tirsdag, 16. juli 2024, 17:38
Portal: OpenMoodle
Kurs: Angličtina pro pokročilé (APP)
Ordbok: HOME

raise the roof

dělat velký hluk, být hlučný

You can choose between a vast selection of bars, all with English or English speaking staff, and take your pick out of the 6 or 7 nightclubs that raise the roof until the small hours. (BNC)

Dolly wanted to scream, to raise the roof and to wake Joe. (BNC)

There will be a great variety but over the day some carols may be repeated because we want to make sure we have enough truly popular ones so people can sing along and raise the roof. (BNC)

reclining chair

křeslo s nastavitelným opěradlem

She lowered herself carefully into her reclining chair. (BNC)

Hastily Stevens laid down his book on Third World debt and straightened his reclining chair. (BNC)

She read it through and then sat for a long time on the white strips of the reclining chair in which she had first seen Signor Fixit. (BNC)

red-carpet treatment

velice speciální zacházení; královské zacházení

Why're they getting the red-carpet treatment? (BNC)

I love to go to fancy stores where I get the red-carpet treatment. (Google)

The queen expects to get the red-carpet treatment wherever she goes. (Google)

remote control - dálkové ovládání

1. Design a remote control with as many buttons as there are channels on TV. (Google)

2. Beo5 – the universal programmable remote control with LCD touch sensitive screen. (Google)

3. It is entirely possible to create a basic TV Remote Control using lists and CSS. (Google)

rocking chair

houpací židle/křeslo

There are no easy chairs, save for a single wooden rocking chair; no cushions, save for three ornamental ones in a corner. (BNC)

In a rocking chair stood a brilliantly coloured cockerel and his pure white wife. (BNC)

It was a rocking chair, its weight shifting from the person in it. (BNC)

rolling pin - váleček na těsto

1. Make rolling easier and more effective by choosing a heavy rolling pin. (Google)

2. With this rolling pin, preparing homemade pastry dough is practically foolproof – even if it's your first time. (Google)

3. This smooth, sturdy, stoneware rolling pin with red wooden handles is both a decorative and a functional kitchen tool. (Google)