mardi 16 juillet 2024, 15:25
Site: OpenMoodle
Cours: Angličtina pro pokročilé (APP)

red-light district

čtvrť nevěstinců a prostitutek

1. She ran a restaurant in a red light district in Paris. WebC

2. We had limited resources, staying in a run-down hotel in a red light district, living off of saltines and peanut butter. WebC

3. With Viagra they can spend the whole night in a red light district. WebC

reference library

příruční knihovna

1. The lending in a reference library is always an exception. WebC

2. Manuals can be accessed in a reference library. WebC

3. Did it end up in a reference library or is it still in private hands? WebC

request stop

zastávka na znamení

1. After about half a mile, the tramline left the canal at Shepherd's Cottage - another request stop. WebC

2. There are two kinds of bus stop: a compulsory stop, which has a white background; and a request stop, which has a red background. WebC

3. From Brixton it is the request stop just after the Catholic Church. WebC

retain its character

uchovat si svůj charakter

1. Throughout the first decade of the twentieth century, Hamilton Heights retained its character as small-scale residential district. WebC

2. There is no denying that despite years of neglect, this place has retained its character and charm. WebC

3. St Peter’s has retained its character as a little village church despite its site near the city centre. WebC

retire to the castle

uchýlit se na hrad

1. So they marry and retire to the castle, to live happily ever after in their kingdom. WebC

2. They recognize him immediately, and retire to the castle to celebrate their reunion. WebC

3. He was deposed by the State and was obliged to leave Breslau and retire to the castle of Johannisberg. WebC

road map

silniční mapa

1. For example, a road map may or may not show railroads, and if it does, it may show them less clearly than highways. WebC

2. There's not just a lack of a road map for people to follow, there's no road. WebC

3. Here we provide a road map of Scotland within the UK, a map showing all direct flights to Aberdeen, and a detailed road map of this region of Scotland. WebC

rolling country

zvlněná, mírně kopcovitá krajina

1. The Australian Capital Territory comprises open, rolling country - valleys and plains - that grade gently to low hills to the south and west. WebC

2. The Ribstones lie at the top of a hill, in the rolling country between Viking and Wainwright. WebC

3. Its rolling country roads and picturesque villages, compared to other regions, are quiet, even at their busiest times. WebC

rose window

růžicové, rozetové okno

1. One fine example involves the north rose window of Chartres Cathedral. WebC

2. The great rose window is located in the west wall of the chapel. WebC

3. Agnes Cathedral's rose window located over the main entrance is made up of multiple sections framed in stone tracery. WebC