tirsdag, 16. juli 2024, 17:01
Portal: OpenMoodle
Kurs: Angličtina pro pokročilé (APP)

lack of rainfall

nedostatek srážek

Lack of rainfall means that they have survived intact for hundreds of years, though they are now being threatened by tourists. BNC

Our perception of the problem is that it comes and goes, according to the availability of the salmon and a lot of them have been trapped in the system because of the lack of rainfall recently. BNC

Already, prolonged droughts and lack of rainfall since the early eighties has diminished harvests. WebCorp

leave sb cold

nechávat někoho chladným

Mary said the book had her in tears, but it left me cold. CIDI

In fact the contemplation of a Roman brick seems to leave me cold, quite cold. BNC

Even wins, such as those in the Colt Cars Classic in Jersey and the Olivetti at Moor Hall, would leave her cold.  BNC 

leave sb high and dry

dostat do bezvýchodné situace, nechat na holičkách

I can't just leave him high and dry either. BNC

The stock market crash left us high and dry with debts of over £200 000. CALD

You have the gut to ask about him after you left him high and dry for Peter six months ago? WebCorp

leave sb out in the cold

nechat bez povšimnutí

Women's football teams feel they are left out in the cold as far as media coverage is concerned. CIDI

The government's transport policy leaves people who do not own cars out in the cold.

Farmers were fed up with a political system that left them out in hte cold and they responded with steps into the political arena. WebCorp

lee shore

závětrné pobřeží

At midday an unseasonal wind began gusting from the east, and our calm anchorage was transformed into a choppy lee shore. BNC

We closed the reef rapidly, approaching a dangerous lee shore with the wind and waves astern.BNC

A nasty cross sea seems to haunt its approach which nearly always brings you beam on to a lee shore and makes steering difficult. BNC

let off steam

vybít se, odreagovat

It's just that he wants to let off steam, and you're the only person he can lose his temper with. BNC

After a long journey, the kids need to run around a bit and let off steam.CIDI

Meetings give people the chance to let off steam if something has been bothering them for a long time.CIDI

let the cat out of the bag

vyžvanit něco

General public was again locked out from the beta, but a posted direct link to the invitation acceptance page may have let the cat out of the bag again. (Google)

Neither of them is prepared to let the cat out of the bag. (Google)

The mayor’s visit was to be kept strictly confidential, but someone must have let the cat out of the bag, because the airport was swarming with reporters. (WebConc)

lightning conductor


Glasgow's first lightning conductor drank the power of creation and waited for more. BNC

Two physicists at the University of Sydney in Australia had a piece of copper tubing, used as a lightning conductor, which had been crushed as the electrical current passed through it. BNC

Franklin had also been invited to advise Glasgow University in the matter of a lightning conductor. BNC

like greased lightning

jako namydlený blesk

He leaped over the tailboard of the lorry like greased lightning. BNC

I mentioned work and he was out of the room like greased lightning. CIDI

I have seen created players such as the shortest, lightest player that can be created, who can run like greased lightning. WebCorp

look on the bright side

dívat se na to z té lepší stránky

Hey, look on the bright side, at least it gives them a head start for their biology GCSEs. BNC

Look on the bright side, you're braver than I was. BNC

She should look on the bright side, she kept trying to tell herself.  BNC

lousy weather

hnusné počasí

What lousy weather!BCN

Then we can spend what's left of the night discussing the lousy weather with them, was the disagreeable reply to this nervous question. BCN

Mother Nature served up some pretty lousy weather during the eight-week break. BCN