Dienstag, 17. September 2024, 17:11
Website: OpenMoodle
Kurs: Angličtina pro pokročilé (APP)

left-wing party

levicová strana

The report says that court investigations established that the security forces were directly responsible for the massacre, which was believed to be directed against supporters of the left-wing party, the Patriotic Union. (BNCI)

A left-wing party outside government had, for some time, been calling for the workers to seize factories and, when they found themselves shut out by the closing of firms by management in the Bosses' strike, the workers were prompted to action They seized firms and, having taken them over, set up a cordón in the area. (BNCI)

After the banning of the CPSU these liberal groups decided to form a new left-wing party based not on a new programme but on the liberal and, in essence, social democratic programme of the CPSU. (BNCI)

legal immigration

legální imigrace

President George Bush on Nov. 29 signed into law an immigration bill designed to raise the limit for legal immigration into the USA from the current 490,000 to 645,000 in each fiscal year until 1994, and to 675,000 annually thereafter.(BNCI)

Legal immigration is a highly regulated and tightly controlled system that serves the national interest. (Google)

In 1995, legal immigration (excluding refugees and asylees) declined in both the U.S. and California. (Google)

life sentence

McMahon hardly considered it would do anything else: `;I sit here in my cell writing this, having served almost nine years of a life sentence for a murder I did not commit…(BNCI)

The growing number of life sentence prisoners has been a considerable problem for the prison service for some years now. (BNCI)

THE house built by Albert Dryden, the man who shot dead a council planning chief in front of television cameras, is being demolished by his own family while he serves a life sentence for murder. (BNCI)

like nobody's business

jedna radost, jedna dvě (velice rychle)

Letters have been pouring in like nobody’s business.(Macmillan English Dictionary)

He was scribbling away like nobody's business.(Cambridge Dictionary)

Her very fair skin tans like nobody's business and produces a myriad of freckles, so she always wears plenty of sunscreen. (Google)

limited company

společnost s ručením omezeným

1. However , the Companies Act 1981 ( now consolidated into the 1985 Act ) permitted greater relief from publication of accounts for small private limited companies.(WASPS)

2. The main advantage of a limited company is that in general only the company and not the individual is liable for the business debts.(BNCI)

3. The principal disadvantage is that a limited company invariably incurs some additional costs. (BNCI)

local election

volby do místních zastupitelstev

 Councils will have to carry out an annual survey of customer satisfaction, published just before local election. (BNCI)

The Liberal Democrats, hoping to build upon their recent local election results, and for a larger split in the Conservative vote, arrived for the count in buoyant mood. (BNCI)

Poor local election results led FDP leaders to believe that an alliance with the CDU was now more desirable and on 17 September they left the coalition. (BNCI)

loss of traditional values

ztráta tradičních hodnot

This is not to belittle the positive effects of modernization, but the loss of traditional values is one of the problems facing indigenous cultures as they attempt assimilation into the modernized world.(BNCI)

The investigation continues, describing how modern consumer culture effects the native people and how it is leading to a loss of traditional values and culture.(BNCI)

Some artists are now addressing issues such as the loss of traditional values and the obsession with money in today's society.(BNCI)

low-tech economy

nemoderní, zastaralá ekonomika

1. Alabama is in a transition from an agrarian and low-tech economy to a manufacturing and high-tech economy. (WebCorp)

2. It is less obvious at first that a series of natural disasters such as forest fires are not simply bad luck; but the agrarian, low-tech economy that shapes Darkover is also being deliberately destroyed.(WebCorp)

3. What has to be done is nothing to do with Marxism, it is a recreation of a highly localised
low-tech economy, which has much in common with traditional society.(WebCorp)

Lower Chamber (GB)

dolní sněmovna, poslanecká sněmovna

When the bill was reconsidered by the House of Representatives on Sept 30, however, the lower chamber voted by only 258 votes to 169 to override. (BNCI)

Democrat members of the House of Representatives on July 11 elected David E. Bonior as Majority Whip, the party's third-ranking leadership position within the lower chamber of the US legislature. (BNCI)

Legislative power is vested in a bicameral Parliament, the lower chamber of which is popularly elected for up to five years.

lull in the fighting

období klidu v boji

1. Bosnian leaders, however, accused the FRY of attempting to deny responsibility for Serb attacks, such as the June 23 shelling which killed at least 14 people in Sarajevo city centre, which was crowded with people after an apparent lull in the fighting.(BNCI)

2.  Likewise, all signatories have taken advantage of a relative lull in the fighting to train new troops and acquire new military hardware.(WebCorp)

3. The end of August showed a lull in the fighting, but it was only because the North Koreans were regrouping for one final, massive assault that they were sure would push the Americans into the sea.(WebCorp)