se, pít zhluboka

The child of a nonconformist father learnt to drink deep of the Catholic tradition. BNC

If she wouldn't be able to drink deep it would be better not to take another sip of the heady elixir he offered her. BNC

drink like a fish

pít jako duha

The man drinks like a fish . He is drunk every night. Longman

Then he started to pull himself together, returned to Hollywood and stayed sober--except for Sundays, when he would lock himself away and drink like a fish. BNC

He could drink like a fish and I couldn't understand his coarse speech. BNC

drink one's fill

napít se dosyta, uhasit žízeň

drink sb under the table

opít někoho do němoty

When you've drunk the crew of a Grinch pirate skiff under the table, there's precious little you can't do. BNC

drink the waters

pít léčivou vodu, léčit se v lázních

The fashion for spas has died out in Britain, but in Germany and Italy there are still spas where people gather to drink the waters and undergo hydrotherapies. BNC

To drink the waters of Undry would heal any hurt, still any grief, and bring understanding of every mystery that weighs on humankind. BNC