úterý, 16. července 2024, 17.25
Stránky: OpenMoodle
Kurz: Angličtina pro pokročilé (APP)
Slovník: HEALTH

larger than life

velice nadnesený, povznešený, nad poměry všedního dne

In the cameos of street life, certain characters appeared larger than life, as the source of ritualized conflict. (BNC)

He was a huge man, a larger than life character,'; Ufton added. (BNC)

And, though the story kills off the painter, the big draw himself is sure to return larger than life. (BNC)

lay down sb`s life for sb

položit svůj život za někoho

He laid down his life for her. (lingea)

Ray Illingworth was surely not exaggerating when he said that Barrington `;laid down his life for cricket';. (BNC)

I told her that at last I knew what really had happened to my father, her beloved husband, the man who had laid down his life for his country. (BNC)

life after death

posmrtný život

She was asked if she believed there was life after death. (BNC)

Is there life after death for dogs? (BNC)

I don't believe in life after death because I do not believe in our limited concept of time.(BNC)

LIfe goes on

život jde dál

Everybody says sorry and life goes on --; it's that banal. (BNC)

When the shows finish, my life goes on. (BNC)

This is because our movements slowly become stereotyped as life goes on and we tend to move in a way that feels `;right'; to us. (BNC)

live life to the full

žít naplno

Afraid to live life to the full, for fear of injury?(BNC)

 You can `;be alive'; as opposed to `;being dead';; or you can do your best to live life to the full --; putting in and getting out as much as possible. (BNC)

Live life to the full, because tomorrow any one of us could be dead,'; or something like that. (BNC)

live sb`s own life

žít svůj vlastní život, po svém

In Europe terrorist groups were bombing capitalist targets; in London psychologists were saying you had to live your own life in your own way and not according to your family, or you'd go mad. (BNC)

Live your own life --; not your child's. (BNC)

Now that the children have left home I can live my own life again.(CALD)

lose weight


Once you know your daily calorie intake it is easy to adjust it so that you gain or lose weight. (BNC)

 The usual reward for keeping to a diet is in-built; you lose weight! (BNC)

It is necessary, even if you are trying to lose weight, to maintain adequate carbohydrate and fibre levels. (BNC)

loss of appetite

ztráta chutí, nechutenství

Other signs include lethargy and loss of appetite. (BNC)

There may be fever, loss of appetite and weight, and aches and pains in the muscles, joints, and bones. (BNC)

A doctor spoke recently of the many patients who came to him --; mostly men --; complaining of stiff neck, poor sleep, loss of appetite and failing sexual desire. (BNC)