středa, 3. července 2024, 13.13
Stránky: OpenMoodle
Kurz: Angličtina pro pokročilé (APP)
Slovník: TRAVEL
Libor Juhaňák

pitch/set up camp

utábořit se

We pitched camp by the lakeside. CALD

We crossed the Sacramento on the bleached bones of an old dead pine and pitched camp in a meadow 6,000 feet above sea level, under the summit of Mount Eddy. BNC

The other groups had set up camp on the far side, waiting for a few clear days and the worst of the snow to melt. BNC

plane crash

letecké neštěstí, zřícení letadla

A Republican senator, John Heinz, was one of seven people killed in a plane crash on   April 4. BNC

This was the second plane crash of the year involving Moslems making the pilgrimage to Mecca. BNC

More than a hundred and thirty people have been killed in an Iranian plane crash near Tehran. BNC

provide transport

poskytnout/zajistit dopravu

The Government has offered to provide transport and care for sixty children in need of treatment. BNC

Companies should provide transport for their workforce, especially easy if industrial complexes are attractive and made compatible with their local environment encouraging people to live nearer to work. WebC

Exel, the global leader in supply chain management, has been selected by Volkswagen to manage two genuine parts facilities in the Kassel area of Germany and provide transport management across the region.WebC

public transport

veřejná (hromadná) doprava

Greater investment in public transport would keep more cars off the roads. CALD

And he rejected the demands of environmentalists and opposition parties for measures to discourage car use in favour of public transport.  BNC

Most towns and villages in Northumberland, as well as most of its tourist and visitor attractions are served by public transport. WebC

pull the communication cord

zatáhnout za záchranou brzdu (ve vlaku)

It amazes me that the fine for moving a seat reservation card is actually more that the one for pulling the communication cord. BNC

Unfortunately another passenger left a child on the platform at Bangor and had to pull the communication cord, so we missed our connection at Llandudno Junction. BNC

And on the second train from Oxford they pulled the communication cord to try to avoid us. BNC

push the boat out

praštit se přes kapsu

They really pushed the boat out for Annie's wedding. CALD

But you could push the boat out by chartering a private yacht for £250 and spending the day hopping between the Princes’ Islands, in the Sea of Marmara. WebC

We spent three nights at Las Vegas and I decided to push the boat out a little and got a Jacuzzi suite at Luxor hotel (the one shaped like a pyramid). WebC

put up at

ubytovat se

We put up at a small hotel for the night.CALD

They arrived late at night at the colliery house where Patterson's parents lived, put up at a nearby hotel and the next day toured the working-men's clubs before attending the wedding where Norman's good looks made him the talk of all the women present. BNC

Some of the asylum seekers are now being put up at bed and breakfast hotels in Bristol and Weston-Super-Mare. BNC

put/set in train

uvést něco v chod

The reform process was put in train in 1985, by the Liberal government.CALD

The prospect of London's Big Bang in October 1986 set in train a process of consolidation among banks (British and foreign) and City stockbrokers. BNC

As you may know the Cardinal has already taken steps to set in train a thorough investigation into the moral implications of the Law Lords' decision. BNC

railway station

vlakové nádraží

 The railway station in Wareham is connected to Stoborough by bus; then there is a three mile walk to the reserve. BNC

In the end , I trudged down to Victoria railway station and sheltered there . WASPS

Among them, it is also included the modernization of the railway station which building is one of the most important of the town, having the status of historical monument. WebC

rear door (of the car)

zadní dveře automobilu

Calmly and methodically, Kirov climbed from the driving seat and skirted round to the back of the van, opening the rear door. BNC

Opening the rear door of his car, Cowley climbed in. BNC

The rear door of the car opened and my father was observed to be standing there, a few steps back from the vehicle, gazing steadily into the interior. BNC

rear light

koncové/brzdové světlo

Keep your front and rear lights in good working order. MED

If you’re riding at night, you absolutely should use a flashing red rear light. WebC

It was only when electric light became the norm that they started using a rear light. WebC

rear-view mirror

zpětné zrcátko

I glance in the rear-view mirror to see other cars close behind; slowing down but then speeding up again. BNC

He glanced into the rear-view mirror to see if anyone was following. BNC

She glanced in the rear-view mirror and saw the headlights of the traffic behind her. WASPS

reception clerk


Once Adam had flashed his passport as a European Community resident, the reception clerk at the Bellevue had simply pushed the register card over the desk and asked the Englishman how he was going to settle the account. BNC

I told an uninterested reception clerk that I had to catch the boat train. BNC

The reception clerk was friendly, but the room was disappointing. WebC

reclining seat

sklápěcí sedadlo

The coach has air conditioning and reclining seats. CALD

Our coaches are luxurious, offering plenty of space, reclining seats, toilet and many other features. BNC

We have a fleet of modern coaches, mostly double deckers, all with reclining seats, washroom with toilet, hot and cold drink service, on board video and music, forced-air ventilation and panoramic windows. BNC

return ticket

zpáteční jízdenka/lístek

May I have a return to Birmingham, please? CALD

The traveller also needs an onward or return ticket to a destination outside North America or the Caribbean and must complete a visa waiver form. BNC

The biggest saving will be on the Heathrow-Palma route where a EuroClass Eurobudget return will cost £290 against the current business return ticket which costs £484. BNC