terça-feira, 16 de julho de 2024 às 17:55
Site: OpenMoodle
Disciplina: Angličtina pro pokročilé (APP)
Glossário: FOOD

land flowing with milk and honey

země oplývající mlékem a strdím

She had always longed to travel to the United States and to see what she imagined as the land of milk and honey. (Oxford Idioms)

land of cakes


And I would like to make another quote if I may, he was the one that talked about Scotland being the land of cakes, and brother Scots, where the women made the cakes but he's only addressing the brother Scots. BNC

lard, vb; lard, n.

špikovat, prošpikovat; vepřové sádlo, špek

larding needle

špikovací jehla

layer cake

dort s krémem, též přeneseně 

Miss Pinkney's was a chocolate layer cake with cherries, angelica leaves, and pink sugar roses on it. BNC

For a party, a layer cake can be iced and decorated to fit the occasion, or according to your political persuasion. BNC

In place of the "layer cake" of eight allied army corps lined up along what used to be West Germany's eastern border, there will be maybe half as many. BNC

lemon rind

lemoncitronová kůra

like a dose of salt

v cuku letu

like a knife through butter

jako po másle

It went through the metal door like a knife through butter. (Oxford Idioms) 

like shooting fish in a barrel

snadné jako facka

What do you mean you can't do it? It'll be like shooting fish in a barrel! (Oxford Idioms)

like taking candy from a baby

snadné jako facka

I thought it was going to be difficult to get funding for the project, but in the end it was like taking candy from a baby. (Oxford Idioms)

Like the cat that got, stole, etc. the cream

šťastný jako blecha

Ever since she won that prize, she's been like a cat that ate the cream. (Oford Idioms)

lotus eaters


The people who live in this small rich country are lotus eaters —they think only of amusing themselves and have no interest in the problems of the rest of the world. (Longman)

Before doing so, however, it is necessary to look at that sector of the economy which, according to some, harbours the lotus eaters of post-war Britain, namely, services. BNC

lunch hour

hodina na oběd, přestávka na oběd

I returned the folders to Mellowes during the lunch hour with a note explaining that union instructions prevented my undertaking the work. BNC

Walk for fifteen minutes each lunch hour. BNC

The lunch hour is like a time warp--give or take a few price increases. BNC

luncheon voucher

poukázka na oběd, stravenka

I believe the luncheon voucher approach is misguided. BNC

The Luncheon Voucher trophy goes to Mrs Cynthia Payne for the card she has sent to, among others, Jean Rook, the First Lady of Fleet Street. BNC

The Luncheon Voucher trophy goes to Mrs Cynthia Payne for the card she has sent to, among others, Jean Rook, the First Lady of Fleet Street. BNC