terça-feira, 16 de julho de 2024 às 17:35
Site: OpenMoodle
Disciplina: Angličtina pro pokročilé (APP)
Glossário: MEDIA

lack of focus

- rozostřenost

1. Second, this lack of focus not only renders policy less effective, but crucially the absence of clearly stated rules and guidelines introduces great uncertainty for firms. BNC

2. This can lead to a lack of focus in the book, because one is not clear precisely what aspect of Shakespeare's language is being examined. BNC

3. Bekaert concluded that the potential gains in unit costs would be more than offset by losses in terms of lack of focus on customer service needs. BNC

lack of respect

- nedostatek úcty, vážnosti

1. Many Western projects and programs have failed because of their basic lack of respect for the dignity of others and the tired assumption that the West always knows best. Wasps

2. The result of lack of respect for authority can be seen in higher, and ever increasing, crime rates, in increased drug use and sexual promiscuity. BNC

3. They disliked his aggression, his finesse, his lack of respect for tradition, his obsession with media coverage. BNC

latest news

- poslední zprávy

1. We'll also be going live to Malvern for the latest news from the scene. BNC

2. Finally, we would like to keep you informed about our work by sending you our latest news every quarter. BNC

3. And the latest news on the travellers movements is that a convoy is still moving along the A-forty-six between Cheltenham and Stroud. BNC

launch a publicity campaign

- zahájit/spustit reklamní kampaň

1. The Government has launched a £1.25 million publicity campaign with TV and radio adverts. BNC

2. Undeterred, Barnes launched an extensive publicity campaign amongst members. Wasps

3. So in an attempt to make sure New Release doesn't go unnoticed Three Choirs is launching it's own publicity campaign. BNC

lead story

- hlavní zpráva v novinách

1. It was also given in-depth coverage on television and radio that evening, with News at Ten running it as the lead story in the first half of the programme and coming back to it again in the second. BNC

2. Blumler shows that, since televising, the main news programmes have included an average of about 2.6 parliamentary stories a day, and that on half of these days one of these has been the lead story. BNC

3. The candidates had been asked to supply a dummy paper with a lead story and some idea of content. BNC

leading article

- úvodník

1. Now the Times has never asked me to write a leading article announcing that I have some doubts about the quantum theory. BNC

2. Could you tell the difference between that and the leading article from the Sun?  BNC

3. Your leading article on the ivory trade (10 October) was a bitter blow to all who have the interest of the African elephant at heart. BNC

leaf through

- prolistovat

1. I write about Agnes, I try to imagine her, I let her sit on a bench in the sauna, walk around Paris, leaf through a magazine, talk with her husband, but the thing that started it all, the gesture of a woman waving to a lifeguard by the side of a pool, it must seem as if I had forgotten that. BNC

2. Otherwise, I'd suggest you leaf through the many shareware suppliers' adverts and examine their offerings. BNC

3. His favourite pastime of an evening was to leaf through historical albums, studying portraits of the men who had made their mark on Europe during the past half-century. BNC

learn all the essentials

- dozvědět se vše podstatné

1. Learn all the essentials of success in this highly competitive field. WebC

2. Learn all the essentials of database administration with this interactive, easy-to-use CD!Database. WebC 

3. Learn all the essentials of email security,s o your company can better defend against today's thread and prepare for tomorrow's emerging risks. WebC

leave out

- vynechat, vynechávat

1. The minister, Mr Nicholas Ridley, had to leave out the expected bill because of the Government's heavy legislative programme. BNC

2. I know that the winding-up speeches have to start soon, so I shall be brief and leave out much of what I wanted to say. BNC

3. Leave out obscure remarks, jargon, and private jokes, otherwise you'll have to keep explaining them to people all evening. BNC

libellous article

- nactiutrhačný, hanlivý článek

1. The witness agreed  it had always been conceded that certain words in the first alleged libellous article were untrue. TDA

2. The arrest of Yomiuri Shimbun reporter on Thursday night in connexion with an allegedly libellous article appearing earlier this month has provoked dignified protests from the Japan newspapers. TDA

3. It was exactly the same sort of position as the writer of a libellous article and the printer and the publisher of the newspaper in which the article appeared. TDA

licence fee

- koncesionářský poplatek (za rozhlas, televizi)

1. The licence fee remains the best way of financing the BBC and preserving its independence. BNC

2. Broadcasting is regarded as a public service, and in many countries the difficult task of collecting the licence fee has been dropped. BNC

3. The real value of the licence fee has grown at a relatively slow pace and has never quite caught up with the rate of inflation. BNC

live broadcast

- přímý přenos, živé vysílání

1. Opponents loudly jeered and barracked Premadasa when he addressed the opening parliamentary session on Sept. 24, causing the state-run radio to suspend its live broadcast transmission. BNC

2. It looked a shambles on the live broadcast, but by the evening showing it had been cleaned up thanks to some additional mobile camera coverage. BNC

3. ITV, paying £25,000 compared with £200,000 for a live broadcast, was accused earlier this week of acting outside the spirit of its £44 million contract with the League. BNC

live transmission

- živé vysílání

1. Every month there is a live transmission of a church service. BNC

2. Radio stations have promised live transmission from the tiny graveyard at midnight, and local police have been mobilised to keep order among sightseers. BNC

3. Drama had been immeasurably improved by escaping the demands of live transmission when actors had to rush from one scene to the next. BNC

liven up

- oživit

1. Rod Stewart could liven up EastEnders, Princess Margaret (who has already appeared in The Archers) could add some class to Eldorado and Kenneth Branagh could make Ken Barlow feel inferior in Coronation Street. BNC

2. Plugged into your stereo, the lighting effect, which is multi-coloured and does pulsate, is fun in a dark room, especially when there's a lot of bass, and might liven up a party. BNC

3. A good sound board, for example, will really liven up your games and multimedia applications. BNC

log in/on

- přihlásit se, „zalogovat se“ (do systému)

1. Note, users must log out and log in again for the new quotas to take effect. BNC

2. You can then log in every night and read/send messages. BNC

3. Creating a technical structure that allows for a pan-authority electronic mail service is usually as problematic as building the trust and confidence that will allow staff to communicate and make decisions using such a system; let alone remember to log in each day. BNC

log out/off

- odhlásit se, „odlogovat se“ (ze systému)

1. Right, okay we'll leave it there, if you just press the escape key and then work your way out of Microfit towards the action menu, exit from Microfit and don't forget to log out of the network. BNC

2. Submit the package to user QA APPROVER, using Option 1.5.1. and log out. BNC

3. If you have time available, try to get users to log out of the system before shutting it down. BNC