Dienstag, 16. Juli 2024, 15:53
Website: OpenMoodle
Kurs: Angličtina pro pokročilé (APP)
Glossar: TRAVEL

road sign

dopravní značka, ukazatel

The car's headlights picked out a road sign and she swung slowly left on to the narrow lane indicated. BNC

Two people were taken to hospital with cuts and facial bruises after the car they were travelling in smashed into a road sign on the A1 western bypass at Lobley Hill, Gateshead, yesterday. BNC

The conclusion given in both the Johansson studies was simply that the probability of a driver actually detecting a road sign is extremely low, but that some signs are more likely to be detected than others. BNC

road worker


It was a grim reminder of the moment he knocked down and killed road worker Kevin Lawlor earlier this year. BNC

The Iowa Department of Transportation has launched a new public awareness campaign to improve motorist and road worker safety in road work zones. WebC

A county road worker died when a tow rope connection broke loose and struck him in the head. WebC

road works

práce na silnici, oprava silnic

In all of that time on the continent we did not encounter one set of road works, one traffic jam or one police car. BNC

Road works on the A167 Darlington to Durham road will cause traffic disruption tomorrow. BNC

Obviously the times shown are approximate since journey times can vary due to a number of reasons e.g. weather, road works, traffic, etc. BNC

roof rack

nosič, zahrádka na střeše auta

Stacked on the floor around their legs was all the luggage that wouldn't fit on the roof rack. BNC

 He fixed the last lamp-holder to the roof rack and inspected his wiring. BNC

The tower can be used indoors and out, and the lightweight system can be transported on a car roof rack, and is also easy to store. BNC

rough sea

neklidné moře

 The yacht was unable to make any headway five miles south west of Black Head and the Coastguard reported the weather conditions in the area as poor, with strong winds and a rough sea. BNC

Then one wild, dark night with a rough sea, he disappeared and was seen no more. BNC

Unfortunately, the London's pilot was fatally wounded, but his co-pilot managed to alight in a very rough sea. BNC

round trip

okružní jízda

The old locomotives of the Bluebell railway will take you through woods and green fields on a round trip starting from Sheffield Park. BNC

The tour will be a round trip starting from Kidderminster with a break at Bridgnorth for refreshments and participants may also take part in a tour of the loco sheds. BNC

The rest of the day is spent on a round trip of Lake Zell, before returning to Kaprun and the hotel. BNC

rowing boat

veslový člun, veslice

Given a 4 mile stretch of placid water above a lock, a round trip in a 4 mph rowing boat will take 2 hours. BNC

A man stranded on a desert island builds a rowing boat and sets out for the nearest land. BNC

Today it is possible to explore the meandering River Steeping by hiring a rowing boat or canoe from a wharf near the railway station. BNC

run a hotel

provozovat hotel

If you work in Ibis you get to learn all aspects of what it takes to run a hotel. WebC

The Chapman family who have run the hotel for the past 40 years have kept the decor in keeping with the atmosphere the building creates. BNC

Two friendly, hospitable brothers own and run the Hotel Gallini and regard both the hotel and their guests with great affection. BNC

run out of petrol

spotřebovat benzín, nemít už žádný benzín

The pair, who made the return journey last weekend in 27 hours travelling across France by freight train, say their biggest fear was that they might run out of petrol.  BNC

We ran out of petrol in the middle of nowhere. MED

They ran out of petrol some miles from their destination, fortunately near to some houses whose occupants came to their rescue. BNC

rush hour

dopravní špička

In Los Angeles workers joke that the rush hour begins at 5.30am and goes on to 8.30pm. BNC

At the height of the rush hour, when the streets were at their very busiest, two terrorist bombs exploded bringing the city of Manchester to a standstill and injuring 64 innocent people. BNC

As the traffic thickened towards the rush hour it got easier, but more boring, to stay fairly close behind him. BNC