úterý, 16. července 2024, 20.37
Stránky: OpenMoodle
Kurz: Angličtina pro pokročilé (APP)
Slovník: FAMILY

labour pains

porodní bolesti

Their first baby, who was to cause far more than labour pains, arrived in mid-May 1939. BNC

The nurses topped it up again as soon as they realised but it took time to go through and have any effect so I had about twenty minutes of real labour pains. BNC

As luck would have it, she had no time to build up her fears again, for her labour pains started that very night. BNC

latchkey kid

My dad came home at seven in the evening and my mom only an hour earlier so I was a latchkey kid. CIDI

At what age can a child become a 'latchkey kid'? WebC

I was a pathetic latchkey kid who watched way too much MTV as a child. WebC

lawful wedlock

právoplatné manželství

By the Adoption Act 1958, property of adopter and adoptee is to devolve in all respects as if the adoptee were the child of the adopter, born in lawful wedlock. BNC

Children born in lawful wedlock, or within a competent time afterwards, are presumed to be the issue of the father, and follow his condition. WebC

The status of a person born in lawful wedlock is called legitimacy. WebC

lawfully wedded wife

právoplatná manželka

I Terry do take you Joanne to be my lawfully wedded wife, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better or worse, for richer or poorer in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish till death do us part. WebC

Do you (Groom) take (Bride) to be your lawfully wedded wife? WebC

As the first lawfully wedded wife among the gods, Hera was placed as the proectress of the deity of wives. WebC

leave sb. holding a baby

nechat všechno na kom, hodit všechno na koho

He abandoned the project after a year because he felt that it was going to fail and I was left holding the baby. CIDI

The "big decisions" have been made largely, if not solely, by Shaw during the last five years and they are now left holding a baby which has been thrust on them at a time of crisis. WebC

After a quayside mix-up with the Italian family of his fiancee, sailor Knocker White finds himself left holding a baby. WebC

like a child in a sweet shop

šťastný jako blecha, radostí bez sebe

Give him a room full of old books and he's like a child in a sweetshop. CIDI

It came through a couple of days ago and I was like a child in a sweetshop. WebC

If you are shoe fetishist, or just a lover of good design, you will feel like a child in a sweetshop. WebC

live to a ripe old age

dožít se vysokého/požehnaného věku

Both his grandparents lived to a ripe old age. CIDI

I know we have all heard of cases where someone has smoked sixty cigarettes a day and still lived to a ripe old age --; but is it really worth taking the chance? BNC

As if to make up for the early deaths of her sisters, she lived to a ripe old age, dying in the Almshouses at Dorking on 4 November 1855, aged eighty-seven. BNC

long courtship

dlouhé dvoření, námluvy

Right proposal may need long courtship. WebC

This sometimes happens when a long courtship leads to marriage. WebC

He felt that I was the answer to his prayers for a partner, and we were married after a year-long courtship. WebC

lose one's heart to sb.

zamilovat se do koho

She comes across as beautiful but bland, leaving you to wonder why Hellboy couldn't lose his heart to someone more interesting. WebC

Will the Yankee boy lose his heart to the gentle Confederate woman? WebC

From the moment the Landon begins describing Jamie....well, most readers will know
that this "bad boy" will soon lose his heart to the "good girl." WebC 

love at first sight

láska na první pohled

It was love at first sight for me and Danielle, and as the weeks went by I became more and more besotted. BNC

Favourite fairy tales are the need for spiritual growth, love at first sight, the pull of destiny or meetings in past lives, and we do not realize the primitive level of being in which the bond has its source. BNC

For Marion and Ronald it was love at first sight. BNC

love birds


In the morning room she wound the French clock, the one with love birds entwined on the top of it. BNC

You'd think that having four lovebirds would give you four times the love of just one -right? WebC

Half an hour later she left the two love birds, Maura and Carla in tow. BNC

love child

dítě lásky, nemanželské dítě

He allegedly has a love child in Australia from an affair with a much younger woman. CIDI

A runaway Irish priest and his schoolgirl sweetheart have set up home with their love child. BNC

Was William a love child, kept in the background because of the embarrassment, or were most of the records of his existence obliterated after his untimely death, to give solace to a stern and autocratic murderess? BNC

love match

sňatek z lásky

In your letter you made it quite clear it would be no love match. BNC

Everyone tried to dress it up as a love match but it wasn't. BNC

The whole matter was not so much solved as channelled in another direction by the sudden love match between Mary and her first cousin Henry, whom she described as the "properest and best proportioned long man" she had ever seen. BNC

Love me, love my dog.

Musíš mě milovat takovou, jaká jsem/takového, jaký jsem.

They're also cliquey in a "love me, love my dog" kind of way. WebC

When I met Brad, it was a clear case of love me, love my dog. WebC

"Love me, love my dog," you'll find the poem of its origin in this book. WebC

love of one's life

životní láska

She felt humiliated, sexually worthless and incapable of holding the man she still believes is 'the love of my life'. BNC

The young man then died an unheroic death, riding his motorcycle underneath a lorry in Hammersmith and Vanessa's emotions fed on the tragedy until she was convinced he had been the love of her life. BNC

A smooth, Manhattan music publicist, Ollie has just married the love of his life and has a child on the way. WebC

lover's knot

uzel lásky

I am caught I am tied with a lover's knot, like a fly, caught in your web I could break free. WebC

Just you, just me I'll tie a lover's knot Around wonderful you. WebC

We'll tie a lover's knot, Just say you love me. WebC

Lucky in cards, unlucky in love.

Štěstí ve hře, neštěstí v lásce.

And you know that saying, "Lucky in cards, unlucky in love?" well it is possible to be unlucky in both! WebC

I sat back filing my nails as she played losing my confidence here, Lucky in cards unlucky in love. WebC

"Lucky in cards, unlucky in love" was how Lord Arcenbryght, the worldly scion of the wealthy Malloren family, cynically viewed himself. WebC