mardi 16 juillet 2024, 13:21
Site: OpenMoodle
Cours: Angličtina pro pokročilé (APP)
Glossaire: WORK & LEISURE


used to request reply: used on an invitation to request a response to it

[Abbreviation of French répondez s'il vous plaît]


ramifications - následky

How much does a World Series appearance mean to a team’s bottom line. Boston Red Sox executives discuss the financial ramifications.

reach an agreement

uzavřít dohodu

European Parliament and Council reach an agreement on spatial information directive

recharge one´s batteries

načerpať energiu

1. Lazy people develop great cunning in ways of getting by without working . Staying in bed was recharging one's batteries. WASPS

2. He had explained how important it was to recharge his batteries. WASPS

3. Ten days and more of women 's films is a good way of recharging one 's batteries , and women thinking of going to next year 's Festival might like to know that the organisers will arrange the accommodation. WASPS

red tape

byrokratické prekážky, byrokracia

1. Many blame Britain's decline on too much red tape. BNC

2. But the underlying purpose, that of reducing unnecessary bureaucracy, stripping away the red tape which hinders enterprise and good er governance in this country, is something that the government is very committed to and we intend to promulgate that doctrine throughout all the areas and that of course is being taken forward in legislation. BNC

3. Sometimes red tape cuts the advantage that efficient foreigners should have; this is the plight of financial and legal firms. BNC


vrácení peněz na zboží

Register of Companies

obchodní rejstřík

The information available here is an extract from the Register of Companies and Register of Disqualified Directors, which are updated regularly.

reimbursement of expenses

proplacení nákladů


- the insuring of risk by one insurance company with another - to reinsure v.



Generous relocation allowances will be paid to those who relocate to China.

repetitive work

stereotypná, rutinná práca

1. She works in a factory, hard, repetitive work. BNC

2. These costs were attributed to job dissatisfaction caused by boring, repetitive work. BNC

3. Nevertheless technology now provides the possibility of allocating high energy and repetitive work to machines so that the typical man at work is in a supervising rather than an operating mode. BNC

rest on one`s laurels

zaspa+t na vavrínoch

1. A good start, boys, but don't rest on your laurels. BNC

2. You can never rest on your laurels. BNC

3. Just because you passed all your exams, that`s no reason to rest on your laurels. BNC

retail price

retail - selling to the final customer, MALOOBCHODNÍ CENA (opposite - wholesale price)
"The retail price is 150 euros, but you can buy it for less if you bargain."

right hand man/woman

pomocník, "pravá ruka"

1. Youth team coach Ray Hankin takes over as manager until the end of the season, with veteran midfield player Mick Tait acting as his right hand man. BNC

2. Kim Parsons, office administration manager, is David's right hand woman. BNC

3. How will the Director cope without his right-hand man, who resigned yesterday due to ill health? CIDoI


veľmi úspešný

1. If the play is half as funny as the book it will be a rip-roaring affair. BNC

2. But the hero of a rip-roaring derby match was Sunderland goalkeeper Tony Norman, who made two incredible second half saves to keep Boro at bay. BNC

3. The show was a rip-roaring success. CIDoI