úterý, 16. července 2024, 17.42
Stránky: OpenMoodle
Kurz: Angličtina pro pokročilé (APP)

labor disputes

pracovní spory

labour of love

práca vykonávaná s láskou

1. It's a labour of love looking after Dinmore. BNC

2. Compiling such a list was a labour of love, too pleasurable an activity to pursue in office hours. BNC

3. The book is very personal, not at all a dry textbook, and even gives the impression of being a labour of love. BNC


- to introduce a new product, with publicity etc

The airline will launch its new transatlantic service next month.

lay off


No one will be laid off without the full agreement of the union.

legal entity

právnická osoba

Business company is a legal entity formed in order to undertake business...

let one`s hair down

uvoľniť sa

1. It's only when you let your hair down that others can see the real person hiding under the hat. BNC

2. You feel you've earned that glass of wine, and the chance to let your hair down with friends, husband, lover or family over a good meal. BNC

3. It`s nice to let your hair down once in a while and go a bit wild. CIDoI

let oneself go

uvoľniť sa

1. It`s a party-let yourself go! CIDoI

2. I think she finds it difficult to let herself go. CIDoI

3. Skiing spring snow is utterly euphoric if you are able to let yourself go. BNC


pasiva, závazky, dluhy 

The business has liabilities of £2 million.



"The Court found him liable for causing the injury."

liability for damages

být povinen nahradit škodu

lie down on the job

flákať sa

1. He was being paid to work, wasn't he, not to lie down on the job? BNC

2. The new Police Chief fired two officers he accused of lying down on the job. CIDoI

3. How many employers exhort their workers with "Let’s not lay down on the job"? Google

live and breathe something

žiť niečím, žiť pre niečo

1. We're brought up to live and breathe politics. BNC

2. Because we ourselves are Italian we live and breathe Italy and all things Italian. BNC

3. For twenty years I`ve lived and breathed dance. It`s been my whole life. CIDoI

live from hand to mouth

žiť z ruky do úst

1. He lived from hand to mouth making instant resolves every time he opened his mail. BNC

2. Ministerially the king lived from hand to mouth, on occasions with a double ministry of foreign affairs. BNC

3. Financial support is perhaps the most accessible to documentation, although even this is not always clear, especially for the great majority of the population who did not codify their financial support for kin through wills and settlements, simply because they lived from hand to mouth. BNC

live it up

užiť si to

1. Accountant used cash to live it up. BNC

2. But as you are determined to live it up and have a good time, you must watch your health and try not to burn the candle at both ends. BNC

3. I decided to live it up for a while - at least until the money run out. CIDoI

look up

zlepšovat se, zlepšit se, vylepšit se
to get beter
to improve
  • The company´s position is looking up since we introduced our new discount rates for bulk orders and prompt settlement of account. - Postavení firmy se zlepšilo od té doby, co jsme zavedli nové slevy při velkomnožstevních objednávkách a okamžité úhradě platby.
  • things are looking up - věci se vyvíjejí dobře

lose heart

stratiť vieru, že uspejem

1."The first set was incredible; it was like a final; but after I got that set David seemed to lose heart a bit," said Corsie later. BNC

2. If you are among the 40pc of the population who show a susceptibility to allergy, don't lose heart! BNC

3. So many people give up because, after the elation of seeing the pounds fall off in the first few days, they lose heart when weight loss slows down. BNC

lure away

lure away - odlákat, odvést
We had offered him the job and we thought he had accepted but at the last minute he was lured away from us by one of our competitors.