terça-feira, 16 de julho de 2024 às 15:42
Site: OpenMoodle
Disciplina: Angličtina pro pokročilé (APP)
Glossário: SPORT

landing area


The landing area has a protective cover over it that is locked in position and needs to be rolled away by at least two adults. Google

The jump is measured from the nearest break in the landing area made by any part of your body. Google

The landing area should measure not less than 5m long by 3m wide. Google

landing pit


All five accidents in our study that occurred since 1995 took place when an athlete landed on an unpadded hard surface adjacent to the landing pit. Google

Be sure your sand landing pit and long jump runway are clear of debris. Google

There also must be padding on any side of the landing pit that covers any hard and unyielding surfaces under or around the landing pad. Google

lap time

čas zaběhnutý/ujetý v jednom kole

Prost clocked a record qualifying lap time of one minute 21.179 seconds to eclipse the best efforts of team mate Damon Hill, and must now be a warm favourite to seal his fourth world drivers' title with victory tomorrow. BNCB

A proprietary software engine logs 45 separate runs and stores 90 lap times, lap numbers, split times and the fastest lap time. Google

Hakkinen again sets the fastest lap time, improving on his previous best to one minute 39.1 seconds with a 2.9 second lead over Schumacher. Google

last leg

poslední úsek (štafety, závodu); finiš

After Ed Jackson, Brian Stopher and Nick Anderson had put us in 6th position after the third leg Chris Thompson set off on the last leg over a minute off the lead, 49 seconds off a silver medal and 42 seconds off bronze. Google

I felt that he thought I wanted to run the last leg for the glory. BNCB

In addition, the increased strength provided to an athlete through resistance training may give him/her a performance boost during the very last leg of a race where many endurance athletes sprint to the finish line. Google

last man

a) ten, kdo skončil/doběhl na posledním místě

b) poslední člen štafety; finišman

c) hráč na místě posledního, poslední hráč (k překonání); poslední

Yet Martin was 54th, fourth from the last man, one J Gasperoni of the republic of San Marino. BNCB

The Americans lost out on the final changeover as last man Godfrey Herring dropped the baton with Joe Mendel. Google

The offence appeared to take place outside the area so the resultant penalty was a bit harsh, but as Biscan was the last man, he had to go. Google

left wing

levé křídlo

Manager Doug Risebrough announced today that the club has re-signed left wing Antti
Laaksonen. Google

Lahmm chests down a beautiful cross-field ball from Zivkovic on the left wing and attacks Scott Parker. Google

A 25-yard half-volley by Silvio Meissner went over but Chelsea then failed to clear a left-wing cross from Kevin Kuranyi. Google

left(-)wing lock

systém hry s bránícím levým křídlem

Under the left-wing lock, which Detroit made famous and still uses a little bit, the left wing is designated as a defensive player. Google

The left-wing lock was a defensive scheme popularized by coach Scotty Bowman and Detroit in the mid-90s. Google

By the early 1990s, principles of team defence and rigid play-it-safe systems, like the left-wing lock and neutral-zone trap, have taken over the game. Google

line judge (/linesman)

čárový rozhodčí

Situations occur during play in which the line judge has the best view of the ball hitting the floor. Google

After the playing protocol and before the start of the match, each line judge is positioned at one of the four corners of the playing court. Google

After being urged by Spurs to check with his linesman, Dunn stood by his decision, and Sheringham and Freund were booked for protesting. Google

live broadcast

přímý přenos

The Premiership, which had previously sold its live broadcast rights in one block, this year separated the rights into four packages. Google

After one week without official duty Juventus team is prepared for sunday’s match against Modena that will be shown in live broadcast on Calcio Sky at 3pm (Italian time) from Delle Alpi stadium. Google

For those who miss the live broadcast, the game will be shown twice on tape-delay, at midnight on April 11 on WB20 and following Saturday Night Live at 1:00 am. Google

long jump

skok do dálky, skok daleký; dálka

He dabbled in the long jump until the age of twenty-four and then decided to switch to the sprints. BNCB

There were two topclass long jump performances, both from Wirral athletes. BNCB

It was a long jump competition where the athletes did themselves no favours at all by carrying weights. BNCB