Dienstag, 16. Juli 2024, 16:39
Website: OpenMoodle
Kurs: Angličtina pro pokročilé (APP)
Glossar: HEALTH

recharge sb`s batteries

dobít si baterky, načerpat novou energii, znovu nabrat síly

A week away would give you time to rest and recharge your batteries.(CIDI)

She took a trip to the South of France to recharge her batteries.(CALD)

Wright replies that built into her schedule will be visits to a favourite retreat house in Edinburgh;to recharge my batteries. (BNC)

remain in hospital

zůstat v nemocnici

He will have to remain in hospital for a week. (Lingea)

How long do older people remain in hospital? (BNC)

She is expected to make a full recovery but will remain in hospital for at least two weeks. (BNC)

rule your life

ovládat něčí život

Don`t let drugs rule your life. (Lingea)

It is you, having shut the door on your fears which have hitherto ruled your life, who can open a new door. (BNC)

But it's silly to let a baby rule your life ain't it? (BNC)

run/be running/have a (slight/high) temperature -

mít teplotu, horečku

Clare was fired for turning up late after she had to wait for a doctor because Josh had a temperature. (BNC)

 Harvey said he still had a temperature and must have something to eat before he went to bed. (BNC)

By lunchtime she was distinctly unwell and the school nurse told her she had a temperature and sent her home. (BNC)