středa, 3. července 2024, 14.22
Stránky: OpenMoodle
Kurz: Angličtina pro pokročilé (APP)
Slovník: TRAVEL
Libor Juhaňák

jump the lights

jet na červenou

It was seen on the evening of the following Thursday, passing so slowly over Llanbadarn crossing that two motorists jumped the lights. BNC

It was on the same bike that I had another strange incident when I collided with the back of a taxi that had jumped the lights at the Piccadilly Circus end of Regents Street. WebC

The lorry driver who jumped the lights at the ungated Blaxhall level crossing and was hit by the 10.10am Lowestoft to Ipswich train on 15th April will appear at Ipswich court on 25th September charged with dangerous driving. WebC

know one´s way around

vyznat se, znát něco dobře

For he is convinced he knows his way around better than anyone else on earth. BNC

He seems to know his way around the shipping industry. MED

He is an engineer, grounded in math and physics, who knows his way around the casino as well as he knows his way around mathematical theorems. WebC

landing strip

přistávací plocha

It is certainly an aircraft that requires a good sized landing strip as approaches have to be made fairly flat. BNC

 On the landing strip, Fairfax says goodbye to Claudia, who stands, subdued but beautiful, at a short distance from the plane. BNC

He was directed towards a glider landing strip, but he appears to have clipped a tree and then crashed on farmland. BNC

lead the way

jít v čele, jít první, ukazovat cestu; dát příklad, chopit se iniciativy

You've been there before - why don't you lead the way? CALD

The company has been leading the way in network applications for several years. CALD

Edinburgh's integrated approach to teaching, research and institutional behaviour on environmental matters leads the way for others in higher education. BNC

left luggage office

úschovna zavazadel

 I checked everything in at the left-luggage office in Liverpool Street station, and then went off to make a couple of telephone calls. BNC

He had intended to leave them at the station, but the left luggage office, he had just been reminded, closed at 9.30. BNC

If you arrive by airplane or train it is advisable to take your luggage to the left luggage office or put it in a locker and make your way to the Foreign Student Office. WebC

legal alcohol limit

povolené množství alkoholu v krvi

A roadside breath test showed he was 2 1/2 times over the legal alcohol limit. BNC

A new system is to be brought to Britain which will immobilise a car if the driver is over the legal alcohol limit. BNC

Blood tests revealed he was almost twice the legal alcohol limit. BNC

let in the clutch/let the clutch in

sešlápnout spojku

He let the clutch in and the BMW surged forward. WASPS

The lights changed and I let in the clutch. BNC

She edged the Fiesta forward, found the road clear and let the clutch in with a jerk. BNC

level crossing

železniční přejezd

The train had been forced to brake hard at a level crossing to miss a taxi and one of the wheels had been damaged. BNC

Almost difficult to believe, but Beighton station level crossing was the first on the GCR out of London. BNC

Thus there are often traffic jams for several minutes on Wainfleet's main through road, while motorists wait at the level crossing. BNC

licence plate

státní poznávací značka, SPZ

They registered as Mr and Mrs Alan J. Winterbotham although the motel clerk was more interested in the car's licence plate. BNC

Dutch police believe the attackers had been confused by British licence plate on the car. WASPS

One of the richest towns in the United States has decided to digitally record the licence plate of every car that meanders through its small stretch of mansions on the Palm Beach County, Florida, coast and to run an automatic background check on each driver. WebC

lollipop lady/men

osoba převádějící děti přes ulici

The school's lollipop lady says some drivers have a lot to learn. BNC

A lollipop lady has looked after pupils since traffic lights were wrongly positioned. WebC

The council claims the traffic lights are sufficient for children to cross the busy road safely and the lollipop lady could be better used where there are no such facilities. WebC

lose height

ztrácet/ztratit výšku

The aircraft continued to lose height and the crew therefore attempted to carryout a forced landing in fields but, just before touch down, the left wing struck trees and the aircraft crashed. WebC

The aircraft, meanwhile, had become difficult to control and began to lose height. WebC

This would cause the airplane to lose height rapidly at about 3000 feet per minute.WebC


lose one´s way

ztratit se, zabloudit

Unfortunately, due to all road signposts being removed, he soon lost his way and had to ask someone for directions. BNC

The King could have ridden further inland, but he would have lost his way on the wild, grassy moorland which conceals marsh and bog to trap the unwary traveller. BNC

But he had travelled only a few miles when he lost his way among the dark country lanes near his home in Diss, Norfolk. BNC

lose sight of the shore

ztratit břeh z dohledu

A couple of times I ventured a bit far and lost sight of the shore, quite disorienting. WebC

But scarcely had they lost sight of the shore when a terrible storm arose which drove them out of their course, and for three days and nights the light of heaven was shut from their view. WebC

With all the turbulence, they had lost sight of the shore, and they had no compass to direct them. WebC

main road

hlavní silnice

Stick to the main roads and you won't get lost. CALD

Continue on road as it ascends to another main road and cross to footpath signposted Abberley Hill . BNC

The hotel lies at the foot of a steep road which leads down through the trees from the main road. BNC

make a journey

podniknout cestu

 He makes the journey to Moscow three times a year. MED

You can hardly expect people to make a journey of six hours round trip for an afternoon's event unless it is very special. BNC

She has come to tell them about the opportunities which await them if they are prepared to make the long journey to Oregon . WASPS